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  1. Hi guys, I need some help with a WordPress-plugin that needs modification. I've found a plugin called "Last.FM Events": http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lastfm-events/ It almost works the way I'd like it to. It simply connects my Last.FM account to my WordPress-widget and displays the next registered event at Last.FM that I'm attending to. What I'd also like it to do is to display a simple countdown below it, such as "100 days left" to the event date. Below you can have a look at the "Last.FM Events"-plugin code. You will notice that I've commented away some parts, simply because they are useless in my case. I only want the widget to display the event name (with a link to the Last.FM page) and a countdown below it. Can anyone help me out? I know very little of PHP unfortunately! <?php /* Plugin Name: Last.FM Events Version: 1.1b Plugin URI: http://simonwheatley.co.uk/wordpress-plugins/ Description: Looks at the events you've said you're attending in Last.FM, and displays them on your blog. Uses hCal microformat. Loosely based on Ricardo González's Last.fm for Wordpress plugin. Author: Simon Wheatley Author URI: http://www.simonwheatley.co.uk/ Copyright 2007 Simon Wheatley This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // You can edit this, but I don't suggest making it too often define('LFE_CACHE_AGE', 60 * 60); // In seconds, so this is 1 hour (60 minutes). No need to check more frequently than this. define('LFE_CACHE', 'lfe_cached_events'); define('LFE_OPTIONS', 'widget_lfe'); define('LFE_DEFAULT_PROFILE_LINK_TEXT', __('My Last.FM events')); define('LFE_DEFAULT_TITLE', __('Upcoming Last.FM events')); define('LFE_DATE_ISO8601', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'); // PHP5 has this set automatically, but we can't rely on PHP5. Sigh. // HTTP client stuff define('LFE_USER_AGENT', 'WordPress/' . $GLOBALS['wp_version']); define('LFE_FETCH_TIME_OUT', 5); // 5 second timeout, Last.FM can be slow // Use gzip encoding to fetch remote files if supported? define('LFE_USE_GZIP', true); require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php'); // Modelled on the Magpie function of a similar name function lfe_fetch_remote_file ( $url ) { // Snoopy is an HTTP client in PHP $client = new Snoopy(); $client->agent = LFE_USER_AGENT; $client->read_timeout = LFE_FETCH_TIME_OUT; $client->use_gzip = LFE_USE_GZIP; // SWTODO: Would be good to utilise last-modified when fetching the initial file, allowing them to return 304 Not Modified, to help reduce Last.FM's load. if (is_array($headers) ) { $client->rawheaders = $headers; } @$client->fetch($url); return $client; } function lfe_fetch_remote_file_contents( $url ) { $response = lfe_fetch_remote_file( $url ); // Check we had a sensible response // If we timed out, return false and we can fall back (hopefully) on a cached version if ( $response->timed_out ) return false; // If its anything other than 200 OK, // e.g. 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error, 304 Not Modified, etc, // Request for event info failed, we'll fall back on a (hopefully) cached copy if ( $response->status != 200 ) return false; // It all looks OK $contents = $response->results; return $contents; } // Provide an associative array of event info, using the cache if in date or getting // new data if the cache is outdated function lfe_maybe_get_new_events() { // Check if we've got a cached copy $cached_events = get_option(LFE_CACHE); // No cache? Get new events... if ( empty($cached_events) ) return lfe_get_new_events(); // Check if it's out of date $now = time(); $out_of_date = (bool) (( $now - $cached_events['modified_timestamp'] ) > LFE_CACHE_AGE); // Out of date? Get new events... if ( $out_of_date ) return lfe_get_new_events(); return $cached_events['events']; } // Get new events data from Last.FM function lfe_get_new_events() { $options = get_option(LFE_OPTIONS); $username = $options['username']; // Get the file contents in a way which will work, hopefully even for systems with url_file_open off. $url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/1.0/user/$username/events.ics"; $vcal = lfe_fetch_remote_file_contents ($url); // Something went wrong with the request if ( $vcal === false ) { // Check if we've got a cached copy $cached_events = get_option(LFE_CACHE); // Got a cache? Use it... if ( ! empty($cached_events) ) { return $cached_events['events']; } return false; } // Split into it's parts $vcal_events = explode('BEGIN:VEVENT', $vcal); // First array index will be the vCal general info, which we don't care about // (Currently the timezones appear to all be UTC, but if this changes we may need to // take note before chucking the general info.) array_shift($vcal_events); // Create an object we can cache, including a modified time so we know when it goes out of date $to_cache = array('events'=>array(), 'modified_timestamp'=>time()); // Create a reference for ease $events = & $to_cache['events']; // SWFIXME: Maybe optimise performance by passing by reference? foreach ( $vcal_events AS $vcal_event ) { $events[] = lfe_parse_event( $vcal_event ); } update_option(LFE_CACHE, $to_cache); return $to_cache['events']; } function lfe_parse_event($vcal_event) { // Get rid of '\r' entities (characters? things? annoyances? line returns?) $vcal_event = str_replace("\r", '', $vcal_event); // Split the vCal event by line $vcal_event_lines = explode("\n", $vcal_event); // A nice clean array of information $event = array(); // Go through the lines, and extract the information foreach ( $vcal_event_lines AS $line ) { // The URL if ( stripos($line, 'URL;VALUE=URI:') !== false ) { // e.g. URL;VALUE=URI:http://www.last.fm/event/306012 $event['url'] = str_replace('URL;VALUE=URI:', '', $line); } // The start datetime in ISO 8601, which we'll convert to UNIX time for convenience // SWFIXME: We'll ignore timezones, because it's just too hard in PHP without screeds of adding data on all the timezones *in the world* to this script if ( stripos($line, 'DTSTART;') !== false ) { // e.g. DTSTART;TZID=UTC;VALUE=DATE:20080131 // e.g. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20070930T190000 $bits = explode(':', $line); $event['start_iso_date'] = $bits[1]; // Assume we're dealing with a compact ISO datetime (i.e. without dash separators) $event['start_timestamp'] = lfe_iso_date_to_time( $event['iso_date'] ); } // The start datetime in ISO 8601, which we'll convert to UNIX time for convenience // SWFIXME: We'll ignore timezones initially, because it's just too hard in PHP without adding screeds of data defining all the timezones *in the world* to this script if ( stripos($line, 'DTSTART;') !== false ) { // e.g. DTSTART;TZID=UTC;VALUE=DATE:20080131 // e.g. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20070930T190000 $bits = explode(':', $line); $event['start_iso_date'] = $bits[1]; // Assume we're dealing with a compact ISO datetime (i.e. without dash separators) $event['start_timestamp'] = lfe_iso_date_to_time( $event['start_iso_date'] ); } // The end datetime in ISO 8601, which we'll convert to UNIX time for convenience // SWFIXME: We'll ignore timezones initially, because it's just too hard in PHP without adding screeds of data defining all the timezones *in the world* to this script if ( stripos($line, 'DTEND;') !== false ) { // e.g. DTEND;TZID=UTC;VALUE=DATE:20080131 // e.g. DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20070930T190000 $bits = explode(':', $line); $event['end_iso_date'] = $bits[1]; // Assume we're dealing with a compact ISO datetime (i.e. without dash separators) $event['end_timestamp'] = lfe_iso_date_to_time( $event['end_iso_date'] ); } // Summary if ( stripos($line, 'SUMMARY:') !== false ) { // e.g. SUMMARY:The Puppini Sisters at The Ritz $event['summary'] = str_replace('SUMMARY:', '', $line); } // Description, slightly different to summary, but not much if ( stripos($line, 'DESCRIPTION:') !== false ) { // e.g. DESCRIPTION:The Puppini Sisters - The Ritz $event['description'] = str_replace('DESCRIPTION:', '', $line); } // The location, which includes a URL for the Last.FM page for the venue if ( stripos($line, 'LOCATION;') !== false ) { // e.g. LOCATION;VENUE-UID="http://www.last.fm/venue/8837067":The Ritz\, Manchester\, United Kingdom $bits = explode(':', $line); // SWFIXME: The address is escaped, wonder what else is escaped that I'm not noticing? $event['venue_address'] = stripslashes($bits[2]); // SWFIXME: We assume here that the venue URL contains no quote marks... safe assumption? $other_bits = explode('"', $line); $event['venue_url'] = $other_bits[1]; } } return $event; } // Display Last.fm events. function lfe_write_events( & $events, $username = '', $num = 5, $list = true, $list = true, $link_event = true, $show_venue = true, $link_venue = false) { // Initiate a counter $i = 0; // Always hoping for at least one event if ($num <=0) $num = 1; // Max ten events if ($num >10) $num = 10; if ($list) echo '<ul class="lfe">'; if ($username == '') { if ($list) echo '<li>'; echo '<p style="color: #fff; background-color: #ff9; padding: 5px;"><strong>'.__('You need to set your Last.FM username!').'</strong>'.__('Edit the widget settings to add it.').'</p>'; if ($list) echo '</li>'; } else { if ( empty($events) ) { if ($list) { echo '<li class="lfe_no_events">'; } else { echo '<p class="lfe_no_events">'; } echo '<em>'.__('No events coming up.').'</em>'; if ($list) { echo '</li>'; } else { echo '</p>'; } } else { // Init counter $counter = 0; foreach ( $events as $event ) { // SWTODO: Maybe allow user to choose to display the date or time remaining until $time_as = 'difference'; $zero_length = ( $event['start_timestamp'] == $event['end_timestamp'] ); if ( $time_as == 'date' ) { // strftime should be locale sensitive. $nice_start_date = strftime('%d %b \'%y %R', $event['start_timestamp']); $nice_end_date = strftime('%d %b \'%y %R', $event['end_timestamp']); } else { //$nice_start_date = lfe_time_difference($event['start_timestamp']); //$nice_end_date = lfe_time_difference($event['end_timestamp']); } $iso_start_date = strftime(LFE_DATE_ISO8601, $event['start_timestamp']); $iso_end_date = strftime(LFE_DATE_ISO8601, $event['end_timestamp']); // Start writing the event if ($list) { echo "<li class='vevent vevent_$counter'>"; } elseif ($num != 1) { echo "<p class='vevent vevent_$counter'>"; } echo "<strong>"; if ( $link_event ) { echo "<a href='{$event['url']}' class='url summary'>"; } else { echo "<span class='summary'>"; } echo $event['summary']; if ( $link_event ) { echo "</a>"; } else { echo "</span>"; } echo "</strong>"; if ( $show_venue ) { // SWTODO: Find a way of splitting the location information to make this an hCard echo "<br /><span class='location'>"; if ( $link_venue ) echo "<a href='{$event['venue_url']}'>"; echo "{$event['venue_address']}"; if ( $link_venue ) echo "</a>"; echo "</span> "; } echo "<br /><abbr class='dtstart' title='$iso_start_date'>"; // Don't show the optional (in hcal terms) end date if it's the same as the start echo "$nice_start_date</abbr>"; if ( ! $zero_length && $time_as != 'difference' ) { echo " - <abbr class='dtend' title='$iso_end_date'>$nice_end_date</abbr>"; } elseif ( ! $zero_length && $time_as == 'difference' ) { echo "<abbr class='dtend lfe_hide' title='$iso_end_date'></abbr>"; } else { echo "<span class='lfe_hide'>.</span>"; } if ($list) { echo "</li>"; } elseif ($num != 1) { echo "</p>"; } $counter++; if ( $counter >= $num ) break; } // foreach } if ($list) echo '</ul>'; } } function lfe_iso_date_to_time( $iso_date ) { // We're going to use MySQL for this, because we can't rely on PHP having a decent // function for the job. (Because we can't rely on PHP5.) global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$iso_date')"; return $wpdb->get_var($sql); } // Return the time either until or ago in months, weeks and days // Very rough, assumes a day is 24 hours (i.e. ignores daylight saving) // and assumes a month is 30 days function lfe_time_difference($timestamp) { $diff = $timestamp - time(); $prefix = 'In '; $suffix = ''; if ( $diff < 0 ) { $prefix = ''; $suffix = ' ago'; // Got to deal with positive numbers $diff = $diff * -1; } // Define our time periods in seconds $minute = 60; // Start off with a minute being 60 seconds $hour = 60 * $minute; // Fairly safe $day = 24 * $hour; // Inaccurate, as it ignores daylight saving $week = 7 * $day; // Fairly safe $month = 4 * $week; // Obviously inaccurate $months = floor($diff / $month); $diff -= $months * $month; $weeks = floor($diff / $week); $diff -= $weeks * $week; $days = floor($diff / $day); $diff -= $days * $day; $hours = floor($diff / $hour); $diff -= $hours * $hour; $minutes = floor($diff / $minute); $diff -= $minutes * $minute; $seconds = $diff; $time_difference = ''; if ($months>0) { // months $time_difference .= ($time_difference?', ':'').$months.' '; // Potentially the il8n for month/week/day is not just suffixing an 's' // So we'll treat them as separate strings for internationalisation if ( $months == 1 ) { $time_difference .= __('month'); } else { $time_difference .= __('months'); } } elseif ($weeks>0) { // weeks and days $time_difference .= ($time_difference?', ':'').$weeks.' '; if ( $weeks == 1 ) { $time_difference .= __('week'); } else { $time_difference .= __('weeks'); } $time_difference .= $days>0?($time_difference?', ':'').$days.' ':''; if ( $days == 1 ) { $time_difference .= __('day'); } elseif ( $days > 0 ) { $time_difference .= __('days'); } } elseif ($days>0) { // days and hours $time_difference .= ($time_difference?', ':'').$days.' '; if ( $days == 1 ) { $time_difference .= __('day'); } else { $time_difference .= __('days'); } $time_difference .= $hours>0?($time_difference?', ':'').$hours.' ':''; if ( $hours == 1 ) { $time_difference .= __('hour'); } elseif ( $hours > 0 ) { $time_difference .= __('hours'); } } elseif ($hours>0) { // hours and minutes $time_difference .= ($time_difference?', ':'').$hours.' '; if ( $hours == 1 ) { $time_difference .= __('hour'); } else { $time_difference .= __('hours'); } $time_difference .= $minutes>0?($time_difference?', ':'').$minutes.' ':''; if ( $minutes == 1 ) { $time_difference .= __('minute'); } elseif ( $minutes > 0 ) { $time_difference .= __('minutes'); } } elseif ($minutes>0) { // minutes only $time_difference .= ($time_difference?', ':'').$minutes.' '; if ( $minutes == 1 ) { $time_difference .= __('minute'); } else { $time_difference .= __('minutes'); } } else { // seconds only $time_difference .= ($time_difference?', ':'').$seconds.' '; if ( $seconds == 1 ) { $time_difference .= __('second'); } else { $time_difference .= __('seconds'); } } // Add proper verbiage $time_difference = $prefix . $time_difference . $suffix; return $time_difference; } // lastfm widget stuff function lfe_widget_init() { if ( !function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') ) return; function lfe_widget($args) { // $args is an array of strings that help widgets to conform to // the active theme: before_widget, before_title, after_widget, // and after_title are the array keys. Default tags: li and h2. extract($args); // Each widget can store its own options. We keep strings here. $options = get_option(LFE_OPTIONS); $username = $options['username']; // Set some default text $title = ($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : LFE_DEFAULT_TITLE; $profile_link_text = ($options['profile_link_text']) ? $options['profile_link_text'] : LFE_DEFAULT_PROFILE_LINK_TEXT; $num = $options['num']; $list = ($options['list']) ? true : false; $link_event = ($options['link_event']) ? true : false; $show_venue = ($options['show_venue']) ? true : false; $link_venue = ($options['link_venue']) ? true : false; $hide_on_empty = ($options['hide_on_empty']) ? true : false; // These lines generate our output. // This will use a cached copy of the events data if it exists and is in date $events = & lfe_maybe_get_new_events(); // If we're not supposed to have anything when we're empty, we abandon ship at this point. // SWTODO: Maybe how a 'blank slate' event if the user is a logged on admin? So it doesn't appear as though nothing is happening. if ( empty($events) && $hide_on_empty ) return; echo $before_widget . $before_title . $title . $after_title; lfe_write_events($events, $username, $num, true, $list, $link_event, $show_venue, $link_venue); //echo "<p class='lastfm-profile'><a href='http://www.last.fm/user/$username/events/'>"; //echo "$profile_link_text</a>";</p> echo $after_widget; } // This is the function that outputs the form to let the users edit // the widget's the options for the widget. function lfe_widget_ctrl() { // Get our options and see if we're handling a form submission. $options = get_option(LFE_OPTIONS); if ( ! is_array($options) ) { // Populate defaults $options = array( 'title'=>LFE_DEFAULT_TITLE, 'username'=>'', 'profile_link_text'=>LFE_DEFAULT_PROFILE_LINK_TEXT, 'num'=>'5', 'list'=>true, 'link_event'=>true, 'show_venue'=>true, 'link_venue'=>true, 'hide_on_empty'=>true, ); } if ( $_POST['lfe_submit'] ) { // Remember to sanitize and format input appropriately. $options['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['lfe_title'])); $options['username'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['lfe_username'])); $options['profile_link_text'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['lfe_profile_link_text'])); $options['num'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['lfe_num'])); $options['list'] = (bool) @ $_POST['lfe_list']; $options['link_event'] = (bool) @ $_POST['lfe_link_event']; $options['show_venue'] = (bool) @ $_POST['lfe_show_venue']; $options['link_venue'] = (bool) @ $_POST['lfe_link_venue']; $options['hide_on_empty'] = (bool) @ $_POST['lfe_hide_on_empty']; update_option(LFE_OPTIONS, $options); } // Be sure you format your options to be valid HTML attributes. $title = htmlspecialchars($options['title'], ENT_QUOTES); $username = htmlspecialchars($options['username'], ENT_QUOTES); $profile_link_text = htmlspecialchars($options['profile_link_text'], ENT_QUOTES); $num = htmlspecialchars($options['num'], ENT_QUOTES); $list_checked = ($options['list']) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $link_event_checked = ($options['link_event']) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $show_venue_checked = ($options['show_venue']) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $link_venue_checked = ($options['link_venue']) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $hide_on_empty_checked = ($options['hide_on_empty']) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; // Here is our little form segment. Notice that we don't need a // complete form. This will be embedded into the existing form. echo '<p style="text-align:right;"> <label for="lfe_title">' . __('Title:') . ' <input style="width: 200px;" id="lfe_title" name="lfe_title" type="text" value="'.$title.'" /> </label> </p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="lfe_username">' . __('Username:') . ' <input style="width: 200px;" id="lfe_username" name="lfe_username" type="text" value="'.$username.'" /></label></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="lfe_hide_on_empty">' . __('Hide this widget if there\'s no events:') . ' <input id="lfe_hide_on_empty" name="lfe_hide_on_empty" type="checkbox"'.$hide_on_empty_checked.' /></label></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="lfe_profile_link_text">' . __('Profile link text:') . ' <input style="width: 200px;" id="lfe_profile_link_text" name="lfe_profile_link_text" type="text" value="'.$profile_link_text.'" /></label></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="lfe_num">' . __('Maximum number of events:') . ' <input style="width: 25px;" id="lfe_num" name="lfe_num" type="text" value="'.$num.'" /></label></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="lfe_list">' . __('Display events in a bulleted list:') . ' <input id="lfe_list" name="lfe_list" type="checkbox"'.$list_checked.' /></label></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="lfe_link_event">' . __('Link to events on Last.FM:') . ' <input id="lfe_link_event" name="lfe_link_event" type="checkbox"'.$link_event_checked.' /></label></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="lfe_show_venue">' . __('Show venue information:') . ' <input id="lfe_show_venue" name="lfe_show_venue" type="checkbox"'.$show_venue_checked.' /></label></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="lfe_link_venue">' . __('Link to venues on Last.FM:') . ' <input id="lfe_link_venue" name="lfe_link_venue" type="checkbox"'.$link_venue_checked.' /></label></p>'; echo '<input type="hidden" id="lfe_submit" name="lfe_submit" value="1" />'; } // This registers our widget so it appears with the other available // widgets and can be dragged and dropped into any active sidebars. register_sidebar_widget(array('Last.FM Events', 'widgets'), 'lfe_widget'); // This registers our optional widget control form. Because of this // our widget will have a button that reveals a 300x100 pixel form. register_widget_control(array('Last.FM Events', 'widgets'), 'lfe_widget_ctrl', 300, 180); } // Run our code later in case this loads prior to any required plugins. add_action('widgets_init', 'lfe_widget_init'); ?>
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