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Everything posted by karker

  1. karker


    it is 24.php everything codes here function redirect($url){ if (!headers_sent()){ header('Location: '.$url); exit; }else{ echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo 'window.location.href="'.$url.'";'; echo '</script>'; echo '<noscript>'; echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url='.$url.'" />'; echo '</noscript>'; exit; } } redirect($url); Why do you think the routing does not work ??
  2. $sayi = $_GET['islem']+1; $url = '24.php?islem='.$sayi.''; function redirect($url){ if (!headers_sent()){ header('Location: '.$url); exit; }else{ echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo 'window.location.href="'.$url.'";'; echo '</script>'; echo '<noscript>'; echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url='.$url.'" />'; echo '</noscript>'; exit; } } redirect($url); Why do you think the routing does not work ??
  3. i am dont give any error i want 7 record to myql in for loop ! it is being only 1 record to mysql what is the wrong word in this sentence
  4. tom my English may be less but my query is only 1 record in the loop I have to loop from 1 to 7 indicated that for($q=1;$q<=7;$q++) Why not register 7 with for loop if uoı know the answer this question pls share it is ok ?
  5. for($q=1;$q<=7;$q++) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO cud_uyelik (`nickname`, `sifresi`, `isim`, `cinsiyet`, `sexsual_tercih`, `resim`, `sehir`, `d_tarih`, `meslek`, `medeni_durum`, `sigara`, `alkol`, `mail`, `operator`, `tel`, `vucut_tipi`, `boy`, `kilo`, `fanclup`, `kendi_hakkinda`, `ip`, `tip`, `yetki`, `arkadaslari`, `paket`, `araba`, `begenilme`, `hikayeleri`, `gelir`, `line`, `goz_rengi`, `block_id`, `sms`, `mesaj`, `sms_filitre`, `g_foto`, `onay`, `yorum`, `ilan` ) VALUES ('$nickname', '$sifresi', '$isim', '$cinsiyet', '$sexsual_tercih', '$resim', '$sehir', '$d_tarih', '$mesleki', '$medeni_durum', '$sigara', '$alkol', '$mail', '$operator', '$tel', '$vucud_tipi', '$boy', '$kilo', '$fanclup', '$kendi_hakkinda', '$ip', '$tip', 'b', '$arkadaslari', '$paket', '$arabasi', '$begenilme', '$hikayeleri', '$geliri', '$line', '$goz_rengi', '$block_id', '$sms', '$mesaj', '$sms_filitre', '$g_foto' , 'h' , '$yorum' , '$ilan' );"); // every things are okey but if i use query i am only taking a registing to mysql but i want 6 more registing to mysql with loop in a page loading }
  6. hi; $giden = $_GET['sehir_part']+1; $url = '31.php?sehir_part='.$giden.''; //$erkek_top = 7 for($q=1;$q<=7;$q++) { //i want insert into to mysql in here ; but its doing only one inserting so i want be 7 more insert } header( 'refresh:1;url=31.php?sehir_part='.$giden) and in every page loading i want inserting to mysql againg pls helpme thx
  7. i toke syntax eror can u check cods?
  8. i have 200 photos in a folder .. can i move random a photo to with changing photo name anoter file
  9. is it true ? in paging 0,92,085,0,50,066,0,73 etc its coming to mixing there are two row in database liked and hate; how can i take average and sort desc to page from database ?
  10. so i want take first most repaited words in the $dynamic array("$dynamic")
  11. $ham_dizi = "instein'ın görelilik kuramları ile gerçekleştiğini söylemek yanlış olur. Klasik mekanik çok başarılı olmasına karşın, 1800'lü yılların sonlarına doğru, siyah cisim ışıması, tayf çizgileri, fotoelelektrik etki gibi bir takım olayları açıklama da yetersiz kalmıştır. Açıklamaların yanlışlığı bilim adamlarının yetersizliğinden değil aksine klasik mekaniğin yetersizliğinden kaynaklanıyordu. Klasik mekanikteki sorunun ne olduğunu anlatmak aşırı teknik kaçacaktır"; $ex_dizi = explode(' ',$ham_dizi); $delimiter = count($ex_dizi); for($zi =0; $zi<$delimiter-1; $zi++) { $kactane_Var = substr_count($ham_dizi,$ex_dizi[$zi]); $a3 = $kactane_Var.": [". $zi."] "; echo $a3 ; } Array Repait and Array sort i want to Most ordinary scattered again into an array to assign the first 5 words
  12. thankx xyph for helping
  13. i did but $mail = 'someemail@domain.com'; i must do strlen($mail)-1 and for incoming mail witdhs are dynamical ? how can we upgrade it ?
  14. i want create a cookie like a*s*das**as@*as*e**sd.c** with upses codes
  15. how can i set cookie like a*dm*n@**t*r*c**.*c** ?? $cookkiee = $islem_1['mail'] ; $sayisi = strlen($cookkiee)-1 ; $cok = $islem_1['mail'] ; for($i=0;$i<=$sayisi;$i++) { $sifr = rand(0,2); if($sifr ==0) { $cok[$i]= '*'; } $dizik = $cok[$i]; setrawcookie("kayip",$dizik,time()+(60*30),"/"); $_COOKIE['kayip'] = $dizik; echo $dizi // etc . a*dm*n@**t*r*c**.*c** } echo $_COOKIE['kayip']; // etc. just one char being like random a
  16. this is form.php if(isset($_GET['islev'])) { $islem = $_GET['islev']; switch($islem) { line33 . case 'ok' : $table ='.$_COOKIE['mailsent'].';break; case 'fail' : $table = 'form element posting another page and setcookie ;break; } } <body> echo $table </body> posted page.php ob_start(); session_start(); if(isset($posted)) { mail($,$,$,$); setcookie("kayip",$mailii,time()+(60*30)) ; $_COOKIE['mail_sent'] = $row['mail_adres']; } ob_end_flush() ; allready seem mailsent Cookie in firefox but i am taking i didint understand so :S where wrong
  17. so kayip is another # language mean mail .. i used mailsent in 133 line : echo $_COOKIE['mailsent'] ;
  18. hi everybody ; its working Forgot Password i am posting a form.php to anohter page.php and if turn true i am sending mail and creating a cookie after header(Location: form.php) so cookie code in page.php ob_start() sessioon_start $_COOKIE['mailsent'] = $mailii; setcookie("mailsent",$mailii,time()+(60*30)); i want show it but i am taking this Notice when i lookup to site Cookies i am allready seem "mailsent" and value = $dynamic_mail so where am i doing wrong ??
  19. Hi dear friends hi have a problem about down codding can anybody help me where i am doing bad quest i am taking this EROR help please <?php include("../baglantilar/baglan_canim.php"); include("../baglantilar/fonksiyonlar.php"); if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start();} if(isset($_POST[oyun])) { $strln123 = strlen($_POST[oyun]); if($strln123 >2) { $gln_kelime = $_POST[oyun]; //li direjtira peyva tinen mezintira 2 ? em di qontrol dikin $kml_Vrs = mysql_query("select etiket from cud_hizli_linkler where etiket = '$gln_kelime' limit 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($kml_Vrs) =!0) { mysql_query("UPDATE cud_hizli_linkler set hit=hit+1 where etiket = '$gln_kelime' limit 1"); } else { // ger peyva tinen em bi pirsin bê qeydê ji vi hene yan tünen ? $p_etiketii = permayap($_POST[oyun]); $yyever = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM oyunlar WHERE MATCH (icerik) AGAINST ('$gln_kelime' IN BOOLEAN MODE) limit 1 "); if(mysql_num_rows($yyever) !=0){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO cud_hizli_linkler (`etiket`, `etiket_seo`, `sonuc`, `hit`, `onay`) VALUES ('$gln_kelime','$p_etiketii', '1', '1', '1');"); } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO cud_hizli_linkler (`etiket`, `etiket_seo`, `sonuc`, `hit`, `onay`) VALUES ('$gln_kelime','$p_etiketii', '0', '1', '1');"); } } } $url = "oyun/".$gln_kelime."htm"; header('Location : '.$url.''); } else { $url = "404.htm"; header('Location : '.$url.''); } ?>
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