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  1. Hi I am noob in web coding and i need help to make a fix position of teamspeakviewer on my page. I instaled smf forums on my page and i tried to show teamspeakviewer on that page also. I was able to add teamspeakviewer script to my php script and it was shown on my page but it appears on top left side of the page and pushed down whole forums. also when I am scrolling down forums teamspeakviewer is scrolling too. I want it fixed on the page and want it on a specific location(in the middle of the left side). here is script if my teamspeakviewer: <div id="ts3viewer_957329" style="width:; background-color:;"> </div> position: absolute; top:80px; left:400px; <script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.tsviewer.com/short_expire/js/ts3viewer_loader.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var ts3v_url_1 = "http://www.tsviewer.com/ts3viewer.php? ID=957329&text=000000&text_size=13&text_family=4&js=1&text_s_color=85150b&text_s_weight=bold&text_s_style=normal&text_s_variant=normal&text _s_decoration=underline&text_s_color_h=525284&text_s_weight_h=bold&text_s_style_h=normal&text_s_variant_h=normal&text_s_decoration_h=underl ine&text_i_color=174f1e&text_i_weight=bold&text_i_style=normal&text_i_variant=normal&text_i_decoration=none&text_i_color_h=525284&text_i_we ight_h=normal&text_i_style_h=normal&text_i_variant_h=normal&text_i_decoration_h=underline&text_c_color=363331&text_c_weight=bold&text_c_sty le=normal&text_c_variant=normal&text_c_decoration=none&text_c_color_h=ed9e15&text_c_weight_h=normal&text_c_style_h=normal&text_c_variant_h= normal&text_c_decoration_h=underline&text_u_weight=bold&text_u_style=normal&text_u_variant=normal&text_u_decoration=none&text_u_color_h=525 284&text_u_weight_h=bold&text_u_style_h=normal&text_u_variant_h=normal&text_u_decoration_h=none"; ts3v_display.init(ts3v_url_1, 957329, 100); --> </script> My question is: can few lines of code can be add in this script which will position my teamspeakviewer where I wont and while my whole forums wont be pushed down by adding that script to my php forums file? thanks
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