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Everything posted by belthazor

  1. I Solved the probleem thanks any way
  2. Oke, I want to make a page where i can add items in to mysql with a form. but i use render function and it makes the script alitle harder normally with out the render it works perfect but with it, it dont work. so i made a index.php <?php //include_once ('content_add.class.php'); include_once 'admin_add.class.php'; include_once 'product_info.class.php'; include_once ('content_home.class.php'); include_once ('content_products.class.php'); include_once ('content_cart.class.php'); include_once ('content_contact.class.php'); include_once ('html_page.class.php'); // Create new HtmlPage to display content in browser // Declarartion, set properties for HtmlPage object $htmlpage = new HtmlPage(); $htmlpage->setMetaDescription("Webpage for First database OO in PHP"); $htmlpage->setMetaKeywords("php, object orientend, database"); $htmlpage->setCssFile("css/style.css"); $htmlpage->setFavicon("images/favicon.ico"); $htmlpage->setScriptFile(""); // Set content to the body of the HtmlPage object $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentHome()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Homepage - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Home Page"); $htmlpage->setFooterPart("Copyright 2011 by The Movies"); $htmlpage->setMenuPart("<ul> <li><a href='index.php?page=home' >Home</a><br /></li> <li><a href='index.php?page=producten' >Producten</a><br /></li> <li><a href='index.php?page=cart' >Winkel Mandje</a><br /></li> <li><a href='index.php?page=login' >Login</a><br /></li> <li><a href='index.php?page=deleteID' >Delete Item</a><br /></li> <li><a href='index.php?page=addID' >Add Item</a><br /></li> <li><a href='index.php?page=contact' >Contact</a><br /></li> </ul>"); // Process page specifications if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { //Create contentPage for link site if($_GET['page'] == "producten") { // Set ContentPart for contentperson $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentItems()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Personpage - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Person Page"); $htmlpage->setScriptFile("js/sorteble.js"); } if($_GET['page'] == "cart") { // Set ContentPart for contentperson $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentCart()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Winkel Mandje - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Winkel Mandje"); if($_GET['action'] == "add") { // Set ContentPart for contentperson $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentCart()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Winkel Mandje - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Winkel Mandje"); } if($_GET['action'] == "remove") { // Set ContentPart for contentperson $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentCart()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Winkel Mandje - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Winkel Mandje"); } if($_GET['action'] == "empty") { // Set ContentPart for contentperson $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentCart()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Winkel Mandje - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Winkel Mandje"); } } if($_GET['page'] == "id") { // Set ContentPart for contentperson $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentDeleteItem()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Contactpage - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Contact Page"); } if ($_GET['page'] == 'addID') { $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentAddItem()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Add item - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Add Page"); } } // Send and show HtmlPage object to the browser $htmlpage->render(); ?> So when i to localhost:10088/shop it auto lead me to my home and the link becomes like this localhost:10088/shop/index.php?page=home now i want to add another content page that is called addID so when i to go to that page i shuld make the link like this localhost:10088/shop/index.php?page=addID and it works fine. Now comes the crap part the content of page addID is this admin_add.class.php <?php include_once ('bodypart.class.php'); include_once 'sqlhandler.class.php'; class ContentAddItem extends BodyPart { public function render() { // html variabelen ophalen $sTitel = $_POST['titel']; $sPrijs = $_POST['prijs']; $sKorte_text = $_POST['korte_text']; $sLange_text = $_POST['lange_text']; $sBesteld = $_POST['besteld']; $sFoto = $_POST['foto']; $sSpecial_offer = $_POST['special_offer']; $sType = $_POST['type']; require "cgi-bin/connector.php"; // sql insert die je in de database gaat doen $sql =("INSERT INTO product (id, titel, prijs, korte_text, lange_text, besteld, foto, special_offer, type) VALUES ('','".$sTitel."', '".$sPrijs."', '".$sKorte_text."', '".$sLange_text."', '".$sBesteld."', '".$sFoto."', '".$sSpecial_offer."', '".$sType."')"); //uitvoeren van de query : $adddata = $sqlConnection->executeQuery($sql); $result .= "<form action=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]\" method=\"POST\"> Titel:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"titel\"><br /><br /> Prijs:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"prijs\"><br /><br /> Korte_text:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"korte_text\"><br /><br /> Lange_text:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"lange_text\"><br /><br /> Besteld:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"besteld\"><br /><br /> Foto:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"foto\"><br /><br /> Special_offer:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"special_offer\"><br /><br /> Type:<br /><br /> <input id=\"movie\" type=\"radio\" name=\"Type\" value=\"movie\" checked /><label for=\"movie\">Movie</label><br /> <input id=\"audio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"Type\" value=\"audio\" /><label for=\"audio\">Audio</label><br /> <input id=\"book\" type=\"radio\" name=\"Type\" value=\"book\" checked /><label for=\"book\">Book</label><br /> <input type =\"hidden\" name\"page\" value=\"addID\"> <input type =\"submit\" value=\"verzenden\"> </form>"; $result .= "<br>"; $result .= "<br>"; $result .= "<br>"; return $result; } } ?> So when i visit localhost:10088/shop/index.php?page=addID it shows me the form see attach picture and when i fill in the form with my info and press Submit it brings me back to localhost:10088/shop/index.php and the info in the form are not stored in mysql. When i dont use my index.php?page=blabal function it works perfect see down. Test1.php the form <html> <body> <form action="test2.php" method="post"> Titel:<br /> <input type="text" name="titel"><br /><br /> Prijs:<br /> <input type="text" name="prijs"><br /><br /> Korte_text:<br /> <input type="text" name="korte_text"><br /><br /> Lange_text:<br /> <input type="text" name="lange_text"><br /><br /> Besteld:<br /> <input type="text" name="besteld"><br /><br /> Foto:<br /> <input type="text" name="foto"><br /><br /> Special_offer:<br /> <input type="text" name="special_offer"><br /><br /> <input type ="submit" value="verzenden"> </form> </body> </html> Test2.php the script <?php // html variabelen ophalen $sTitel = $_POST['titel']; $sPrijs = $_POST['prijs']; $sKorte_text = $_POST['korte_text']; $sLange_text = $_POST['lange_text']; $sBesteld = $_POST['besteld']; $sFoto = $_POST['foto']; $sSpecial_offer = $_POST['special_offer']; $sType = $_POST['type']; mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); $checkDB = "Connected to MySQL<br />"; mysql_select_db("shop") or die(mysql_error()); $checkDB += "Connected to Database<br>"; // sql insert die je in de database gaat doen $sql =("INSERT INTO product (titel, prijs, korte_text, lange_text, besteld, foto, special_offer) VALUES ('".$sTitel."', '".$sPrijs."', '".$sKorte_text."', '".$sLange_text."', '".$sBesteld."', '".$sFoto."', '".$sSpecial_offer."')"); //uitvoeren van de query : $data = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); echo "Worked"; ?> [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. the get method on the index is just to show the index.php?page=addID and the post method is to post the form info in to mysql so i need to add both? get and post? sorry but i am new to php this is a school project and i spended like 3 days on this and still i cant make it work
  4. so what shell i type there? $_SERVER[php_SELF] ? i tryed that it did't worked
  5. Hello Guys, I am new to the forum and i would be greatfull if any one can help me with this script. The Script is supposed to fill that info in to mysql. The problem is when i fil the form and i click Submit then it show me my home page it shuld show localhost/index.php?page=addID but it bring me back to localhost/index.php?page=home Index.php <?php include_once 'Login.php'; include_once 'admin_add.class.php'; include_once ('content_home.class.php'); include_once ('html_page.class.php'); // Create new HtmlPage to display content in browser // Declarartion, set properties for HtmlPage object $htmlpage = new HtmlPage(); $htmlpage->setMetaDescription("Webpage for First database OO in PHP"); $htmlpage->setMetaKeywords("php, object orientend, database"); $htmlpage->setCssFile("css/style.css"); $htmlpage->setFavicon("images/favicon.ico"); // Set content to the body of the HtmlPage object $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentHome()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Homepage - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Home Page"); $htmlpage->setFooterPart("Copyright 2011 by The Movies"); $htmlpage->setMenuPart("<ul> <li><a href='index.php?page=home' class='mainlevel'>Home</a><br /></li> <li><a href='index.php?page=addID' class='mainlevel'>Add Item</a><br /></li> </ul>"); // Process page specifications if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { if ($_GET['page'] == 'addID') { $htmlpage->setContentPart(new ContentAddItem()); $htmlpage->setTitle("Add item - Database OO PHP"); $htmlpage->setHeaderPart("Add Page"); } } Admin Add Items admin_add.class.php <?php include_once ('bodypart.class.php'); include_once 'sqlhandler.class.php'; class ContentAddItem extends BodyPart { public function render() { // html variabelen ophalen $sTitel = $_POST['titel']; $sPrijs = $_POST['prijs']; $sKorte_text = $_POST['korte_text']; $sLange_text = $_POST['lange_text']; $sBesteld = $_POST['besteld']; $sFoto = $_POST['foto']; $sSpecial_offer = $_POST['special_offer']; $sType = $_POST['type']; require "cgi-bin/connector.php"; // sql insert die je in de database gaat doen $sql =("INSERT INTO product (id, titel, prijs, korte_text, lange_text, besteld, foto, special_offer, type) VALUES ('','".$sTitel."', '".$sPrijs."', '".$sKorte_text."', '".$sLange_text."', '".$sBesteld."', '".$sFoto."', '".$sSpecial_offer."', '".$sType."')"); //uitvoeren van de query : $adddata = $sqlConnection->executeQuery($sql); $result .= "<form action=\"index.php?page=addID\" method=\"POST\"> Titel:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"titel\"><br /><br /> Prijs:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"prijs\"><br /><br /> Korte_text:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"korte_text\"><br /><br /> Lange_text:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"lange_text\"><br /><br /> Besteld:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"besteld\"><br /><br /> Foto:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"foto\"><br /><br /> Special_offer:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"special_offer\"><br /><br /> Type:<br /><br /> <input id=\"movie\" type=\"radio\" name=\"Type\" value=\"movie\" checked /><label for=\"movie\">Movie</label><br /> <input id=\"audio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"Type\" value=\"audio\" /><label for=\"audio\">Audio</label><br /> <input id=\"book\" type=\"radio\" name=\"Type\" value=\"book\" checked /><label for=\"book\">Book</label><br /> <input type =\"submit\" value=\"verzenden\"> </form>"; $result .= "<br>"; $result .= "<br>"; $result .= "<br>"; return $result; } } ?> Thanks in advanced
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