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Everything posted by azdrian21

  1. these "backticks" errors usually comes via copy and paste from examples in the book your learning from.check over your code when copying example from books.
  2. thanks alot guys. things pretty much cleared up now in my mind.
  3. hey could anyone briefly identify what skills are required of a web developer please.
  4. welcome. i can say the same thing about working with graphics.i hate it. but backend web development yeah i will jump on that train.
  5. hello folks have anyone of you used the IDEs rapidphp or phpdesigner. are they good IDEs to work with and what IDE do u recommend to use for php development.
  6. if ($post_name == 'fugix'){ echo 'sure am willing to help!' ; }
  7. also am a computer science graduate, 21 yrs old, basic knowledge of css, html, xml, xslt , web services, oracle and sql/mysql.
  8. hi everyone am new to phpfreaks and also in the progress of learning php/mysql. i am exciting to help others and also learn from others too. cheers to PHP programmers.
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