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  1. OK OK, I am the weakest link... I was using webget in my cron job insted of curl.... Updated cron jobs, no more files.. Sorry to waist your time and thank you everyone for the help
  2. There are 6 files, each with a acending 10second delay, named import00.php, import10.php etc etc in the root of my hosting directory, files with the same name are created with an extra .1 .2 etc added as the suffex. If i run the url that is being called by the import00.php file, no output file is created. It is being caused when the cron job runs the import00.php file. mmmm Now looking at it, im not sure if the output file is being created by the cron job or the php file...
  3. Perhaps I should have mentioned earlyer. The page is not accessed by humans, only by a CRON job that is run every min. The page runs a sql query that captures data from a ever changing text file. Every time the CRON job fires, the page is accessed and the DB is populated with a new row. However, as it stands, a file is also created on the root. I have 6 files that run every min, so 8640 files are being written to my root every day.. I need the files to either be overwriten or not writen at all. Thanks Mark
  4. PS, im happy to have one output file that gets overwriten every time, i just dont want thousands of files on the root of my server. (current setup)
  5. The easyer the better Im sure i use to have this working with a simple one or two lines. Regards Mark
  6. The URL is local to the server. All I need to do is trigger the URL. Everything else is done in the URL that is being triggered. I dont need the output from any of the files. Thanks Mark
  7. Hi guys <?php sleep(00); $handle = fopen("http://www.myurl.com/?bla=bla=bla" , "r"); fclose($handle); ?> How do i prevent this from outputing to a file on my server. I only need the url to be accessed to add a new row of data to my DB. Any Ideas? Regards Mark
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