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Everything posted by ryanfilard

  1. I am trying to make a rating system and this script is not working. $ratingget = $_REQUEST['star2']; mysql_select_db($database_news, $news); $query_ratingsys = "UPDATE news SET votes = votes +1 AND rating = rating +'$ratingget' WHERE id = '$id'"; $ratingsys = mysql_query($query_ratingsys, $news) or die(mysql_error());
  2. http://dl.tl/?db77 In the top toolbar the will not align and I cannot adjust the hight and width. I have tried using css but I can't format it. Please help
  3. What do you think of hosting24? hostgator.com gives me so many problems and I heard that hosting24 is better.
  4. What do you think about the design and features? http://dl.tl/?47d5
  5. Username: phpfreaks Password: password
  6. Mine is the highest ranked but this website ripped off my design.
  7. There is a link that comes up when you search one of my websites with google, it is not related to my website in any way. Is it possible to remove it by contacting google.
  8. The site is offering a online blogging. It is a site I started in my spare time.
  9. I get this error while trying to insert an update record script. At line 687 of file "Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Dreamweaver CS5:Configuration:ServerBehaviors:PHP_MySQL:UpdateRecord.js" name has no properties.
  10. I spent over 3 months coding and planing this website with other and I expect it to be done in about 1 more week. I was contacted by a school teacher with 200 students in total, she was asking me if it is okay for students to register. I said yes because I am adding a lot of new privacy features. She is going to use it in about a month. Do you think it is ready for action? http://www.celbre.com Demo User: ptest Demo Pass: ptest1
  11. I am trying to make my database search only search where private = '$priiv'(Usually 0,1, or 2) but it does not work $query_search = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE '%$idea%' OR fname LIKE '%$idea%' OR lname LIKE '%$idea%' OR tags LIKE '%$idea%' AND private = '$priiv'"; What am i doing wrong?
  12. I am developing an android application called PHP Phactory I am still working on the name. The program is for android phones and tablet but would be best suited for a tablet. With this program you can write and execute php scripts. Is this something that you would use?
  13. Is mandatory evacuation really mandatory? I live in the middle of Long Island, NY and I really don't want to evacuate.
  14. I made the font darker but what other colors would work better?
  15. I got rid of the stripped background is that what made it unappealing
  16. I just designed a website for a friend how can I improve on the website. http://www.starsquadli.com/index.php
  17. Would it be _new? I use that in some of my forms <form method="post" target="_new" class="af-form-wrapper" action="http://www.aweber.com/scripts/addlead.pl" >
  18. Yes but I want the app to display a specific web page for example http://android.celbre.com
  19. Does anyone know how to make a simple android app that displays a webpage please help.
  20. This is a free website.
  21. I need to redirect to index.php?p=DATA from mydomain.com/DATA ? Is this possible and if so how?
  22. Everything is great! I am just not a fan of the navigation menu, its not my colors. Try putting a black border around the navigation buttons that might make it pop more.
  23. <input type="image" src="submit.jpg" name="submit" id="button input">
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