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Everything posted by I2aTe

  1. i dont get it? iv been on the website how does this help?:/ thankyou
  2. but now when i create a topic and go to the page to view it it says Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 20, found 16. Created with MySQL 50091, now running 50157. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.??
  3. i need help fixing this please here is the file...... iv put where the error is in red. <?php include("ch21_include.php"); doDB(); if ((!$_POST["topic_owner"]) || (!$_POST["topic_title"]) || (!$_POST["post_text"])) { header ("location: addtopic.html"); exit; } $add_topic = "INSERT INTO forum_topics (topic_title, topic_create_time, topic_owner) VALUES ('".$_POST["topic_title"]."' ,now(), '".$_POST["topic_owner"]."')"; $add_topic_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $add_topic_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli)); $topic_id = mysqli_insert_id($mysqli); $add_post_sql = "INSERT INTO forum_posts (topic_id,post_text, post_create_time, post_owner) VALUES ('".$topic_id."', '".$_POST["post_text"]."', now(), '".$_POST["topic_owner"]."')"; $add_post_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $add_post_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli)); mysqli_close($mysqli); $display_block = "<p>The<strong>" .$_POST["topic_title"]."</strong> topic has been created.</p>"; ?> <html> <head> <title>New Topic Added</title> </head> <body> <h1>New Topic Added</h1> <?php echo $display_block; ?> </body> </html>
  4. okaay thankyou but now i get this.... Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'a3165211_1'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/a3165211/public_html/ch21_include.php on line 6
  5. the "xxxxxx" is y password for the database and the "a3165211_Forum" is what the database is called
  6. help i keep getting this error and dont know how to fix it:/ this is the original ch21_include content....... <?php function doDB() { global $mysqli; $mysqli = mysqli_connect("mysql9.000webhost.com" , "a3165211_1" , "xxxxxx" "a3165211_Forum"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { printf("connect failed: %s\n" , mysqli_connect_errno()); exit(); } } ?>
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