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Everything posted by mattyt81

  1. HI I have a script which runs to check if a user is logged in or not, it also outputs links to member home etc. I would like those links to change depending on what account type the member has registered under. I didn't think this would be that hard but I have tried many variations and nothing seems to work. I have pasted my current method and all code below. If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it. <?php session_start(); // error_reporting(E_ALL); // ini_set('display_errors', '1'); // Turn on all error reporting error_reporting(0); // Turn off all error reporting //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- include_once "PHPScripts/connect_to_mysql.php"; // Connect to the database $dyn_www = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; //------ CHECK IF THE USER IS LOGGED IN OR NOT AND GIVE APPROPRIATE OUTPUT ------- $logOptions = ''; // Initialize the logOptions variable that gets printed to the page // If the session variable and cookie variable are not set this code runs if (!isset($_SESSION['idx'])) { if (!isset($_COOKIE['idCookie'])) { $logOptions = ' <ul> <br/><br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/register.php">Register Account</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/login.php">Log In</a> </ul> '; } } // If session ID is set for logged in user without cookies remember me feature set if (isset($_SESSION['idx'])) { $decryptedID = base64_decode($_SESSION['idx']); $id_array = explode("p3h9xfn8sq03hs2234", $decryptedID); $logOptions_id = $id_array[1]; // Ready the output for this logged in user mysql_query("SELECT * FROM memberdata "); if ($accounttype == "GYM") { $logOptions = ' <ul> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/gymmemberhome.php">Member Home</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/gymmemberaccount.php?id='.$logOptions_id.'">Edit Profile</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/gymmemberprofile.php?id='.$logOptions_id.'">View Profile</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/logout.php">Log Out</a> </ul> '; }else if ($accounttype == "PT") { $logOptions = ' <ul> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/ptmemberhome.php">Member Home</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/ptmemberaccount.php?id='.$logOptions_id.'">Edit Profile</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/ptmemberprofile.php?id='.$logOptions_id.'">View Profile</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/logout.php">Log Out</a> </ul> '; } } else if (isset($_COOKIE['idCookie'])) {// If id cookie is set, but no session ID is set yet, we set it below and update stuff $decryptedID = base64_decode($_COOKIE['idCookie']); $id_array = explode("nm2c0c4y3dn3727553", $decryptedID); $userID = $id_array[1]; $userPass = $_COOKIE['passCookie']; // Get their user first name to set into session var $sql_uname = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM memberdata WHERE id='$userID' AND password='$userPass' LIMIT 1"); $numRows = mysql_num_rows($sql_uname); if ($numRows == 0) { // Kill their cookies and send them back to homepage if they have cookie set but are not a member any longer setcookie("idCookie", '', time()-42000, '/'); setcookie("passCookie", '', time()-42000, '/'); header("location: index.php"); // << makes the script send them to any page we set exit(); } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_uname)){ $useremail = $row["email"]; } $_SESSION['id'] = $userID; // now add the value we need to the session variable $_SESSION['idx'] = base64_encode("g4p3h9xfn8sq03hs2234$userID"); $_SESSION['useremail'] = $useremail; $_SESSION['userpass'] = $userPass; $logOptions_id = $userID; /////////// Update Last Login Date Field ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mysql_query("UPDATE memberdata SET last_log_date=now() WHERE id='$logOptions_id'"); // Ready the output for this logged in user if ($accounttype == "GYM") { $logOptions = ' <ul> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/gymmemberhome.php">Member Home</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/gymmemberaccount.php?id='.$logOptions_id.'">Edit Profile</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/gymmemberprofile.php?id='.$logOptions_id.'">View Profile</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/logout.php">Log Out</a> </ul> '; }else if ($accounttype == "PT") { $logOptions = ' <ul> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/ptmemberhome.php">Member Home</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/ptmemberaccount.php?id='.$logOptions_id.'">Edit Profile</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/ptmemberprofile.php?id='.$logOptions_id.'">View Profile</a> <br/> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://'.$dyn_www.'/logout.php">Log Out</a> </ul> '; } } ?>
  2. I have a written a script which allows users to search a database for members, it all works fine if there are results, but when there are no results I get a mysql_fetch_array(): Error. I just can't see why, I will paste my php code below if anyone can help? <?php include_once("PHPScripts/checkuserlog.php"); ?> <?php extract($_REQUEST); // zipsearch func function selectQry($sql,$return_type='') { //echo $sql; $retResultSelect = array(); $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die("MySQL Error Happend : " .mysql_error()); if($retun_type == "") { while( ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs))) { $retResultSelect[] = $row; } return $retResultSelect; } else if($retun_type == "resource") return $rs; } function zipRadiusSQL($varZip, $varLatitude, $varLongitude, $varMiles) { $varLatRange = $varMiles / ((6076 / 5280) * 60) + ($varMiles / 1000); $varLonRange = $varMiles / (((cos($varLatitude * 3.141592653589 / 180) * 6076.) / 5280.) * 60) + ($varMiles / 1000); $zipRadiusSQL_str = "SELECT latitude, longitude, district , postcode"; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . " FROM ukpostcodes WHERE postcode != ''"; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . " AND ("; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . "longitude <= (" . $varLongitude . " + " . $varLonRange . ")"; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . " AND "; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . "longitude >= (" . $varLongitude . " - " . $varLonRange . ")"; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . ")"; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . " AND ("; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . "latitude <= (" . $varLatitude . " + " . $varLatRange . ")"; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . " AND "; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . "latitude >= (" . $varLatitude . " - " . $varLatRange . ")"; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . ")"; if ($varZip != "") { $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . " AND postcode <> '" . $varZip . "'"; } $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . " AND longitude <> 0"; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . " AND latitude <> 0"; $zipRadiusSQL_str = $zipRadiusSQL_str . " ORDER BY postcode ASC"; $zipRadiusSQL = $zipRadiusSQL_str; return $zipRadiusSQL; } function zipDistCalc($Lat1, $Lon1, $Lat2, $Lon2, $UnitFlag) { $PI = 3.141592654; if (is_null($Lat1)) { return; } if($Lat1 == 0 or $Lon1 == 0 or $Lat2 == 0 or $Lon2 == 0) { $DistCalc = -1; return $DistCalc; } elseif ($Lat1 == $Lat2 and $Lon1 == $Lon2) { $DistCalc = 0; return $DistCalc; } $LatRad1 = $Lat1 * $PI / 180; $LonRad1 = $Lon1 * $PI / 180; $LatRad2 = $Lat2 * $PI / 180; $LonRad2 = $Lon2 * $PI / 180; $LonRadDif = Abs($LonRad1 - $LonRad2); $X = Sin($LatRad1) * Sin($LatRad2) + Cos($LatRad1) * Cos($LatRad2) * Cos($LonRadDif); $RadDist = atan(-$X / sqrt(-$X * $X + 1)) + 2 * atan(1); $DistMI = $RadDist * 3958.754; $DistKM = $DistMI * 1.609344; If (strtoupper($UnitFlag) == "M") { $zipDistCalc = $DistMI; } else { $zipDistCalc = $DistKM; } return $zipDistCalc; } function getZipCodes($zip_code,$radiusRangeLow='0',$radiusRangeHeigh='10') { $zipCodesArray=array(); $fetchZipInfoQry="SELECT postcode,latitude,longitude FROM ukpostcodes WHERE postcode='".addslashes($zip_code)."'"; $zipInfo=selectQry($fetchZipInfoQry); if(sizeof($zipInfo)>0) { $fetchZipsInRangeSql = zipRadiusSQL($zipInfo[0]['postcode'], $zipInfo[0]['latitude'], $zipInfo[0]['longitude'], $radiusRangeHeigh); $zipRangeInfo=selectQry($fetchZipsInRangeSql); $zipRangeInfoSize=sizeof($zipRangeInfo); if($zipRangeInfoSize>0) { for($i=0;$i<$zipRangeInfoSize;$i++) { $zipLatitude = $zipRangeInfo[$i]["latitude"]; $zipLongitude = $zipRangeInfo[$i]["longitude"]; $zipZipCode = $zipRangeInfo[$i]["postcode"]; $zipDistance = zipDistCalc($zipInfo[0]['latitude'], $zipInfo[0]['longitude'], $zipLatitude, $zipLongitude, "M"); if(($zipDistance > $radiusRangeLow) and ($zipDistance < $radiusRangeHeigh)) { $zipCodesArray[]="'".$zipZipCode."'"; } } // rturn the $zipCodesArray unset($zipcodeClass); return $zipCodesArray; }else { ## no matching zip codes found return $zipCodesArray; } }else { ## zip code is invalid ( not exist in the zipcode db) return $zipCodesArray; } } $zipcode = trim($_REQUEST['zipcode']); if (strpos($zipcode," ") > 0) { $zipcode = trim( substr($zipcode, 0, strpos($zipcode," ")) ); } else if (strlen($zipcode) > 4) { $zipcode = trim( substr($zipcode, 0, strlen($zipcode)-3) ); } // zipcode search if($_REQUEST[zipcode]!='' && $_REQUEST[zip_range] > 0) { $zipCodeArray=getZipCodes(strtoupper($zipcode),0,$zip_range); if(sizeof($zipCodeArray)>1) { $zipCodeString=implode(',',$zipCodeArray); $str = ""; for ($k=0;$k<count($zipCodeArray);$k++) $str .= "(zipcode like '%".str_replace("'","",$zipCodeArray[$k])."') OR (zipcode like '".str_replace("'","",$zipCodeArray[$k]).",%') OR"; $appendQuery = " AND (".$str." (zipcode = '".strtoupper($zipcode)."') OR (zipcode like '%".strtoupper($zipcode).",%') OR (zipcode like '%".strtoupper($zipcode)."')) "; } } elseif($_REQUEST[zipcode]!='' && $_REQUEST[zip_range] == 0 ) { $appendQuery = " AND ((zipcode = '".strtoupper($zipcode)."') OR (zipcode like '%".strtoupper($zipcode).",%') OR (zipcode like '%".strtoupper($zipcode)."')) "; } else { $appendQuery =''; } $appendQuery2 = " AND zipcode = '".strtoupper($zipcode)."' "; ?> <?php $Special = mysql_query("SELECT special.special FROM special"); $row_Special = mysql_fetch_assoc($Special); $totalRows_Special = mysql_num_rows($Special); ?> <?php //calculate years of age (input string: YYYY-MM-DD) function birthday ($birthday){ list($year,$month,$day) = explode("-",$birthday); $year_diff = date("Y") - $year; $month_diff = date("m") - $month; $day_diff = date("d") - $day; if ($day_diff < 0 || $month_diff < 0) $year_diff--; return $year_diff; } $birthday = ''.birthday($birthday).''; ?> <?php $fname = ''; $sname = ''; $speciality = ''; $zipcode = ''; $zip_range = ''; $listbyq = ''; $queryString = ''; $queryMsg = ''; if (isset($_GET['listByq'])){ if ($_GET['listByq'] == "pt_search") { $speciality = $_GET['speciality']; $fname = $_GET['fname']; $fname = stripslashes($fname); $fname = strip_tags($fname); $fname = eregi_replace("`", "", $fname); $fname = mysql_real_escape_string($fname); $sname = $_GET['sname']; $sname = stripslashes($sname); $sname = strip_tags($sname); $sname = eregi_replace("`", "", $sname); $sname = mysql_real_escape_string($sname); if ($fname){ $fname = " AND firstname LIKE '%$fname%'"; } else { $fname = ""; } if ($sname){ $sname = " AND surname LIKE '%$sname%'"; } else { $sname = ""; } if ($zipcode){ $zipcode = " AND zipcode LIKE '%$zipcode%'"; } else { $zipcode = ""; } if ($zip_range){ $zip_range = " AND zip_range LIKE '%$zip_range%'"; } else { $zip_range = ""; } if ($speciality){ $speciality = " AND special LIKE '%$speciality%'"; } else { $speciality = ""; } $queryString = "email_activated='1'$fname$sname$zipcode$zip_range$speciality$appendQuery"; $queryMsg = '<br/><br/><span class=slidingDivHeaderText>Search Found .$nr. Personal Trainers</span><br/><br/>'; } } else{ $queryString = "email_activated='1'"; $queryMsg = "<br/><br/><span class=slidingDivHeaderText>Showing Most Recent Personal Trainers</span><br/><br/>"; } ////////////// QUERY THE MEMBER DATA USING THE $queryString variable's value $sql = mysql_query("SELECT id,firstname,surname,gender,zipcode,rateto,ratefrom,special FROM ptdata WHERE $queryString ORDER BY id DESC"); //////////////////////////////////// Pagination /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $nr = mysql_num_rows($sql); // Get total of Num rows from the database query if (isset($_GET['pn'])) { // Get pn from URL vars if it is present $pn = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i', '', $_GET['pn']); // filter everything but numbers for security(new) } else { // If the pn URL variable is not present force it to be value of page number 1 $pn = 1; } //This is where we set how many database items to show on each page $itemsPerPage = 2; // Get the value of the last page in the pagination result set $lastPage = ceil($nr / $itemsPerPage); // Be sure URL variable $pn(page number) is no lower than page 1 and no higher than $lastpage if ($pn < 1) { // If it is less than 1 $pn = 1; // force if to be 1 } else if ($pn > $lastPage) { // if it is greater than $lastpage $pn = $lastPage; // force it to be $lastpage's value } // This creates the numbers to click in between the next and back buttons // This section is explained well in the video that accompanies this script $centerPages = ""; $sub1 = $pn - 1; $sub2 = $pn - 2; $add1 = $pn + 1; $add2 = $pn + 2; if ($pn == 1) { $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add1 . '">' . $add1 . '</a> '; } else if ($pn == $lastPage) { $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub1 . '">' . $sub1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; } else if ($pn > 2 && $pn < ($lastPage - 1)) { $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub2 . '">' . $sub2 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub1 . '">' . $sub1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add1 . '">' . $add1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add2 . '">' . $add2 . '</a> '; } else if ($pn > 1 && $pn < $lastPage) { $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub1 . '">' . $sub1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add1 . '">' . $add1 . '</a> '; } // This line sets the "LIMIT" range... the 2 values we place to choose a range of rows from database in our query $limit = 'LIMIT ' .($pn - 1) * $itemsPerPage .',' .$itemsPerPage; // Now we are going to run the same query as above but this time add $limit onto the end of the SQL syntax // $sql2 is what we will use to fuel our while loop statement below $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT id,firstname,surname,gender,zipcode,rateto,ratefrom,special FROM ptdata WHERE $queryString ORDER BY id DESC $limit"); /////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// Pagination Display Setup /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $paginationDisplay = ""; // Initialize the pagination output variable // This code runs only if the last page variable is not equal to 1, if it is only 1 page we require no paginated links to display if ($lastPage != "1"){ // This shows the user what page they are on, and the total number of pages $paginationDisplay .= 'Page <strong>' . $pn . '</strong> of ' . $lastPage. '<img src="images/clearImage.gif" width="48" height="1" alt="Spacer" />'; // If we are not on page 1 we can place the Back button if ($pn != 1) { $previous = $pn - 1; $paginationDisplay .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $previous . '&fname=' . $fname . '&sname=' . $sname . '&zipcode=' . $zipcode . '&zip_range=' . $zip_range . '&speciality=' . $speciality . '&submit= '.Search.'&listByq='.pt_search.'"> Back</a> '; } // Lay in the clickable numbers display here between the Back and Next links $paginationDisplay .= '<span class="paginationNumbers">' . $centerPages . '</span>'; // If we are not on the very last page we can place the Next button if ($pn != $lastPage) { $nextPage = $pn + 1; $paginationDisplay .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $nextPage . '&fname=' . $fname . '&sname=' . $sname . '&zipcode=' . $zipcode . '&zip_range=' . $zip_range . '&speciality=' . $speciality . '&submit= '.Search.'&listByq='.pt_search.'"> Next</a> '; } } ///////////////////////////////////// END Pagination Display // Build the Output Section Here $outputList = ''; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql2)){ $id = $row["id"]; $firstname = $row["firstname"]; $surname = $row["surname"]; $gender = $row["gender"]; $ratefrom = $row["ratefrom"]; $rateto = $row["rateto"]; $birthday = $row["birthday"]; $zipcode = $row["zipcode"]; //create a variable to load proper variable $loadImg=($gender=="Male")?"images/Background/Male_Back.jpg":"images/Background/Female_Back.jpg" ; /////// Mechanism to Display RateFrom or not ////////////////////////// if ($ratefrom == "") { $ratefrom = "TBA"; } else { $ratefrom = '£ &nbsp'.$ratefrom.' '; } /////// Mechanism to Display RateFrom or not ////////////////////////// if ($rateto == "") { $rateto = ""; } else { $rateto = '- '.$rateto.''; } /////// Mechanism to Display Pic. See if they have uploaded a pic or not ////////////////////////// $check_pic = "Members/$id/image01.jpg"; $default_pic = "Members/FitNetwork.jpg"; if (file_exists($check_pic)) { $user_pic = "<img src=\"$check_pic\" width=\"145px\" height=\"130px\" border=\"0\" />"; // forces picture to be 120px wide and no more } else { $user_pic = "<img src=\"$default_pic\" width=\"145px\" height=\"130px\" border=\"0\" />"; // forces default picture to be 120px wide and no more } $fullname = $firstname.' ' .$surname; $outputList .= ' <table width="800" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" height="162px" background="'.$loadImg.'" style="background-repeat:repeat-x; padding:10px"> <tr> <td width="157" align="center" rowspan="6"><a href="http://www.fitnetwork.co.uk/ptmemberprofile.php?id=' . $id . '" target="_blank">' . $user_pic . '</a></td> <td style="padding-left:10px;" width="140" align="left" height="20"><span class=headerblacktextSmall>Name:</span></td> <td align="left" width="327"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://www.fitnetwork.co.uk/ptmemberprofile.php?id=' . $id . '" target="_blank"><span class="normal_text_search">' . $fullname . ' </span></a></td> <td width="174" rowspan="3" align="left"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://www.fitnetwork.co.uk/ptmemberprofile.php?id=' . $id . '" target="_blank"><span class="normal_text_search">View Profile</span></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding-left:10px;" align="left" height="20"><span class=headerblacktextSmall>Age:</span></td> <td align="left"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://www.fitnetwork.co.uk/ptmemberprofile.php?id=' . $id . '" target="_blank"><span class="normal_text_search">' .birthday($birthday).'</span></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding-left:10px;" align="left" height="25"><span class=headerblacktextSmall>Price Range:</span></td> <td align="left"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="http://www.fitnetwork.co.uk/ptmemberprofile.php?id=' . $id . '" target="_blank"><span class="normal_text_search">' . $ratefrom . ' ' . $rateto . '</span></a></td> </tr> </table> <br/> '; }// close while ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// END QUERY THE MEMBER DATA & Build the Output Section //////////////////////////// ?>
  3. Hi Just want some advice on how to do the below: I already have one table called 'venopt' which has two fields one is 'id' and 'venues' I also already have a table for members details called 'ptdata' and has 'id' 'firstname' and 'surname' etc Both ids in each table are primary keys and autoincremented. The user will be selecting options from the 'venues' table and submitting them via POST. How should i then handle the data, is it best to setup another table which will store the selections and if so how would i go about that? Or is it best to store the details in an array say in the 'ptdata' table. Either way I would also want to retrieve the contents of the array and display it in another drop down list? Any ideas
  4. Hi I have tried that but it doesn't seem to work, it should but it doesn't
  5. Hi I have to multi select tables, the table on the left is field with the contents of an array, I then have it so the user can make there selections from the left box and move them into the right. They then hit submit and it gets stored inmysql table as an array. The problem I am having is keeping the selections in that right box after any sort of page refresh. Any ideas I have pasted the php and html code below, the add/remove function is controlled by javascript, I won't bother pasting that as i don't think it has anything to do with it. PHP ******** <?php / ------- PARSING PERSONAL TRAINER DETAILS VENUE --------- if ($_POST['parse_var'] == "fromPool"){ $venue = $_POST['venue']; if (is_array($_POST['venue'])) { $venue = explode("\n", $_POST['venue']); } else { $venue = $_POST['venue']; } // Update the database data now here for all fields posted in the form $sqlUpdate = mysql_query("UPDATE ptdata SET venue='$venue' WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1"); if ($sqlUpdate){ $success_msg = '<img src="images/Form/round_success.png" width="20" height="20" alt="Success" />Your venue information has been updated successfully'; } else { $error_msg = '<img src="images/Form/round_error.png" width="20" height="20" alt="Failure" /> ERROR: Problems arose during the information exchange, please try again later</font>'; } } // ------- END PARSING PERSONAL TRAINER DETAILS VENUE --------- ?> <?php ////////// Venue Array PHP For Multi Selection Boxes //////////// $dbString = ''; // To be pulled from Database $toPool = explode(',', $dbString); $pool = Array('Your Home','My Home','Outside','Private Studio','Your Work','Gym'); if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'){ $toPool = (count($_POST['venue']) > 0)? $_POST['venue'] : Array(); $newDbString = implode(',', $toPool); // Store in Database; } $fromPool = array_diff($pool, $toPool); ?> html *********** <form action="ptmemberaccount.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"onsubmit="multipleSelectOnSubmit()"> <table width="500" align="left"> <tr> <td width="500" height="300" align="center"> <select multiple="multiple" name="fromBox[]" id="fromBox"> <?php foreach($fromPool as $itm){ echo "\t" . '<option value="' . $itm . '">' . $itm . '</option>' . PHP_EOL; } ?> </select> <select multiple="multiple" name="venue[]" id="toBox"> <?php foreach($toPool as $itm){ echo "\t" . '<option value="' . $itm . '">' . $itm . '</option>' . PHP_EOL; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" height="35"><script type="text/javascript"> createMovableOptions("fromBox","toBox",400,200,'Training Venues','Selected Training Venues'); </script> <p>Use the buttons to Add/Remove selections</p></td></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" height="100"> <input type="submit" value="OK"> </tr> </table> </form> If you need anymore info let me know, also if anyone knows a better way of achieving this i am open to suggestions. Many Thanks MOD EDIT: code tags added
  6. Hi I have two html multi list boxes side by side, in the left box which has an ID of venueFrom I have the options (<option></option>). The right box which has an ID of venue is blank. I am using javascript to move selections from (venueFrom) to (venue) which works fine. When I hit submit the selections get submitted to mysql table and are stored in the relevant field which is venue. The problem I can't seem to fix is keeping the selected data in the (venue) multi list box after it has been submitted. I have tried various bits of code they I have written and other people have suggested but it doesn't work. I am currently at work so unable to paste all the code, but I think there should be enough information here. The field in mysql table that (venue) is being stored in, is a text field, I don't think this should matter, but I am not a PHP expert. Any help will be appreciated as its someonthing I should have sorted out myself by now, ut just can't crack it!
  7. Hi I have to two multi list select boxes side by side. The first has all the options that the user can select which they can select and transfer to the other multi list select box. I have used javascript to create the buttons which allow you to add and remove selections from the right multi list box. Once I hit submit all the selections go to a mysql database, which is fine. However my problem is that the selected options don't stay in the right hand mulit list box after submission. So I need to know how I can keep them in there, or maybe populate that right hand multi list box with the submitted selections. FYI: once the selections are submitted they are stored in a text field in mysql database, so I need them to come back, as options in the right hand multi list box. Hope this makes sense Below is a link to something similar, just need to sort out the php side http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/scripts/multiple_select/multiple_select.html Many Thanks
  8. Hi I have members DOB stored in a mysql table field called birthday in the following format YYYY-MM-DD I can't seem to convert the time stamp into the members age I need to be able to feed $birthday which is the field in mysql table that is in the above format and then use php code to convert to members age Everything I try doesn't seem to work
  9. Hi I am pulling my hair out over this, I have tried many many ways on getting this to work but none have. I have a multi list selection box, which the user can select more than one option from. Once submitted this gets sent to a mysql database table. Below is my shortened version of the multi list html code: <select multiple="multiple" size="10" name="special[]"> <option value="Abdominal Training"> Abdominal Training </option> <option value="Aerobics"> Aerobics </option> <option value="Agility"> Agility </option> </select> If have tried putting [] which creates an array in the mysql table field special, but when I echo it back it just echos 'array'. When I try it without the [], and echo it back, it only echos one selection. I am still new to php, but have managed to get my head around a lot, but have been stuck on this for weeks, please help.
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