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  1. Hey. I have this page here: http://uptuning.com/wald-international-porsche-panamera/wald-international-porsche-panamera-5/ It's an image in a gallery on my site. I want to modify the page and change some things like the image size and I also want to add the whole gallery under that image. Where should I look ?
  2. Yep, I'm building a php/sql app and my table was only for testing, so no important data lost . Thanks !
  3. Hi, I have a table with a column that has auto increment. I deleted the table's content but when I add new data it starts from 23. How can I reset it back to 0 ?
  4. Hi guys. I wanted to make a blog but I'm really really stuck with an issue. I want to make a blog script (much like wordpress). My SQL table has the columns: post_title (char), post_content (char) and post_comments_number (integer - gets the number of comments for each blog post). Now I want to display the posts on two pages: posts with high number of comments (>30) and posts with low number of comments (<=30). I want to display the posts just like they are displayed on wordpress but the problem is I don't know how to do that, mostly when it comes to display the posts on multiple pages, 10 posts on each page. Shortly: I want to display 10 posts with 30+ comments on the first page, the next 10 posts on the 2nd page and so on. How do I do that ? I think my logic fails because I don't know how to determine what was the latest post on the first page, so I can grab the next following posts on the following page. Any help with that ?
  5. Well the javascript code is actually some kind of redirect, so I was wondering if it works as intended.
  6. Does JavScript run ONLY if included in a php if/else statement ? Here is a quick example: 1 is not higher than 2, so the else statement will run. My question is, will the first javascript1 code run too, or it will follow the if/else statement in php ? if (1>2) { <javascript code1> } else { <javascript code2> }
  7. Hello. I want to check if an e-mail address is stored into a database. I've found this type of code: function verifmail($email) { db_connect(); if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE email='$email';"))) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } Is it correct ? Is there any other way?
  8. Thanks ! I made your changes, got the point now.
  9. The user enters an e-mail address, stored in the variable $email. I check the database, in the users table at column named email to see if $email is found. "SELECT email FROM users WHERE email='$email'" Then, the function returns 1 if the email exists, and 0 else. I kinda see that it fails but I couldn't think of a better solution. I'm a n00b programmer with php/sql and I'm pretty sure there are other ways to code this, but I'm trying to build this app by myself.
  10. Hi. I have a code and I'm trying to see if an e-mail address is stored in our database. $query="SELECT email FROM users WHERE email='$email'"; $row=mysql_query($query); $result=mysql_fetch_row($row); if ($email==$result[0]) { return 1; } else { return 0; } I get this error: Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given. On this line: $result=mysql_fetch_row($row); Anyone knows why's broken? Can I do this in a better way ?
  11. Damn and I wanted to see which of my friends watch p0rn online.
  12. Hey. Simple as this: Can I get access to cookies stored by other sites in a visitor's PC? I saw that the $_COOKIE command it's not working. Any help?
  13. Hey guys. I need a complete remake of the gallery page for my theme, or some modifications if possible. Here is the gallery: http://asktuning.com/project-kahn-range-rover-discovery/ When you click on a thumbnail it takes you to the attachment page. I want that page modified to be like here: http://fancytuning.com/2011/08/wheelsandmore-audi-r8-gt/wheelsandmore-audi-r8-gt/ To show the previous and next image and also some ads or Like buttons. Anyone knows what I should look for? thanks
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