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  1. here is the top missing part it deals with the drop down box function getProductVariantsId($variants){ $product_id_string = osc_get_product_id_string($this->getID(), $variants); if(isset($this->_data['variants']) && isset($this->_data['variants'][$product_id_string])){ return $this->_data['variants'][$product_id_string]['variants_id']; }else{ return false; } } function getVariantsComboboxArray() { if ($this->hasVariants()) { $combobox_array = array(); foreach ($this->_data['variants_groups'] as $groups_id => $groups_name) { $values = array(); foreach($this->_data['variants_groups_values'][$groups_id] as $values_id) { $values[] = array('id' => $values_id, 'text' => $this->_data['variants_values'][$values_id]); } $combobox_array[$groups_name] = osc_draw_pull_down_menu( 'variants[' . $groups_id . ']', $values, $this->_data['default_variant']['groups_id'][$groups_id]); } return $combobox_array; } return false; } function getDefaultVariant() { if ($this->hasVariants()) { return $this->_data['default_variant']; } return false; } MOD EDIT: . . . tags added.
  2. I have been working and made it happen with another cart. now the situation i have is the following. dropdown menu is printing out of order example: Dropdown 1 3 2 Following the ini code that has to do with that issue: function iniProductVariants() { global $osC_Database, $osC_Language, $osC_Currencies; $products_variants = array(); $Qvariants = $osC_Database->query('select * from :table_products_variants where products_id = :products_id order by is_default DESC'); $Qvariants->bindTable(':table_products_variants', TABLE_PRODUCTS_VARIANTS); $Qvariants->bindInt(':products_id', $this->getID()); $Qvariants->execute(); $groups = array(); $values = array(); $groups_values = array(); while ($Qvariants->next()) { $Qvalues = $osC_Database->query('select pve.products_variants_groups_id as groups_id, pve.products_variants_values_id as variants_values_id, pvg.products_variants_groups_name as groups_name, pvv.products_variants_values_name as variants_values_name from :table_products_variants_entries pve, :table_products_variants_groups pvg, :table_products_variants_values pvv where pve.products_variants_groups_id = pvg.products_variants_groups_id and pve.products_variants_values_id = pvv.products_variants_values_id and pvg.language_id = pvv.language_id and pvg.language_id = :language_id and pve.products_variants_id = :products_variants_id order by pve.products_variants_groups_id'); $Qvalues->bindTable(':table_products_variants_entries', TABLE_PRODUCTS_VARIANTS_ENTRIES); $Qvalues->bindTable(':table_products_variants_groups', TABLE_PRODUCTS_VARIANTS_GROUPS); $Qvalues->bindTable(':table_products_variants_values', TABLE_PRODUCTS_VARIANTS_VALUES); $Qvalues->bindInt(':language_id', $osC_Language->getID()); $Qvalues->bindInt(':products_variants_id', $Qvariants->valueInt('products_variants_id')); $Qvalues->execute(); $variants = array(); $groups_name = array(); while ($Qvalues->next()) { $variants[$Qvalues->value('groups_id')] = $Qvalues->value('variants_values_id'); $groups_name[$Qvalues->value('groups_name')] = $Qvalues->value('variants_values_name'); $groups[$Qvalues->value('groups_id')] = $Qvalues->value('groups_name'); $values[$Qvalues->value('variants_values_id')] = $Qvalues->value('variants_values_name'); if (!is_array($groups_values[$Qvalues->value('groups_id')])) { $groups_values[$Qvalues->value('groups_id')] = array(); } if (!in_array($Qvalues->value('variants_values_id'), $groups_values[$Qvalues->value('groups_id')])) { $groups_values[$Qvalues->value('groups_id')][] = $Qvalues->value('variants_values_id'); } } $Qvalues->freeResult(); $product_id_string = osc_get_product_id_string($this->getID(), $variants); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['variants_id'] = $Qvariants->valueInt('products_variants_id'); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['is_default'] = $Qvariants->valueInt('is_default'); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['sku'] = $Qvariants->value('products_sku'); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['price'] = $Qvariants->value('products_price'); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['display_price'] = $osC_Currencies->displayPrice($Qvariants->value('products_price'), $this->_data['tax_class_id']); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['status'] = $Qvariants->valueInt('products_status'); //quantity will not be cached, it will be retrieved at runtime // $products_variants[$product_id_string]['quantity'] = $Qvariants->value('products_quantity'); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['weight'] = $Qvariants->value('products_weight'); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['image'] = $this->getImageByID($Qvariants->value('products_images_id')); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['groups_id'] = $variants; $products_variants[$product_id_string]['groups_name'] = $groups_name; $products_variants[$product_id_string]['filename'] = $Qvariants->value('filename'); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['cache_filename'] = $Qvariants->value('cache_filename'); if ($Qvariants->valueInt('is_default') == 1) { $this->_data['default_variant'] = $products_variants[$product_id_string]; $this->_data['default_variant']['product_id_string'] = $product_id_string; } if ($this->_data['type'] == PRODUCT_TYPE_DOWNLOADABLE) { $products_variants[$product_id_string]['filename'] = $Qvariants->value('filename'); $products_variants[$product_id_string]['cache_filename'] = $Qvariants->value('cache_filename'); } } $Qvariants->freeResult(); $this->_data['variants'] = $products_variants; $this->_data['variants_groups'] = $groups; $this->_data['variants_values'] = $values; $this->_data['variants_groups_values'] = $groups_values; } What would i need to edit in order to have it printing in order?
  3. If like to see it working go to http://secure.ad-advice.com. I have started a project at SourceForge.net and I have set it up for anyone to be able to work on it you can find it at http://persqftcart.sourceforge.net/
  4. Could a css file cause a connection error? example: a div id omitted in the css file could cause an error?
  5. hope i don't sound bumb but i use winrar and it does zip files and many more
  6. backup has been restored look at the error here http://secure.banster.com
  7. Try this to see if it helps [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. I don't know where the error is at i can see the error when the page loads on the browser that is at http://secure.ad-advice.com it start blinking like trying to connect and it reloads but never gets the connection completed, since it has been moved to the third party thread, i will add the following. at first i wanted to add the SQFT products feature to my original cart (PrestaShop) but it was to complicated so i got help to build a simple cart to manage the Per SQFT product sales
  9. I set out to get a script in order to sale products by SQFT. Got it done, now I can get hold of the people who build it, to fix various problems. The biggest problem now is a connection error i am getting. you can recreate by visiting the following site http://secure.ad-advice.com after that is figure it out i would like to change the setup(everything is packed together) example: html code is within each file, would like to rebuild it so it has a header template and a footer template, recommendations are always welcome.
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