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Everything posted by Bubblychaz

  1. Login script is now <?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/dblink.php'); ?> <?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/addon.php'); ?> <?php $username=$_POST['username']; $password=$_POST['password']; $username = stripslashes($username); $password = stripslashes($password); $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username); $password = mysql_real_escape_string($password); $checkus = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username'")); $pword2 = md5($password); $check = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username' AND password='$pword2'")); $changepass = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username'")); if($changepass[changedpass] == 0) { die(header("Location: $baseurl/change_pass.php?error=Please+update+your+details+to+keep+your+account+safe.")); } if ($check[username]) { if($check[verify]==1) { setcookie("lutari_user",$check[username], time()+60*60*24*365, "/staff/"); setcookie("lutari_pass",$check[password],time()+60*60*24*365, "/staff/"); setcookie("sketchedneo_user",$check[username], time()+60*60*24*365, "/staff/"); setcookie("sketchedneo_pass",$check[password], time()+60*60*24*365, "/staff/"); die(header("Location: $baseurl/staff/index1.php?error=Welcome+back+$username+")); } if($check[verify]==0) { die(header("Location: $baseurl/staff/index.php?error=Please+check+your+emails+and+activate+your+account.")); } } else { die(header("Location: $baseurl/staff/index.php?error=Error++Please+check+your+details+or+register.")); } session_start(); // Rank Limit $limit = 1; // Using a session $rank = $_SESSION['rank']; // Using a cookie $rank = $_COOKIE['rank']; if ($rank < $limit) { header("$baseurl/index.php?error=You+can+not+view+this+page."); exit(); die(); } ?> (i just put rank limit as 1 as the index info page is the page all members can see) Im a little confused to what now sits at the top of pages? I do also remove if (!$checkrank) { $checkrank = 0; } if (!$rank) { $rank = 0; } if (!$rank == ' ') { $rank = 0; } if ($rank < $checkrank) { header("Location: $baseurl/index.php?error=You+can+not+view+this+page."); } $userinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username'")); $rank = $userinfo[rank]; I dont know how I would re-code this next one if removed if ($rank >= 30) { $admin = "<a href=\"$baseurl/staff/admin.php\">Admin</a>"; } and then on all pages Do I removed $checkrank = 5; Im a little confused
  2. I get an internal error 500 I tested it as rank 5, 15, and 30 font page coding <?php $pagetitle = "Add Font"; session_start(); // Rank Limit $limit = 10; // Using a session $rank = $_SESSION['rank']; // Using a cookie $rank = $_COOKIE['rank']; if ($rank < $limit) { header("$baseurl/index.php?error=You+can+not+view+this+page."); exit(); die(); } include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/staff/header.inc.php'); ECHO <<<END Header coding <?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/dblink.php'); include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/addon.php'); $geterror= $_GET['error']; $error= stripplus($geterror); $extra = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM extra WHERE id='1'")); $cp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username = '$username'")); $weather = $extra[weather]; $wurl = $extra[wurl]; $games = $extra[games]; $xword = $extra[xword]; $xword2 = $extra[xword2]; $xworddate = date("M j Y",$extra[xworddate]); $userinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username'")); $rank = $userinfo[rank]; if (!$checkrank) { $checkrank = 0; } if (!$rank) { $rank = 0; } if (!$rank == ' ') { $rank = 0; } if ($rank < $checkrank) { header("Location: $baseurl/index.php?error=You+can+not+view+this+page."); } if ($rank >= 30) { $admin = "<a href=\"$baseurl/staff/admin.php\">Admin</a>"; } if ($username) { mysql_query("UPDATE members SET laston = $timestamp+120 WHERE username='$username'"); mysql_query("UPDATE members SET ip = '$ip' WHERE username='$username'"); $login = "Welcome $username <a href=\"$baseurl/logout.php\" >Logout</a>"; $helpfaerie = "<a href=\"$baseurl/helpfaerie.php\" >Help Faerie</a>"; } else { $login = "<form name=\"login\" action=\"$baseurl/login.pro.php\" method=\"post\" > <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"doLogin\" color=\"#000000\" valign=\"middle\" > Username: <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" color=\"#000000\" style=\"width:100px; height:20px;font-size:10px;\"> Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" style=\"width:100px; height:20px;font-size:10px;\"> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Login\" style=\"width:42px; height:20px;font-size:10px;\"></form>"; } ECHO <<<END if ($rank >= 30) { $admin = "<a href=\"$baseurl/staff/admin.php\">Admin</a>"; } This bit works great, In my page coding I the have $admin page link. Which only shows to rank 30 people.
  3. Thanks Ive got error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); In the script now
  4. I can definitely see the logic here, However if these are ranks: 30 - Admin 25 Graphics staff 20 Guides staff 15 News staff Admin can see all pages, Graphics staff can see all pages but Admin page Guides staff can see all pages but admin and Graphics and news can see all pages but Admin, graphics and Guide staff's. How would this work?
  5. WHY did you try doing that? First of all, you need to turn on error reporting to E_ALL, so you can get proper errors and notices. You'd have seen that you're doing several things wrong. 1. Why, if your table contains one column called rank, are you looking for rank1, rank2, rank3 and rank4? 2. strings as array keys must be quoted. $userinfo['rank'] will have your rank. 3. Then it's just a simple less than or equal to comparison. You just completely lost me.. Okay.. So I remove these $rank1 = $userinfo[rank1]; $rank2 = $userinfo[rank2]; $rank3 = $userinfo[rank3]; $rank4 = $userinfo[rank4]; (I learnt from a half attempted tutorial) Turn off error reporting??? error=You+can+not+view+this+page or $geterror= $_GET['error']; $error= stripplus($geterror);
  6. In my members database I have a section called rank. Basically what im trying to do is make certain pages viewable to members with a rank higher than 12 for example, and if the rank is lower than 12 then they are redirected back to the home page. (obviously their will be lots of different pages for rank 5+ members, Rank 7+ members, rank 20+ members etc) Can anyone help me with a tutorial or something please? My database structure is: id int(11) username varchar(200) latin1_swedish_ci password varchar(216) latin1_swedish_ci security varchar(200) latin1_swedish_ci email varchar(216) latin1_swedish_ci ip varchar(200) latin1_swedish_ci rank varchar(216) latin1_swedish_ci name varchar(30) latin1_swedish_ci age varchar(40) latin1_swedish_ci gender varchar(40) latin1_swedish_ci location varchar(40) latin1_swedish_ci helpfaerie int(11) profile text latin1_swedish_ci about text latin1_swedish_ci tasks text latin1_swedish_ci joined varchar(216) latin1_swedish_ci laston int(200) icedmutereason text latin1_swedish_ci icedmutedetails text latin1_swedish_ci icedmuteby varchar(200) latin1_swedish_ci icedmutedate int(200) posts int(11) signature varchar(216) latin1_swedish_ci avatar varchar(216) latin1_swedish_ci neohtml text latin1_swedish_ci siggy text latin1_swedish_ci verify int(11) changedpass int(1) Ive tried doing this: Header.inc.php : $userinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username'")); $rank = $userinfo[rank]; $rank1 = $userinfo[rank1]; $rank2 = $userinfo[rank2]; $rank3 = $userinfo[rank3]; $rank4 = $userinfo[rank4]; if (!$checkrank) { $checkrank = 0; } if (!$rank) { $rank = 0; } if (!$rank == ' ') { $rank = 0; } if ($rank < $checkrank) { header("Location: $baseurl/index.php?error=You+can+not+view+this+page."); } if ($rank >= 30) { $admin = "<a href=\"$baseurl/staff/admin.php\">Admin</a>"; } Ranks are 5-30 The higher the rank the more of the staff lounge members can see, However No matter what peoples ranks are everyone can see the page (BUT THE ADMIN AREA, Thats the only thing no one can see other than RANK 30 people) At the top of each page I have (banners.php:) $checkrank = 5; if ($rank <= 0) { header("Location: $baseurl/index.php?article=$article&error=Only+SketchedNeo+staff+can+see+this."); } include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/staff/header.inc.php'); I asked on another forum, but didnt get any help really. Right now, Anyone can see these pages as long as they are signed up. So I think I need to start again, but just do not know where to start.
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