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  1. sorry for the delay thanks..... I went back to the code and the database and found something odd...... It was adding a blank record as well.... so i went basic and grabbed a cheesy 101 form and php and created a new DB and it was also adding a blank record... here are the 2 pages <html> <body> <form action="duh.php" method="post"> Firstname: <input type="text" name="firstname" /> Lastname: <input type="text" name="lastname" /> Age: <input type="text" name="age" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> </body> </html> and <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("final", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO my_db (FirstName, LastName, Age) VALUES ('$_POST[firstname]','$_POST[lastname]','$_POST[age]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; mysql_close($con) ?>
  2. I have a few HTML and PHP pages that does a circle.... Basically.... Html form to php that inserts into mysql then PHP form that searches the mysql for a record and then outputs via echo I want another text box on this page that will use that record criteria and allow an update to the record.... any help please on what is best case practice before I start this last piece
  3. yes housed internally (DB and the php forms) then it is embedded into a portal (external)....... the database can be "hit" externally and internally....
  4. I have a searchable directory for my company. I want the users to have access to just there information in the mysql database for them to update. We use AD for most of the auth. here. I was looking for some ideas how to achieve this..... I have thought about adLDAP,OpenLDAP, php's wrote in support for LDAP...... What are your ideas..... easiest and cleaniest....
  5. What would be a good method to pass the data set from the php to another page....... And thank you for reply Spiderwell
  6. I was wondering is there away to pass the data from the search.php to a different html page via javascript?
  7. Just for clarity.... Form.html search box that calls search.php by an onclick. Search.php queries mysql dbase. and echos out the results -------------------------------------------- Because of the portal and there is no php intergration (GRRRRRR) I have to embed or use iframes. so when embedding or iframing the page shows error Notice: Undefined index: term in search.php on line 5 and it displays the contents of the dbase I was trying to figure away so I didnt have to embed the search.php, that way the error and contents wouldnt be present. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In a perfect world I would love to have some pointers or ideas on how to have from and the results output on the same page so it is seamless (not a full page refresh)
  8. I need help getting a grasp on something..... I have a page with a simple form (form.html) on it that calls a php page (searching.php) that searches a mysql database. I have to use iframes or embed the results (that is currently echoed onto the php page) So this of course shows the contents of the mysql dataset cause of the embed is execing the php. How can I output the results to a 3rd page so i can embed it without pre-executing the php. It is in a liferay portal and PHP is not supported on the instance. It all reality what i would REALLY like is Form then below it have the results to be visible....... Any help would be appreciated
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