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Everything posted by evlj

  1. First of all, i'm really sorry if this is a wrong section, i couldn't find a proper one. And second of all, i have php application on my own host that's made by CodeIgniter and php+mysql, it's working well on facebook as well. I'm looking to literally clone it, so i have 2 different tabs with same application and different folders on hosting. I can't really explain here what the problem is, as i don't really know, but i'm willing to give permanent ftp access + show the settings... If anyone could help, i'm even willing to pay a small fee for this. Please help me out, it's emergency! Thank you in advance
  2. I have to do it, as it's on different hosting... How can i fix it? Is there an solution for this? Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi there, i have 3 pages: 1. index.php 2. iframe.php 3. output.php iframe.php is within index.php and in iframe.php there's a form with input fields. Form is including output.php for sending the information. Whenever someone come to index.php, my HTTP_REFERER get's reffer of index.php instead of previously visited page (before my index.php)... how can i fix this? Please help!
  4. Hi guys, i'm using this: http://www.impressivewebs.com/mega-menus-ajax-jquery/ (demo: http://www.impressivewebs.com/demo-files/mega-drop-downs/ )as my menu and i would like to know how can i make it so every time i press another button it do the same trick/effect, instead of refreshing content, i would like to have it closed, than opened again... If you got me. Thanks in advance!
  5. 1st of all, thanks for response kind Sir. I actually use all the fields from table, that's why i need "*". Thanks for the code, but where should i do that query, should i use another variable and whole new query inside of php, as i don't want my whole table to get screwed, or i need to make a new one and than echo it, if so, could someone please make an example using variables i provided. Thanks in advance, i'm not a pro with mysql, but i would like to learn
  6. Hello there, i'm not sure if this goes to mysql, or this section, but since it's PHP based, i would say here. So, here's the thing, i have full set up table that reads from mysql database and display it as table. Everything is working just fine, even "order" buttons that i made, now i would like to have below the table some counts, for example: My table name "canonkickoff" has column named "Prevoz" which contain only Yes and No answers, i would like to see below the table how much "Yes" answers are inside the column. Also i have other column called "VelicinaMajice", which contain 6 different answers ( XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL ), i would like to see (again, below the table) how much of every has been answered. Like: There are: XS = 6 S = 1 M = 2 L = 3 And 32 answered with Yes. Could anyone help me out? Here's the full php table: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>CanonKickOff 2012 Tabela.</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="table.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body style="margin: 0 0 0 0;"> <? include("passwd.php"); @$start = $_GET["start"]; if($start =='') $start =0; include("lib.php"); $link = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $db_selected = mysql_select_db($db, $link); if (!$db_selected) { die ("Can't use $db : " . mysql_error()); } //total number of records in the table $orderBy = array('Kompanija', 'id', 'ImePrezime', 'Email', 'Prevoz', 'VelicinaMajice', 'SlazemSe'); $order = 'id'; if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) && in_array($_GET['orderBy'], $orderBy)) { $order = $_GET['orderBy']; } $res = mysql_query("SELECT * from `$table` ORDER BY '.$order"); $res2 = mysql_query("SELECT * from `$table` "); @$rows = mysql_num_rows ($res2); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from `$table` ORDER BY $order limit $start,40"); if (!$result) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } echo 'Sortiraj Po: <br>'; echo '<a href="?orderBy=id">ID:</a> '; echo '<a href="?orderBy=ImePrezime">Ime i Prezime:</a> '; echo '<a href="?orderBy=Kompanija">Kompanija:</a> '; echo '<a href="?orderBy=email">Email adresi:</a> '; echo '<a href="?orderBy=Prevoz">Prevoz:</a> '; echo '<a href="?orderBy=VelicinaMajice">Velicina majice:</a> '; echo '<a href="?orderBy=SlazemSe">Slazu se:</a> '; echo "<p align=center class = 'menu'> Ocitana tabela: $table </p>"; $cols = mysql_num_fields($result); $records = mysql_num_rows ($result); echo "<table align='center' width='1200' >"; echo "<tr bgcolor='BBCCDD' class='menu'>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $cols;$i++) { echo "<td align='center'>".mysql_field_name($result,$i)."</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "<tr bgcolor='F6F6F6' class='normal'>"; foreach ($row as $value) { echo "<td align='center'>".$value ."</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } $end = $start + $records; echo "<tr align = 'center' bgcolor = 'BBCCDD' class='menu'><td colspan=$cols> $start do $end od ukupno: $rows </td></tr>"; echo "<tr align = 'center' class='mylink'><td colspan=$cols> "; if($start != 0) { $prev = $start - 40; echo "<a href='tabela.php?start=$prev'> Prethodna </a> "; } if($start<$rows-10) { $next = $start + 40; echo "<a href = 'tabela.php?start=$next'>Sledeca</a> "; } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; ?> </body> </html>
  7. Hi again, i'm wondering how can i make Sort (for example a-z) an column in php reading mysql informations. Here's the script: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="table.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body style="margin: 0 0 0 0;"> <? include("passwd.php"); @$start = $_GET["start"]; if($start =='') $start =0; include("lib.php"); $link = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $db_selected = mysql_select_db($db, $link); if (!$db_selected) { die ("Can't use $db : " . mysql_error()); } //total number of records in the table $res = mysql_query("SELECT * from `$table`"); @$rows = mysql_num_rows ($res); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from `$table` limit $start,10"); if (!$result) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "<p align=center class = 'menu'> Ocitana tabela: $table </p>"; $cols = mysql_num_fields($result); $records = mysql_num_rows ($result); echo "<table align='center' width='1200' >"; echo "<tr bgcolor='BBCCDD' class='menu'>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $cols;$i++) { echo "<td align='center'>".mysql_field_name($result,$i)."</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "<tr bgcolor='F6F6F6' class='normal'>"; foreach ($row as $value) { echo "<td align='center'>".$value ."</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } $end = $start + $records; echo "<tr align = 'center' bgcolor = 'BBCCDD' class='menu'><td colspan=$cols> Prijema $start do $end od $rows </td></tr>"; echo "<tr align = 'center' class='mylink'><td colspan=$cols> "; if($start != 0) { $prev = $start - 10; echo "<a href='tabela.php?start=$prev'> Prethodna </a> "; } if($start<$rows-10) { $next = $start + 10; echo "<a href = 'tabela.php?start=$next'>Sledeca</a> "; } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; ?> </body> </html>
  8. Hi there guys, what would be the best way to print information from PHP contact form to google spreadsheet, i've tried to follow this tutorial: http://www.farinspace.com/saving-form-data-to-google-spreadsheets/ And i fail in every way. I have few fields only, let's say Full name, Email, Address, Checkbox and Select (dropdown) option, i would like to know how can i store inputs to the google spreadsheet, not single one, but all of them... Help is much appreciated!
  9. Hi guys, i was wondering how can i make php to generate custom image with required fields (contact form). For example, i have a page with first name, last name, full address, email. And it's like this: First name: <input field here> Last name: <input field here> Full Address: <input field here> Email: <input field here> I would like to know how can i (once they fill all the info) generate an image with custom background (prepared full image previously) with all the filled info and have it emailed back to him. That email should be something like: Dear, FirstName, Here's your full info displayed on image below <img src="/path/to/thatImage.png"></img> Is this even possible? If so, please let me know how, i used to google a lot, but i can't find a solution, and i'm beginner in coding. Hope you guys will help me out, thanks a lot in advance!
  10. I'm not sure if this is the right section, if not, please move it on proper one, i'm still newbie. However, here's my problem, i'm using jquery to replace standard check boxes with images, and here's the code: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { /* see if anything is previously checked and reflect that in the view*/ $(".checklist input:checked").parent().addClass("selected"); /* handle the user selections */ $(".checklist .checkbox-select").click( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().addClass("selected"); $(this).parent().find(":checkbox").attr("checked","checked"); } ); $(".checklist .checkbox-deselect").click( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().removeClass("selected"); $(this).parent().find(":checkbox").removeAttr("checked"); } ); }); </script> Here's the css: <style type="text/css"> body { font: 12px/1.3 "Lucida Grande","Lucida","Arial",Sans-serif; } form { margin: 0 0 30px 0; } legend { font-size: 17px; } fieldset { border: 1; } .checklist { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .checklist li { float: left; margin-right: 10px; background: url(i/checkboxbg.gif) no-repeat 0 0; width: 105px; height: 80px; position: relative; font: normal 11px/1.3 "Lucida Grande","Lucida","Arial",Sans-serif; } .checklist li.selected { background-position: -105px 0; } .checklist li.selected .checkbox-select { display: none; } .checkbox-select { display: block; float: left; position: absolute; top: 55px; left: 10px; width: 85px; height: 23px; background: url(i/select.gif) no-repeat 0 0; text-indent: -9999px; } .checklist li input { display: none; } a.checkbox-deselect { display: none; color: white; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; position: absolute; top: 55px; right: 10px; } .checklist li.selected a.checkbox-deselect { display: block; } .checklist li label { display: block; text-align: center; padding: 8px; } .sendit { display: block; float: left; top: 118px; left: 10px; width: 115px; height: 34px; border: 0; cursor: pointer; background: url(i/sendit.gif) no-repeat 0 0; text-indent: -9999px; margin: 20px 0; } </style> And finally the form thing <ul class="checklist"><li><input name="jqdemo" value="value5" type="checkbox" id="choice_c"/><label for="choice_c">Some Text Here to be checked - clicked</label><a class="checkbox-select" href="#">Click</a><a class="checkbox-deselect" href="#">Cancel</a></li></ul> I would like that my text on top of checkboxes become clickable.
  11. I would like to know how can i send the email back to uploader of an image once the button "Approve" is pressed. It's here: if (@mail($to, $subject, $message)) { echo('<p>Mail sent successfully.</p>'); } else { echo('<p>Mail could not be sent.</p>'); } echo"<h2>APPROVEDs</h2>"; }
  12. Hi guys, i have a custom made php that collect all the info in admin page (long story short), there's a button called "Approve" I would like to send back an email to user who applied with picture, once Approved button is pressed, so here's the script: <?php session_start(); $user = '123'; $pass = '123'; $to = $data['email']; $subject = 'blablabla'; $message = 'test123'; if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] != $user || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] != $pass) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Enter password to access this page."'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo"You must be logged in to see this page."; exit; } ################## PROTECTED CONTENT ######################## require('./config.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>ADMIN PANEL</title> <style type="text/css"> body{width: 960px; margin: auto; margin-top: 20px; padding: 5px 20px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #000000; border-radius: 5px;background:transparent url(images/bg_header.gif) top left repeat-x;} a:link,a:active,a:visited{color: inherit; text-decoration: none;} a:hover{text-decoration: underline;} .button{background:transparent url(images/grad.PNG) bottom left repeat-x; padding: 3px 5px; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid #cccccc;} .button:hover{border-color:orangered;text-decoration:none;} .approve .img{max-height: 200px; max-width: 200px; position: absolute; right: 5px; top: 5px;} .approve{display: block; height: 200px; overflow: hidden; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #000000; margin-top: 20px; padding: 20px; position: relative; font:13px verdana;} textarea,input{padding: 3px;font: 13px helvetica,verdana;border:1px solid rgb(51,151,251);border-radius: 4px;width: 300px; display: block; margin: 5px 0px;} input:hover,textarea:hover{border-color:orangered;cursor:pointer;} form{font:bold 13px verdana;} input[type='submit'],input[type='button']{width: auto;} </style> </head> <body> <?php echo" <div id='head'> <h1 align='center'>ADMIN PANEL</h1> <h4 align='center'><a href='index.php' class='button'>Homepage</a> <a class='button' href='admin.php'>Approval Queue</a> <a class='button' href='admin.php?edit'>Edit Image info.</a> <a class='button' href='?edit&view'>View Image Info.</a></h4> </div>"; if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { if (isset($_GET['pid'])) { $pic = mysql_query('SELECT * from `' . $table_name . '` WHERE pid = ' . intval($_GET['pid'])); if (mysql_num_rows($pic) == 1) { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $approved = isset($_POST['approved']) && $_POST['approved'] == '1' ? 1 : 0; mysql_query('UPDATE `' . $table_name . '` SET ' . 'first_name = "' . $_POST['first'] . '",' . 'last_name="' . $_POST['last'] . '",' . 'phone="' . $_POST['phone'] . '",' . 'email="' . $_POST['email'] . '",' . 'first_name="' . $_POST['first'] . '",' . 'approved=' . $approved . ',' . 'address="' . $_POST['addr'] . '",' . 'admin_desc="' . $_POST['admin_desc'] . '"' . ' WHERE pid = ' . intval($_GET['pid'])) or exit("Unable to edit" . mysql_error()); echo'<h3>EDITED</h3>'; $pic = mysql_query('SELECT * from `' . $table_name . '` WHERE pid = ' . intval($_GET['pid'])); } $data = mysql_fetch_array($pic); if (isset($_GET['view'])) { echo' <strong>Uploaded by </strong>' . $data['first_name'] . ' ' . $data['last_name'] . ' <br /> <img src="' . $default_dir . $data['image_name'] . '" style="max-width: 200px; max-height:200px; float: right;" /> <br /> <br /> <b>First_name :</b> ' . $data['first_name'] . ' <br /> <br /> <b>Last_name :</b> ' . $data['last_name'] . ' <br /> <br /> <b>Phone :</b> ' . $data['phone'] . ' <br /> <br /> <b>Email :</b> ' . $data['email'] . ' <br /> <br /> <b>Approved :</b> ' . ($data['approved'] == 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No') . ' <br /> <br /> <b>Address :</b> ' . $data['address'] . ' <br /> <br /> <b>Admin_description :</b> <br /> <br />' . $data['admin_desc'] . ' <br /> <br /> <a href="?edit&pid=' . $data['pid'] . '" class="button">Edit</a> <br /> <br /> '; } else { echo'<form method="POST" action="?edit&pid=' . intval($_GET['pid']) . '"> Editting photo: <a style="color:rgb(51,151,251);" href="' . $default_dir . $data['image_name'] . '">' . $data['image_name'] . '</a> uploaded by ' . $data['first_name'] . ' ' . $data['last_name'] . ' <br /> <img src="' . $default_dir . $data['image_name'] . '" style="max-width: 200px; max-height:200px; float: right;" /> <br /> First_name : <input type="text" name="first" value="' . $data['first_name'] . '" /> Last_name : <input type="text" name="last" value="' . $data['last_name'] . '" /> Phone : <input type="text" name="phone" value="' . $data['phone'] . '" /> Email : <input type="text" name="email" value="' . $data['email'] . '" /> Approved : <input type="text" name="approved" value="' . $data['approved'] . '" /> 0 or 1 Address : <textarea name="addr">' . $data['address'] . '</textarea> Admin_description : <textarea name="admin_desc">' . $data['admin_desc'] . '</textarea> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit" /> </form>'; } } else { echo"NO SUCH PICTURE EXISTS"; } } else { echo" <h3>Search for image to " . (isset($_GET['view']) ? 'view' : 'edit') . " it: </h3> <form id='form' method='POST' action='admin.php?edit" . (isset($_GET['view']) ? '&view' : '') . "'> Uploader's first name: <input type='text' name='name' value='' /> OR Image name: <input type='text' name='img' value='' /> OR Email: <input type='text' name='email' value='' /> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Search' /> </form>"; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = empty($_POST['name']) ? '%' : '%' . $_POST['name'] . '%'; $email = empty($_POST['email']) ? '%' : '%' . $_POST['email'] . '%'; $img = empty($_POST['img']) ? '%' : '%' . $_POST['img'] . '%'; $query = mysql_query( 'SELECT * from `' . $table_name . '` where ' . 'first_name like "' . $name . '" and ' . 'email like "' . $email . '" and ' . 'image_name like "' . $img . '"'); if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) { while ($pic = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo"<hr/><strong>Uploaded by $pic[first_name] $pic[last_name] " . date(' \a\t H:i \o\n d/m/Y', intval($pic['image_name'])) . "</strong> - <a href='$default_dir$pic[image_name]' target='_blank'>$pic[image_name]</a> <a href='?edit" . (isset($_GET['view']) ? '&view' : '') . "&pid=$pic[pid]' class='button'>" . (isset($_GET['view']) ? 'View' : 'Edit') . "</a>"; } } else { echo "NO IMAGE MATCHES THAT DESCRIPTION"; } } } exit; } if (isset($_GET['approve'])) { if (mysql_query('UPDATE `' . $table_name . '` SET approved = 1 WHERE pid = ' . intval($_GET['approve']))) { if (@mail($to, $subject, $message)) { echo('<p>Mail sent successfully.</p>'); } else { echo('<p>Mail could not be sent.</p>'); } echo"<h2>APPROVEDs</h2>"; } } It's not whole script though.
  13. Hi there guys, I'm on about to make a registration form website for few friends of mine, what i don't know how should be working is next. I've made a php input fields and php sending email script, i would like to make it unique for every other friend of mine. For example, i will need a unique - generated webpage link to send to one of them, right after registration is done (email is sent), link should be unavailable for anyone else. How can i do this? Simple example: Link: http://www.blablabla.com/registration.php&friend1 , there's a registration form (Full name, email, etc etc), and send button. After send is pressed &friend1 should not be available anymore. I will be sending links myself to the friends i need to register, well it's not a standard registration form, they won't have username:password for this, but only will be registered in my database/email information will be sent back to me. What am i looking for is a php generating page(s) to be accessed by one user only, no one else. Basically it's ONE USE page only, something like invitation system If you know what i mean. Sry for bad english.
  14. Script: <?php //Database Information $dbhost = "sssst"; $dbname = "sssst"; $dbuser = "ssss"; $dbpass = "ssss"; //Connect to database mysql_connect ( $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)or die("Could not connect: ".mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); session_start(); $username = $_POST[‘username’]; $password = md5($_POST[‘password’]); $query = “select * from users where username=’$username’ and password=’$password’”; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) { $error = “Bad Login”; include “login.html”; } else { $_SESSION[‘username’] = “$username”; include “memberspage.php”; } ?> What's wrong on line 19: $query = “select * from users where username=’$username’ and password=’$password’”; Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/stalker/public_html/login.php on line 19
  15. Yes sir, i have one: http://www.360accounts.com/index3.html
  16. Hi there guys, i made an popup window with some content on it, all stuff being shaded but menu bar tabs... (The best thing to understand me is to take a look at images below) Image one (without popup) Image two (with popup) And the css of menu bar is: .sf-menu, .sf-menu * { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .sf-menu { line-height: 1.0; } .sf-menu ul { position:absolute; top:-999em; width:10em; } .sf-menu ul li { width:100%; } .sf-menu li:hover { visibility:inherit; } .sf-menu li { float:left; position:absolute; } .sf-menu a { display:block; position:relative; } .sf-menu li:hover ul, .sf-menu li.sfHover ul { left:0; top:2.5em; z-index:99; } ul.sf-menu li:hover li ul, ul.sf-menu li.sfHover li ul { top:-999em; } ul.sf-menu li li:hover ul, ul.sf-menu li li.sfHover ul { left:10em; top:0; } ul.sf-menu li li:hover li ul, ul.sf-menu li li.sfHover li ul { top:-999em; } ul.sf-menu li li li:hover ul, ul.sf-menu li li li.sfHover ul { left:10em; top:0; } #top_btns{ background:transparent url(../multimedias/images/header/top_btn_bg.png); width:950px; height:37px; padding:8px 0px 0px 0px; float:left; margin:15px 0px 0px 0px; color:#FFF;} .sf-menu li ul { float: center; margin-bottom: 1em; } .sf-menu a { padding: .75em 1em; } .sf-menu li ul a { border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff; padding: .75em 1em; text-decoration:none; } .sf-menu li ul a, .sf-menu ul li a:visited { /* visited pseudo selector so IE6 applies text colour*/ color: #13a; } .sf-menu li ul li { background: #000000; opacity:0.9; filter: alpha(opacity = 90); } .sf-menu li li { background: #000000; } .sf-menu li li li { background: #000000; } /*** shadows for all but IE6 ***/ .sf-shadow ul { background: url(../multimedias/images/menu/shadow.png) no-repeat bottom right; behavior: expression((this.runtimeStyle.behavior="none")&&(this.pngSet?this.pngSet=true:(this.nodeName == "IMG" && this.src.toLowerCase().indexOf('.png')>-1?(this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none", this.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.src + "', sizingMethod='image')", this.src = "../multimedias/images/pngFix/blank.gif"):(this.origBg = this.origBg? this.origBg :this.currentStyle.backgroundImage.toString().replace('url("','').replace('")',''), this.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.origBg + "', sizingMethod='crop')", this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none")),this.pngSet=true) ); padding: 0 8px 9px 0; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 17px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 17px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 17px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 17px; } .sf-sub-indicator{ display:none;} .sf-shadow ul.sf-shadow-off { background: transparent; } #top_btns ul.sf-menu{ list-style-type:none; float:left; margin:0px; text-transform: uppercase; z-index:100} #top_btns ul li{ list-style-type:none; float:left;} #top_btns ul li.top{ padding-right:16px;} #top_btns ul li a{ color:#FFF; text-decoration:none;} #top_btns ul li a:hover{ color:#ffa200; text-decoration:none;} I'm sorry if this is a wrong forum. P.s. thanks in advance!
  17. 1st of all thank you for responding. 2nd, well actually i'm pretty much dumb to create whole script... I need admin page with submit button (i know how to do that though via php), and then i need those info to be displayed on some other page, also those has to be youtube videos (or thumbails).
  18. So as title of this thread says, i'm in need of following: I'm working on personal website to publish youtube videos from my own channel. I have whole page on local host but now i need an admin page to publish those videos (which will be easily to do i guess to some1 who knows what he is doing tho). And that's it... Any1 can help me out with this? I used to search all around the internet, but wasn't able to find one. Any future help is welcome! Thanks a lot.
  19. $from = "From: $hp8 \n"; $to = "evlj@blabla.com"; bool mail ( string $to , string $subject , string $message [, string $additional_headers [, string $additional_parameters ]] ) ?> Giving me error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /www/*****/docroot/*****/mailer.php on line 66
  20. I'm feeling dumb now, seriously, i know you gave me that example, but can you help me with my own code? Ty. I know cyirilic unicode is: charset=utf-8. Can you help me out adding that shit? Thank you
  21. Ummm, now i'm getting a new unicode, i did some changes in html: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="UTF-8" /> This is email body (some of codes): ŃĐľŃŃиŃĐ°Đź
  22. Hi there guys, can any1 help me out to sort this thing. I'm using a simple php email script to send emails from online form (registration). Since i'm using unicode (cyrilic) font, i'm recieving an unreadable email from my php script. Here's the script (mailer.php): <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Mecavnik</title> </head> <body> <!-- Reminder: Add the link for the 'next page' (at the bottom) --> <!-- Reminder: Change 'YourEmail' to Your real email --> <?php $ip = $_POST['ip']; $hp1 = $_POST['hp1']; $hp2 = $_POST['hp2']; $hp3 = $_POST['hp3']; $hp4 = $_POST['hp4']; $hp5 = $_POST['hp5']; $IP = $_POST['IP']; $hp6 = $_POST['hp6']; $hp7 = $_POST['hp7']; $hp8 = $_POST['hp8']; $hp9 = $_POST['hp9']; $hp10 = $_POST['hp10']; $hp11 = $_POST['hp11']; if (eregi('http:', $notes)) { die ("Ne ne! ! "); } if(!$hp8 == "" && (!strstr($hp8,"@") || !strstr($hp8,"."))) { echo "<h2>Error</h2>\n"; $badinput = "<h2>Error</h2>\n"; echo $badinput; die ("Error."); } if(empty($hp1) || empty($hp2) || empty($hp3) || empty($hp4) || empty($hp5) || empty($hp6) || empty($hp7) || empty($hp8 )) { echo "<h2>123</h2>\n"; die ("Error."); } $datum = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") ; $subject = "Custom subject"; $message = "Firma: $hp1 \n Ime: $hp2 \n Prezime: $hp3 \n Email: $hp8 \n Telefon: $hp4 \n Konfekcijski broj: $hp5 \n Spavanje: $hp6 \n Prevoz: $hp7 \n "; $from = "From: $hp8 \n"; mail("evlj@something.bla", $subject, $message, $from); ?> <?php header( 'Location: http://blabla/123/123.html' ) ; ?> </p> </body> </html> Email that i have previously recieved: Firma: &#1058;&#1077;&#1089;&#1090;&#1080;&#1088;&#1072;&#1084; Ime: &#1059;&#1087;&#1080;&#1096;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077; &#1042;&#1072;&#1096;&#1077; &#1080;&#1084;&#1077; Prezime: &#1059;&#1087;&#1080;&#1096;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077; &#1042;&#1072;&#1096;&#1077; &#1087;&#1088;&#1077;&#1079;&#1080;&#1084;&#1077; Thanks in advance
  23. Comon guys, Any1 that can help me out?
  24. So, can any1 help me with this? Thanks.
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