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  1. hey everyone, its my first topic here, and i'm at a beginner level with php, so excuse my poor level well, i have a problem trying to add a delete button or link next to each file in query so the user can delete the file. and that's the code i'm using in my page: <?php include ("functions.php"); include ("header.php"); // Settings section ------------------------------ $co_filedir = "../conseiller/files/"; // The file folder $columns = 1; // Number of columns of files listed per row $tablewidth = 800; // Table Width $namecolumn = ($tablewidth / $columns) / 2; // File Name Column Width $datecolumn = $namecolumn / 2; // Date column width $sizecolumn = $datecolumn; // File Size Column width global $co_filename; global $co_filename_sorted; $coi=0; $coj=0; $cok=0; $com=0; if(isset($_GET['st'])) { $st = $_GET['st']; } else { $st = 1; } if(isset($_GET['order'])) { $order = "SORT_".$_GET['order']; } else { $order = "SORT_ASC"; } // Table Title row ------------------------------- echo "<table width=\"$tablewidth\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\"><tr>"; while ($cok < $columns) { echo "<td bgcolor=#666 width=$namecolumn align=center><font color=#000000>"; echo " <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"; echo " <tr>"; echo " <td rowspan=2><a href=\"index.php?st=1\"><b>Nom de fichier</b><a/> </td>"; echo " <td><a href=\"index.php?st=1&order=ASC\"><img src=\"images/arrow_up.gif\" border=0></a></td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr>"; echo " <td><a href=\"index.php?st=1&order=DESC\"><img src=\"images/arrow_down.gif\" border=0></a></td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " </table></font>"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td bgcolor=#666 width=$datecolumn align=center><font color=#000000>"; echo " <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"; echo " <tr>"; echo " <td rowspan=2><a href=\"index.php?st=2\"><b>Date du fichier</b><a/> </td>"; echo " <td><a href=\"index.php?st=2&order=ASC\"><img src=\"images/arrow_up.gif\" border=0></a></td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr>"; echo " <td><a href=\"index.php?st=2&order=DESC\"><img src=\"images/arrow_down.gif\" border=0></a></td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " </table></font>"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td bgcolor=#666 width=$sizecolumn align=center><font color=#000000>"; echo " <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"; echo " <tr>"; echo " <td rowspan=2><a href=\"index.php?st=3\"><b>Taille du fichier</b><a/> </td>"; echo " <td><a href=\"index.php?st=3&order=ASC\"><img src=\"images/arrow_up.gif\" border=0></a></td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr>"; echo " <td><a href=\"index.php?st=3&order=DESC\"><img src=\"images/arrow_down.gif\" border=0></a></td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " </table></font>"; echo "</td>\n"; $cok++; } echo "</tr>"; $handle = opendir($co_filedir); while (false !==($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { //$co_filename[$coi][1] = $file; //$co_filename[$coi][2] = date ("m/d/y", filemtime($co_filedir.$file)); //$co_filename[$coi][3] = round(filesize($co_filedir.$file)/1024); $co_filename[$coi][1] = $file; $co_filename[$coi][2] = filemtime($co_filedir.$file); //date ("m/d/y", filemtime($co_filedir.$file)); $co_filename[$coi][3] = round(filesize($co_filedir.$file)/1024); ++$coi; } } closedir($handle); // Sorting -------------------------------------------- $co_filename_sorted = csort($co_filename, $order, $st); // End of Sorting ------------------------------------- while($com<(count($co_filename))) { echo "<tr class=list>"; echo "<td width=$namecolumn><a href=\"$co_filedir".$co_filename_sorted[$com][1]."\"><font color=#333>".$co_filename_sorted[$com][1]."<font></a><br></td>\n"; echo "<td width=$datecolumn align=center><font color=#333>"; echo date("m/d/y",$co_filename_sorted[$com][2])."</font></td>"; echo "<td width=$sizecolumn align=right><font color=#333>"; echo $co_filename_sorted[$com][3]." KB "; echo "</font></td>"; ++$coj; if($coj == $columns) { $coj = 0; } $com++; } echo "</tr><tr>"; echo "</tr></table>"; echo "Il ya actuellement <b>".$coi."</b> fichiers dans le répertoire.<br>"; ?> well, ill be more than glad if someone could help done this issue.
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