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  1. Does anybody know any good aplication that is free, to back up a website? i need to back it up every day. Or does someone have the php script for the same purpose? Thx!
  2. Hmmm, in my csv file, that ive uploaded here, it is "ČUVARI" :S In screenshot everything is ok.hmmm...well, ive managet to get it working, changed codingin csv file by opening it with notepad->save as-> and then just changed the coding to UTF-8. And then everything is ok, just words that have first letter as ĆČŠŽĐ dont show only the first letter. For example ČUVARI is echoed like UVARI, and then i just created if statement and if i have UVARI then i echo ČUVARI, and its ok.
  3. Hmmm, i use dreamweaver, and i put my php file to server and my web page shows results without thiese signs...Here you have EUVARI BAŠTINE, i need to have ČUVARI BAŠTINE. ive find some sort of solution, ive opened csv file with notepad->save as that same file, but the coding was ASCII so i changed it to UTF-8 and save. Now alomost everything works good, the only thing thats not good are strings that have first letter ČŽŠĆĐ, then the first letter is cut off
  4. here are my files, i really need help http://www.mediafire.com/?cg865z8ql4c7gnc
  5. i tried ut8_decode but no luck. In my original .csv file all the letters are normal, i see ČŽŠ and all other lettters. i have <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> set in my file. i dunno, cant get it working, ive tried alot of combinations
  6. Hmmm can you please put that in my code so that is working properly? please, im a real newbie, i would apriciate the help
  7. I have one problem...When i read from .csv file, i dont have Characters like Č,Ž,Š...Instead, its blank or some wierd characters...How to fix that? This is my code, everything works good, except for that : <?PHP $today = date("d"."."."m"."."."Y"); $file_handle = 1; $file_handle = fopen("1-ponedjeljak.csv", "r"); while (!feof($file_handle) ) { $line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td width=70>".$line_of_text[1]."</td>"; $line_of_text[2] = mb_convert_encoding($line_of_text[2], 'UTF-8'); /*---> ive tried here but i doesnt work */ if($line_of_text[2]=="BONANZA"){ echo "<td width=700>"."<a href=\"bonanza.html?keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=550&width=672\" class=\"thickbox\">BONANZA</a>"."</td>"; } else { echo "<td width=700>".$line_of_text[2]." - ".$line_of_text[3]."</td>"; } echo "<td width=90>".$line_of_text[4]."</td>"; echo "<td width=70>".$line_of_text[5]."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } fclose($file_handle); ?>
  8. well, i would appreciate the code for it, for reading the parts that i mentioned above
  9. Well, im a n00b for php, and what i need is a php script which will read data from .xml file and write it into .txt file. Can someone help me? Example of .xml file : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <tv generator-info-name="NeTXMLTV/" source-info-url="http://www.net-tv.hr/" source-info-name="NeT TV XMLTV" source-data-url="http://www.net-tv.hr/xmltv/net-pregled-programa-xmltv.xml"> <programme channel="NeT TV" start="20110413063000 +0200" stop="20110413080000 +0200"> <title lang="hr">JUTARNJI EXPRESS</title> <category lang="hr">glazbeno-informativni program</category> <desc lang="hr">Glazbeno informativna emisija sa servisnim informacijama i jutarnjim temperaturama, idealna za jutarnje buđenje uz toplu kavu ili čaj....</desc> </programme> </tv> I need the .txt file to look like this: 201104130630 - 201104130800 JUTARNJI EXPRESS glazbeno-informativni program Glazbeno informativna emisija sa servisnim informacijama i jutarnjim temperaturama, idealna za jutarnje buđenje uz toplu kavu ili čaj.... Can someone please help me? Thx
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