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Everything posted by bambo123

  1. Dear DaiLaughing Thanks a lot for your answer. Your idea inspired me and based on the fact that I know very little PHP and MySQL, I think it might be the best solution to work as often as possible with the out-of-the-box options of Dreamweaver. I think I could solve my problem if I give each page its own access level, and then only give users access to this page if they own the right access level. So my question is now if and if yes how I can give a single user multiple access levels and then store this data in MySQL, that Dreamweaver understands it. Thanks a lot for your help!!
  2. Hey guys, I am quite new to PHP and MySQL and I have a question concerning access restriction. For a website project I am experimenting with Dreamweaver's login and restrict access behavior, which works fine. However, on the website I would like to restrict access for users that only have a 1 set in the corresponding MySQL database (which means that e.g. each page has a different variable in the database that can be set to 1, which would allow me to personify access beyond the level of the out-of-the box option, where each user can only have one access level). So it is quite similiar to the out-of-the-box restrict access to page based on user group, but just depending on another variable in the database. So, what I am basically looking for is sth like this: Firstly, I will integrate the restrict access feature of Dreamweaver. However, for my project I need a possibility to restrict access to each page individually. I though this can maybe be done by giving each page a unique variable that is preset to 0 and if a user gets access to this page, I can change it to 1. I guess it can be done with an if condition that checks in the database if the logged in user has a 1 in this variable, and if yes give her/him access if not redirect to another page. However, I could not figure out how to implement that. Your help is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  3. ok, thanks jcbones, I did that. @ gizmola: My primary problem is, that I dont receive any email after executing the php script on the server.
  4. Thanks for the input rondog. However, I didn't solve my primary problem...
  5. This is the code of my form: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form method="POST" action="action.php" id="form" " value="0" type="hidden"> Email:</label><input class="inputtext" id="email" name="email" value="" onkeypress="formchange()" type="text"></div><div class="form_row clearfix "><label for="pass" id="label_pass" class="login_form_label">Name:</label><input class="inputpassword" id="name" name="name" value="" type="name"></div> <label class="uiButton uiButtonConfirm uiButtonLarge" for="u261249_1"><input value="Send" name="login" onclick="" id="u261249_1" type="submit"></label> </strong></div> </form> </body> </html> For testing reasons I wanted to run my page on a server of this free webhost: http://members.000webhost.com/login.php
  6. 1 question: I dont receive an email at all, even though I am redirected to youtube.com... 2 question: I have a normal form and if someone clicks on the submit button this php script is started. Isn't that possible?
  7. hey guys, I am very new to PHP and wanted to create a simple form script. Somehow it doesnt work... can you help me? Help is highly appreciated!! here is the code: <?php $admin= 'name@email.com'; // 1. Message to the admin $subject1= 'You have one new subscription'; $message1.= 'Email: '.$email."\n\n"; $message1.= 'Name: '.$name."\n\n"; // Sending mail mail($admin, $subject1, $message1, "From: $email"); header('Location: http://www.youtube.com'); ?>
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