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  1. Thanks, but what can I do to block or stop.
  2. Here is extracts of the code : <form name="form_info" method="post" action="feednew.php" onsubmit="return verif_demande_infos()" class="cssform"> <input type="hidden" name="date" value="<?php echo ($date); ?>" /> …Etc…and ..<p><label for="courriel">Votre e-mail <span class="obligatoire">*</span> : </label><input type="text" name="courriel" id="courriel" size="44" /></p> …etc… ending with <p><label for="comment" style="text-align:left">Commentaires, observations ou demandes particulières : </label><textarea cols="55" rows="6" name="comment" id="comment" title="message"></textarea></p> <p class="submit"><input value="soumettre votre demande" type="submit" /> <br /><br /> <input type="reset" value="annuler votre demande" /></p> <br /> <div align="right" class="obligatoire">* : Champs obligatoires</div> </form> As you see it's very simple. If you need some more... Thanks
  3. Bonjour, I have a form in php (name, adresse ... and Email). Somebody is playing me a joke in sending me about 100 mails a day through my form. It's a joke but at last not really funny. What I am lookink for is lines of PHP codes which control the Email field into the form and would not allow the form to be sent. If you have another solution it's with a great pleasure I will accept it; Thanks a lot My english is definitively french. sorry about it Ener
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