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  1. The first one is from "commands.php" and the second is from "Message.php" .
  2. So with the information provided, where would I put that stuff your describing?
  3. I can provide the entire script if you want. Here's the "Classes" folder of the chat system in question though ... [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. Hello, I have a simple dice system script I am using in a chat program for a website and I was wondering if someone could simply tell me how to limit the number of dice being rolled. Here are the two chunks of script that make it work: if($irc_cmd == '/d') { if($irc_cmd == $txt) { // this can only happen with a no dice - '/d' - a help request // return an explanation of the correct format $text = "dice command is /d [[n]D]s[Xm|+a|-d|/q]*"; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, null, $text, $this->color)); return 'ok'; } // create standard failure message $invalid_msg = new Message($type, $this->userid, null, 'ERROR: invalid dice command - '.$txt.' - enter /d for help', $this->color); // remove the original command from the dice string $dicestring = str_replace($irc_cmd,'', $txt); // use lowercase versions of D and X to make parsing simpler $dicestring = strtolower($dicestring); // remove any user entered spaces $dicestring = str_replace(' ', '', $dicestring); // note that all modifiers will follow the dice spec 'nDs' // number of dice is optional e.g. 1d4 d4 and 4 all represent a single 4-sided die // if the first token is blank, then the user intended for one die e.g. /d d20 means /d 1d20 // if the is no 'd' then the user intended one die e.g. /d 20 means /d 1d20 $parts = explode('d', $dicestring); if(count($parts)>2) { // only one 'd' is allowed $this->sendToUser(null, $invalid_msg); return 'ok'; } elseif(count($parts)==1) { // if no 'D' assume '1' die $number = 1; } else { $number = (int)$parts[0]; if ($parts[0] == "") { // if $number == 0 // if no number assume '1' die $number=1; } elseif ("$number" != "$parts[0]") { // only integers allowed $this->sendToUser(null, $invalid_msg); return 'ok'; } $dicestring = $parts[1]; } if($number < 1) { // can't allow a negative number of dice $this->sendToUser(null, $invalid_msg); return 'ok'; } // check for sides and modifiers // expand the string to put spaces around all the tokens we want $dicestring = str_replace('+', ' + ', $dicestring); $dicestring = str_replace('-', ' - ', $dicestring); $dicestring = str_replace('x', ' x ', $dicestring); $dicestring = str_replace('/', ' / ', $dicestring); // explode the whole thing to create tokens $parts = explode(' ', $dicestring); // the only other tokens should be integers // allowed formats from here are s[Xm][+a][-d][/q] // we should allow any series of these in any order, applying them left to right // the first part must be the sides $sides = (int)$parts[0]; if ("$sides" != "$parts[0]") { $this->sendToUser(null, $invalid_msg); return 'ok'; } if($sides < 1) { // can't allow a negative number of sides $this->sendToUser(null, $invalid_msg); return 'ok'; } // get the user's name //$user = ChatServer::getUser($this->userid); //$name= $user['login']; // start writing the reply string $text = '*rolls* '.$number.'d'.$sides.': '; // seed the randomizer srand(time()); // with number and sides, roll the dice, adding them up $total = 0; for($i = 0; $i < $number; $i++) { $roll = (rand()%$sides)+1; if($i != 0) $text .= '+'; $text .= $roll; $total += $roll; } // now apply all the modifiers to the roll, in the order the user specified them for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i+=2) { // the value needs to be an integer $value = (int)$parts[$i+1]; $v = $parts[$i+1]; if ("$value" != "$v") { $this->sendToUser(null, $invalid_msg); return 'ok'; } // the token needs to be one of the operators - otherwise abort $token = $parts[$i]; switch ($token) { case '+': // add $total += $value; break; case '-': // subtract $total -= $value; // make minimum 1 - remove this like to allow 0 and lower if ($total<1) $total=1; break; case 'x': // multiply $total *= $value; break; case '/': // divide - round up so 1d6/3 will be the same as 1d2 $total = ceil($total/$value); break; default: $this->sendToUser(null, $invalid_msg); return 'ok'; } // add the modifier to the display string $text .= $token.$value; } // and display the final result $text .= ': '.$total; // gets sent to particular room, but with users name tacked on, so a user could spoof it // at least 'msgu' looks different $this->sendToRoom(null, new Message('rpg', $this->userid, $this->roomid, $text)); return 'ok'; } and function Message($command, $userid = null, $roomid = null, $txt = null, $color = null) { $this->command = $command; if ($command == 'rpg') $this->command = 'msgu'; $this->userid = $userid; $this->roomid = $roomid; $this->color = htmlColor($color); if($command != 'rpg') { $txt = str_replace('*rolls*', 'rolls', $txt); } if(isset($txt)) { $this->txt = $this->parse($txt); } } So again all I want it to do is limit the number of dice being rolled because right now someone can do a /d 1000000d100000 and completely crash the chat for everyone. I am thinking 100 on either variable would be plenty. Thanks for your help!
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