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Mike D

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Everything posted by Mike D

  1. Awww fuck me.. Sorry guys my bad. It did work all the time, but the files wasnt on my xamp folder... Topic solved, sorry for spam E: just got one question, how I can read and display the time when the file was edited last time?
  2. So, I'm trying to get this read my text document "news.txt" and display the contents. My code: div.newscontent{ padding:0px; margin-top:60px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:400px; margin-right:0px; position:absolute; width:457px; height:330px; text-align:center; color:#FFFFFF; } <div class='newscontent'> <?PHP $filename = "news.txt"; $arr = file($filename); foreach($arr as $line){ print $line . "<br/>"; } ?> </div> This is the output I get: "; } ?> Whats wrong?
  3. Thanks for the advice. It was actually a bit annoying to go trought all the 1400 lines everytime.. I'm going to work on that I really should buy or borrow a "php for dummies" book from library, since I don't like that I have to ask help with every problem I bump into Next time I'll study the code a bit more before asking any stupid questions. Thanks for you time!
  4. Thank you! Why it leaves blank rows to the dropdown list tho? (It did it before too)
  5. Sure.. Theres just 1450 lines in the document.. I removed some parts that I know that they are not important.. (Max. 4000 letters per post) Here we go: <html> <body> <?php $mirror_list = array( 0 => array('2Shared','http://www.2shared.com/file/upMd2rqD/Dunno_Client.html','December 8th 2010') ); switch($query){ case "highscores": $grabskill = isset($_GET['skill']) ? trim(strtolower($_GET['skill'])) : null; $search_type = isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $user_search = empty($_GET['user']) ? null : ((strlen($_GET['user']) <= 20 && $search_type == 0 || strlen($_GET['user']) <= 11 & $search_type == 1) ? $_GET['user']: null); echo "<form method='get' action=''><input type='hidden' name='query' value='highscores' /><input type='hidden' name='type' value='1' /><div class='table'><div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/Character Search.png'></div></br></br><div class='content'><table><tr><td style='width:30%;'><font face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF>Enter character name:</font></td><td style='width:50%;text-align:center;'><input type='text' name='user' maxlength='11' value='" . (($search_type == 1 && isset($user_search)) ? $user_search : null) . "' /></td><td style='text-align:right;width:20%;'><input type='submit' value='Search' /></td></tr></table></div></div></form>"; if(isset($user_search)){ $queryLine = ($search_type == 1) ? $db->query("SELECT rsca2_players.owner, rsca2_players.combat, rsca2_players.username, rsca2_players.creation_date, rsca2_players.login_date, rsca2_experience.*, users.username AS 'account_name' FROM rsca2_players JOIN users ON rsca2_players.owner = users.id JOIN rsca2_experience ON rsca2_players.user = rsca2_experience.user WHERE rsca2_players.username = '" . $db->escape($user_search) . "' LIMIT 0 , 1") : $db->query("SELECT rsca2_players.owner, rsca2_players.combat, rsca2_players.username, rsca2_players.creation_date, rsca2_players.login_date, rsca2_experience.*, users.username AS 'account_name' FROM rsca2_players JOIN users ON rsca2_players.owner = users.id JOIN rsca2_experience ON rsca2_players.user = rsca2_experience.user WHERE rsca2_players.user = '" . $db->escape($user_search) . "' LIMIT 0 , 1"); $userdata = $db->fetch_assoc($queryLine); if(isset($userdata['id'])){ echo "<div class='table'><div class='header'>" . ucfirst($userdata['username']) . "'s Account Info</div><div class='content'><table><tr><td style='width:50%;'>Character Name</td><td>" . ucfirst($userdata['username']) . "</td></tr><tr><td style='width:50%;'>Account Name</td><td><a href='" . PUN_ROOT . "profile.php?id=" . $userdata['owner'] . "'>" . $userdata['account_name'] . "</a></td></tr><tr><td style='width:50%;'>Combat</td><td>" . $userdata['combat'] . "</td></tr><tr><td>Character Registered</td><td>" . date("M d Y", $userdata['creation_date']) . "</td></tr><tr><td>Last Login</td><td>" . date("M d Y", $userdata['login_date']) . "</td></tr></table></div></div>"; echo "<div class='table'><div class='header'>" . ucfirst($userdata['username']) . "'s Skill Sheet</div><div class='content'><a style='display:block;text-align:right;' href='?query=highscores'>Go back to highscores?</a><br />"; if($userdata['highscoreopt'] == 1){ echo "This user has chose to hide their skills."; } else { echo "<table><tr><td style='width:50%;'>Skill</td><td style='width:25%;'>Level</td><td style='width:25%;'>Experience</td></tr>"; for($i=0; $i < count($skills); $i++){ echo"<tr><td><a href='?query=highscores&skill=" . $skills[$i] . "'><img src='" . $web_data['b_img'] . "highscores/" . $skills[$i] . ".png' alt='X' /> " . ucfirst($skills[$i]) . "</a></td><td>" . experience_to_level($userdata['exp_' . $skills[$i]]) . "</td><td>" . number_format($userdata['exp_' . $skills[$i]]) . "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } echo"</div></div>"; } else { echo createTable("This user does not exist. <a href='?query=highscores'>Go back to highscores?</a>"); } } else { echo "<div class='table'><div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/Highscores2.png'></div></br></br><div class='content'><table>"; for($i = 1; $i < count($skills); $i++){ echo (($i == 1) ? "\n<tr>\n" : null) . "<td><a href='?query=highscores&skill=" . $skills[($i - 1)] . "'><img src='" . $web_data['b_img'] . "highscores/" . $skills[($i - 1)] . ".png' alt='x' />" . ucfirst($skills[($i - 1)]) . "</a></td>\n" . (($i > 0 && $i % 4 == 0) ? "\n</tr>\n<tr>\n" : null); } echo "\n<td><a href='?query=highscores&skill=skill_total'> Skill Total</a></td><td><a href='?query=highscores&skill=combat'> Combat</a></td><td> </td></tr></table></div></div>\n\n"; if(in_array($grabskill, $skills) || $grabskill == 'combat' || $grabskill == 'skill_total'){ (int)$startRow = isset($_GET['startrow']) && $_GET['startrow'] > 0 && $_GET['startrow'] % 20 == 0 ? $_GET['startrow'] : 0; $HS_QueryLine = ($grabskill == 'skill_total' ? "SELECT skill_total,user,username FROM rsca2_players ORDER BY skill_total DESC" : ($grabskill == 'combat' ? "SELECT username,user,combat FROM rsca2_players ORDER BY combat DESC" : "SELECT DISTINCT(rsca2_experience.user), rsca2_experience.highscoreopt, rsca2_experience.exp_" . $grabskill . ", rsca2_players.username FROM rsca2_experience JOIN rsca2_players ON rsca2_experience.user = rsca2_players.user WHERE rsca2_experience.highscoreopt = 0 AND rsca2_experience.exp_" . $grabskill . " > 0 ORDER BY rsca2_experience.exp_" . $grabskill . " DESC")); $generateHSList = $db->query($HS_QueryLine . " LIMIT " . $startRow . ", 20"); echo "<div class='table'><div class='header'><table><tr><td style='width:70%;text-align:left;'>Skill Table for " . str_replace("_", " ", ucfirst($grabskill)) . "</td><td style='width:30%;text-align:right;'><a href='?query=highscores'>Close</a></td></tr></table></div><div class='content'>"; if($db->num_rows($generateHSList) == 0){ echo "No results found for this particular skill."; } else { $i = $startRow + 1; $getTotalRows = $db->num_rows($db->query($HS_QueryLine)); $nextUp = (($startRow - 20) < 0) ? 0 : $startRow - 20; $nextDown = (($startRow + 20) > $getTotalRows) ? 0 : $startRow + 20; echo "<table><tr><td style='width:5%;'> </td><td style='width:55%;'>Username</td>" . ($grabskill == 'skill_total' ? "<td style='width:20%;'>Skill total</td><td> </td>" : ($grabskill == 'combat' ? "<td style='width:20%;'>Combat</td><td> </td>" : "<td style='width:20%;'>Level</td><td style='width:20%;'>Experience</td>")) . "</tr><tr><td colspan='4' style='height:22px;text-align:right;'>" . (($nextUp == 0 && $nextDown == 20 || $nextUp == 0 && $nextDown == 0) ? " " : "<a href='?query=highscores&skill=" . $grabskill . "&startrow=" . $nextUp . "'><img src='" . $web_data['b_img'] . "/arrow_up.png' alt='^' /></a>") . "</td></tr>"; while($r = $db->fetch_assoc($generateHSList)){ echo "<tr><td>" . (($i <= 5) ? "<span style='font-weight:bold;'>" . $i . "</span>" : $i) . "</td><td><a href='?query=highscores&user=" . $r['user'] . "'>" . ucfirst($r['username']) . "</a></td> " . ($grabskill == 'skill_total' ? "<td>" . number_format($r['skill_total']) . "</td><td> </td>" : ($grabskill == 'combat' ? "<td>" . $r['combat'] . "</td><td> </td>" : "<td>" . experience_to_level($r['exp_' . $grabskill]) . "</td><td>" . number_format($r['exp_' . $grabskill]) . "</td>")) . "</tr>"; $i ++; } echo (($getTotalRows > 20) ? "<tr><td colspan='4' style='text-align:right;'><a href='?query=highscores&skill=" . $grabskill . "&startrow=" . $nextDown . "'><img src='" . $web_data['b_img'] . "/arrow_down.png' alt='V' /></a></td></tr>" : null) . "</table>"; } echo "</div></div>"; } } break; case "players_online": $getMembers = $db->query("SELECT * FROM rsca2_players WHERE loggedin = 1 ORDER BY group_id DESC"); $countMembers = $db->num_rows($getMembers); echo "<div class='table'><div class='header'>Players Online (" . $countMembers . ")</div><div class='content'>"; if($countMembers > 0){ $i = 0; while($doQuery = $db->fetch_assoc($getMembers)){ switch($doQuery['group_id']){ case 3: echo "<img src='" . $web_data['b_img'] . "/mod/pmd.png' alt='[PMod]' />"; break; case 2: echo "<img src='" . $web_data['b_img'] . "/mod/mod.png' alt='[Mod]' />"; break; case 1: echo "<img src='" . $web_data['b_img'] . "/mod/adm.png' alt='[admin]' />"; break; default: break; } echo "<a href='?query=highscores&lookup=" . $doQuery['user'] . "'>" . $doQuery['username'] . "</a>"; if(($i + 1) == $countMembers){} else { echo ", "; } $i++; } } else { echo "There is currently no registered users logged in game."; } echo "</div></div>"; break; case "cms": if($pun_user['is_guest']){ echo $mustBeLoggedIn; } else { $totalchars = $db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT * FROM rsca2_players WHERE owner = '" . $pun_user['id'] . "'")); $switchAct = isset($_GET['act']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['act'])) : null; $cmsPre = "<div class='table'><div class='header'>CMS Response</div><div class='content'>"; $cmsSuf = "</div></div>"; echo "<div id='characterMS'> <div class='table'> <div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/Character Management System.png'></div> <div class='content'> </br> </br> </br> <center><font size=4 face=Times New Roman color=#650c0c>Y</font><font size=3 face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF>ou are limited to <font size=3 face=Times New Roman color=#650c0c>10</font> characters per forum account.</font></center> <center><font size=4 face=Times New Roman color=#650c0c>Y</font><font size=3 face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF>ou will be unable to multi-log with 2 characters on the same forum account.</font></center>"; if(empty($pun_user['del_pin']) && $switchAct != 'set_pin'){ echo "<center><font size=4 face=Times New Roman color=#650c0c>Y</font><font size=3 face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF>ou have not yet set your character deletion pin, would like to set one</font> <a href='?query=cms&act=set_pin'>now</a>?</center>"; } if($switchAct != 'addnew' && $totalchars < 10){ echo " <br /><br /><center><font size=4 face=Times New Roman color=#650c0c>C</font><font size=3 face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF>lick</font> <a href='?query=cms&act=addnew'>here</a><font size=3 face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF> if you wish to add a new character.</font> "; } if($totalchars >= 10){ echo "<br /><br />Sorry but you currently have 10 characters and can not add more. You must either delete one or make a new forum account."; } echo "</div></div>"; switch($switchAct){ case "set_pin": if(!empty($pun_user['del_pin'])){ echo createTable("You have already set a PIN."); } else { if(isset($_POST['set_pin'])){ $pin1 = isset($_POST['pin_1']) ? (is_numeric($_POST['pin_1']) ? $_POST['pin_1'] : null) : null; $pin2 = isset($_POST['pin_2']) ? (is_numeric($_POST['pin_2']) ? $_POST['pin_2'] : null) : null; if($pin1 == null || $pin2 == null){ echo createTable("You need to fill in both pin inputs, and ensure that the pin you entered is numeric."); } else if ( strlen($pin1) != 4 || strlen($pin2) != 4){ echo createTable("Please ensure that your pin is 4 characters in length."); } else if ($pin1 != $pin2){ echo createTable("Please ensure that your pins match eachother."); } else { $set_pin = $db->query("UPDATE users SET del_pin = '" . $pin1 . "' WHERE id = '" . $pun_user['id'] . "'"); echo createTable("You have successfully set your character management pin. <a href='?query=cms'>Refreshing...</a><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?query=cms' />", "Success"); } } echo " <form method='post' action='?query=cms&act=set_pin'> <div class='table'> <div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/Set Deletion Pin.png'></div> <div class='content'> <table> <tr> <td style='width:20%;'>Write Pin</td> <td style='width:15%;'><input type='password' size='4' maxlength='4' name='pin_1' value='" . (isset($_POST['pin_1']) ? $_POST['pin_1'] : null) . "' /></td> <td style='width:65%;vertical-align:top;' rowspan='3'> If you are going to set a character deletion pin, please ensure that you can REMEMBER it, as this will become always required in order to delete characters. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Confirm Pin</td> <td><input type='password' size='4' maxlength='4' name='pin_2' value='" . (isset($_POST['pin_2']) ? $_POST['pin_2'] : null) . "' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type='submit' name='set_pin' value='Set My Pin' /> </td> <td> <a href='?query=cms'>Cancel</a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </form> "; } break; case "opt": $cleanChar = (is_numeric($_GET['char']) && $_GET['char'] > 0) ? trim($_GET['char']) : null; if(isset($cleanChar)){ $findInfo = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT * FROM rsca2_players WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($cleanChar) . "'")); if($findInfo['owner'] == $pun_user['id']){ $expSelect = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT * FROM rsca2_experience WHERE user = '" . $findInfo['user'] . "'")); if($expSelect['highscoreopt'] == 0){ $db->query("UPDATE rsca2_experience SET highscoreopt = '1' WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($cleanChar) . "'") or die(); #echo "Setting to hide"; } else { #echo "Setting to show"; $db->query("UPDATE rsca2_experience SET highscoreopt = '0' WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($cleanChar) . "'") or die(); } } } break; case "deletecharacter": $grab_char_id = isset($_GET['char']) ? $_GET['char'] : null; if(is_numeric($grab_char_id)){ $checkdata = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT * FROM rsca2_players WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'")); if($checkdata['owner'] == $pun_user['id']){ if(isset($_POST['deletechar'])){ if(!empty($pun_user['del_pin']) && $_POST['deletion_pin'] != $pun_user['del_pin']){ echo createTable("The pin you entered was incorrect... <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?query=cms'><a href='?query=cms'>refreshing momentarily</a>."); return; } $db->query("DELETE FROM rsca2_players WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'"); $db->query("DELETE FROM rsca2_curstats WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'"); $db->query("DELETE FROM rsca2_experience WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'"); $db->query("DELETE FROM rsca2_invitems WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id). "'"); $db->query("DELETE FROM rsca2_logins WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'"); #echo $cmsPre . "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?query=cms'>Your character has been successfully deleted, <a href='?query=cms'>refreshing momentarily</a>." . $cmsSuf; } else { echo " <form method='post'> <div class='table'><div class='header'>Delete confirmation for '".$checkdata['username']."'</div> <div class='content'> Are you sure you wish to delete this character? This action is totally irreversible! <br /> <table> "; if(!empty($pun_user['del_pin'])){ echo " <tr> <td style='width:50%;'> Enter Deletion Pin: </td> <td style='width:50%;text-align:right;'> <input type='password' name='deletion_pin' value='' size='4' maxlength='4' /> </td> </tr> "; } echo" <tr> <td style='width:50%;'> <input type='submit' value='Delete Character' name='deletechar' /> </td> <td style='text-align:right;'> <a href='?query=cms'>Cancel</a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </form> "; } } else { echo $cmsPre . "This is not your character." . $cmsSuf; } } else { echo $cmsPre . "Invalid Character ID." . $cmsSuf; } break; default: break; } echo " <div class='table'> <div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/My Existing Characters.png'></div> <div class='content'>"; $fetchCharacters = $db->query("SELECT * FROM rsca2_players WHERE owner = '" . $pun_user['id'] . "'"); if($db->num_rows($fetchCharacters) > 0){ echo " <table id='cmsTable' style='width:100%;'> <tr id='cmsHeaders'> <br></br> <td style='width:35%;'><font size=5 face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF>Character</font></td> <td style='width:20%;text-align:center;'><font size=5 face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF>Password</font></td> <td style='width:35%;text-align:center;'><font size=5 face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF>Highscore Opt</font></td> <td style='width:10%;text-align:right;'><font size=5 face=Times New Roman color=#FFFFFF>Delete</font></td> </tr> "; while($r = $db->fetch_assoc($fetchCharacters)){ $optCheck = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT highscoreopt FROM rsca2_experience WHERE user = '" . $r['user'] . "'")); echo "<tr><td><a href='?query=highscores&lookup=" . $r['username'] . "&s_type=1'>" . $r['username'] . "</a></td><td style='text-align:center;'><a href='?query=cms&act=changepass&char=".$r['user']."'>Change</a></td><td style='text-align:center;'>" . (($optCheck['highscoreopt'] == 0) ? "<a href='?query=cms&char=" . $r['user'] . "&act=opt'>Hide</a>" : "<a href='?query=cms&act=opt&char=" . $r['user'] . "'>Show</a>") . "</td><td style='text-align:right;'><a href='?query=cms&act=deletecharacter&char=".$r['user']."'>X</a></td></tr>"; } echo " </table> "; } else { echo "You have not yet <a href='?query=cms&act=addnew'>added a character</a> to this account."; } echo " </div></div></div> "; } break; case "login_page": require('quickLogin.php'); break; case "rules": echo "<div class='table'><div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/Rules.png'></div><div class='content'>"; $file = array_map('rtrim',file('infrastructure/content/rawdata/rules2.txt')); for($i=0;$i<count($file);$i++){ echo str_replace("\$SERVER_NAME\$", $web_primary_name, $file[$i]) . "<br />"; } echo "</div></div>"; break; case "combat_calculator": if(isset($_POST['calccomb']) || isset($_POST['calchits'])){ $attack = isset($_POST['attack']) && is_numeric($_POST['attack']) && $_POST['attack'] > 0 && strlen($_POST['attack']) <= 2 ? $_POST['attack'] : null; $defense = isset($_POST['defense']) && is_numeric($_POST['defense']) && $_POST['defense'] > 0 && strlen($_POST['defense']) <= 2 ? $_POST['defense'] : null; $strength = isset($_POST['strength']) && is_numeric($_POST['strength']) && $_POST['strength'] > 0 && strlen($_POST['strength']) <= 2 ? $_POST['strength'] : null; $hits = isset($_POST['hits']) && is_numeric($_POST['hits']) && $_POST['hits'] > 0 && strlen($_POST['hits']) <= 2 ? $_POST['hits'] : null; $ranged = isset($_POST['ranged']) && is_numeric($_POST['ranged']) && $_POST['ranged'] > 0 && strlen($_POST['ranged']) <= 2 ? $_POST['ranged'] : null; $magic = isset($_POST['magic']) && is_numeric($_POST['magic']) && $_POST['magic'] > 0 && strlen($_POST['magic']) <= 2 ? $_POST['magic'] : null; $prayer = isset($_POST['prayer']) && is_numeric($_POST['prayer']) && $_POST['prayer'] > 0 && strlen($_POST['prayer']) <= 2 ? $_POST['prayer'] : null; /* CALC HITS */ $totalexp = ($exps[($attack - 2)] + $exps[($defense - 2)] + $exps[($strength - 2)]); $divideexp = floor($totalexp / 3) + 1200; $convertexp = experience_to_level($divideexp); $hplvl = $convertexp; /* CALC COMB */ if(!isset($_POST['calchits'])){ echo "<div class='table'><div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/Calculated Results.png'></div></br></br><div class='content'>"; if($attack == null || $defense == null || $strength == null || $hits == null || $ranged == null || $magic == null || $prayer == null){ echo "You either left a field blank or attempted to add bad data."; } else { $calcatkdefstr = (($attack + $defense + $strength + $hits) * .25); $calcmagicprayer = ($magic + $prayer) * 0.125; if(($attack + $strength) < ($ranged * 1.5)){ $defhits = ($defense + $hits) * 0.25; $fixrange = $ranged * 0.375; $newcb = $defhits + $fixrange + $calcmagicprayer; $base = 0; } else { $base = 1; $newcb = $calcatkdefstr + $calcmagicprayer; } $nextcb = floor(($newcb) + 1) - $newcb; $nextFightLevel = (floor(($nextcb) / 0.25)) - 1; $nextPMLevel = (floor(($nextcb) / 0.125)) - 1; $nextRangeLevel = (floor(($nextcb) / 0.375)); $atkDefAddTo = floor($ranged * 1.5); $nextFightLevel = $nextFightLevel < 0 ? 0 : $nextFightLevel; $nextPMLevel = $nextPMLevel < 0 ? 0 : $nextPMLevel; $nextRangeLevel = $nextRangeLevel < 0 ? 0 : $nextRangeLevel; echo " <table> <tr> <td style='width:40%;'>Combat Level</td> <td style='width:60%;'><span class='highlighter'>" . $newcb . "</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width:40%;'>Character Base</td> <td style='width:60%;'>" . ($base == 0 ? "Ranger" : "Fighter") . "</td> </tr> ";if($hits < 10 || $newcb < 3.5){ echo "<tr><td valign='top'>Extra Notes</td><td>Administrative character. <br />[ Detected < 10 hp || cblvl < 3.5]</td></tr>"; } if($base == 0){ echo " <tr> <td valign='top'>You can max out with:</td> <td>" . $nextRangeLevel . " more ranged level(s).<br />" . $nextFightLevel . " more defense or hits level(s).<br /> " . $nextPMLevel . " more magic or prayer level(s). <br /><br />Because you are primarily a ranger, if you DO NOT raise your ranged level, your attack and strength will have NO effect on your combat level until they add to " . $atkDefAddTo . " </td> </tr> "; } else { echo " <tr> <td valign='top'>You can max out with:</td> <td>" . $nextFightLevel . " more attack, defense, or strength level(s). <br />" . $nextPMLevel . " more magic or prayer level(s).</td> </tr> "; } echo " </table> "; } echo "</div></div>"; } } echo " <form method='post'><div class='table'><div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/Combat Calculator2.png'></div></br></br><div class='content'> <input type='hidden' name='query' value='combat_calculator' /> <table style='width:75%;margin:auto;'> <tr> <td style='width:50%;'><font color=#FFFFFF>Attack</font></td> <td style='width:50%;'><input type='text' maxlength='2' size='2' value='" . (isset($_POST['attack']) && !isset($_POST['clearit']) ? $_POST['attack'] : 1) . "' name='attack' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width:50%;'><font color=#FFFFFF>Defense</font></td> <td style='width:50%;'><input type='text' maxlength='2' size='2' value='" . (isset($_POST['defense']) && !isset($_POST['clearit']) ? $_POST['defense'] : 1) . "' name='defense' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width:50%;'><font color=#FFFFFF>Strength</font></td> <td style='width:50%;'><input type='text' maxlength='2' size='2' value='" . (isset($_POST['strength']) && !isset($_POST['clearit']) ? $_POST['strength'] : 1) . "' name='strength' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width:50%;'><font color=#FFFFFF>Hits</font></td> <td style='width:50%;'> <table> <tr> <td style='width:50%;'><input type='text' maxlength='2' size='2' value='" . (isset($_POST['hits']) && !isset($_POST['clearit']) ? ((isset($_POST['calchits'])) ? $hplvl : $_POST['hits']) : 10) . "' name='hits' /></td> <td style='width:50%;'><input type='submit' name='calchits' value='Calc. Hits' /></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width:50%;'><font color=#FFFFFF>Ranged</font></td> <td style='width:50%;'><input type='text' maxlength='2' size='2' value='" . (isset($_POST['ranged']) && !isset($_POST['clearit']) ? $_POST['ranged'] : 1) . "' name='ranged' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width:50%;'><font color=#FFFFFF>Prayer</font></td> <td style='width:50%;'><input type='text' maxlength='2' size='2' value='" . (isset($_POST['prayer']) && !isset($_POST['clearit']) ? $_POST['prayer'] : 1) . "' name='prayer' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width:50%;'><font color=#FFFFFF>Magic</font></td> <td style='width:50%;'><input type='text' maxlength='2' size='2' value='" . (isset($_POST['magic']) && !isset($_POST['clearit']) ? $_POST['magic'] : 1) . "' name='magic' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type='submit' name='clearit' value='Set to Defaults' /></td> <td><input type='submit' name='calccomb' value='Calculate Combat' /></td> </tr> </table>"; echo "</div></div></form>"; break; case "item_id_list": echo "<div class='table' style='overflow:auto;height:600px;'><div class='header'><font size=5 color=#650c0c><u>Item ID List</u></font></div><div class='content'>"; $file = array_map('rtrim',file('infrastructure/content/rawdata/item.txt')); for($i=0;$i<count($file);$i++){ echo $file[$i] . "<br />"; } echo "</div></div>"; break; case "stat_reduction": echo createTable("Coming Soon" , "Stat Reduction"); break; case "npc_drops": mysql_connect('localhost', 'xxx', 'xxx); //your credentials mysql_select_db('monster'); //you credentials //Determine the selected monster $selectedMonster = (isset($_POST['monster'])) ? trim($_POST['monster']) : false; //Variable to hold the output of the seelcted monster $monsterOutput = ''; //If a monster was selected get the data if($selectedMonster) { $id = mysql_real_escape_string($selectedMonster); $query = "SELECT * FROM monsters WHERE id = {$id}"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { $monsterOutput = "Monster not found."; } else { $monster = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); //Create output to display the monster data $monsterOutput .= "<table border='0'>"; $monsterOutput .= " <tr>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Name:</font><th><td><font color=#FFFFFF>{$monster['name']}</font></td>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Hit Points:</font><th><td><font color=#FFFFFF>{$monster['h_points']}</font></td>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Attack:</font><th><td><font color=#FFFFFF>{$monster['attack']}</font></td>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Stamina:</font><th><td><font color=#FFFFFF>{$monster['stamina']}</font></td>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " </tr>"; $monsterOutput .= "</table>"; } } //Run query to get list of ALL monster names/IDs to build select list $query = "SELECT id, name FROM monsters ORDER by name"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); //Process results into options list $monsterOptions = ''; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $selected = ($row['id']===$selectedMonster) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $monsterOptions .= "<option value=\"{$row['id']}\"{$selected}>{$row['name']}<option>"; } form name="menuform" method="post" <table> <tr> <td>Monster Database</td> </tr> <tr> <td><center><font color=#FFFFFF>Select a monster from the list: </font></center></td> <td> <select name="monster"> <?php echo $monsterOptions; ?> </select> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> <?php echo $monsterOutput; ?> </body> break; default: echo" <div class='table'> <div class='header'> <img src='infrastructure/content/images/newsandannouncements.png'> </div> </div> "; require 'forum/include/parser.php'; $contentGrabThis = $db->query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE forum_id = " . $webAnnounceId . " ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT 0 , " . $webAnnounceLimit); if($db->num_rows($contentGrabThis) > 0){ while($r = $db->fetch_assoc($contentGrabThis)){ echo " <div class='table'> <div class='header' style='text-align:center !important;'> <table> <tr> <td class='td_header'> <a href='" . PUN_ROOT . "viewtopic.php?id=" . $r['id'] . "'><font size=5 color=#650c0c>" . $r['subject'] ."</font></a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </br> <div class='content'> "; $countTotal = ($db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT id FROM posts WHERE topic_id = '" . $r['id'] . "'"))) - 1; $pullPostInfo = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT poster_id,poster,message,hide_smilies FROM posts WHERE topic_id = '" . $r['id'] . "' ORDER BY posted ASC LIMIT 0 , 1")); echo filter_subject(parse_message($pullPostInfo['message'], $pullPostInfo['hide_smilies'])); echo" </div> <div class='content' style='text-align:right;'> <td class='td_header' style='text-align:left;'><font color=#FFFFFF>" . date("M d Y" , $r['posted']) . "</td> Added by <a href='" . PUN_ROOT . "profile.php?id=" . $pullPostInfo['poster_id'] . "'><font color=#800000>" . $r['poster'] ."</font></a> • <a href='" . PUN_ROOT . "viewtopic.php?id=" . $r['id'] . "'><font color=#800000>" . $countTotal . "</font></a> comment" . (($countTotal == 1) ? null : "s") . "</font> </div> </div> "; } } else { echo createTable("No news and update content was pulled from the forum. Please make sure \$webAnnounceId has been set in ->infrastructure/generalSettings.php to the appropriate news & announcements board ID AND that you have posted at least ONE announcement in said board. <br /><br />ALSO, ensure you strictly limit the board topic creation to admins, or you run the risk of letting noobs post announcements on the front page."); } break; } ?> </body> </html>
  6. I ran into another small problem.. The code works as it should, but I don't know why it doesn't work when I put it into my "innerContentSwitch.php" file. The website's "home" page, (aka index.php) has a few links that are linked to the "innerContentSwitch.php". For example the link to Rules page: <a href='?query=rules' target='_self'>Rules</a> And in the "innerContentSwitch.php" theres this: case "rules": echo "<div class='table'><div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/Rules.png'></div><div class='content'>"; $file = array_map('rtrim',file('infrastructure/content/rawdata/rules2.txt')); for($i=0;$i<count($file);$i++){ echo str_replace("\$SERVER_NAME\$", $web_primary_name, $file[$i]) . "<br />"; } echo "</div></div>"; break; I added this to the index.php: <a href='?query=npc_drops' target='_self'>Monster DB</a> And this to the innerContentSwitch.php: case "npc_drops": <?php mysql_connect('localhost', 'xxx', 'xxx'); //your credentials mysql_select_db('monster'); //you credentials //Determine the selected monster $selectedMonster = (isset($_POST['monster'])) ? trim($_POST['monster']) : false; //Variable to hold the output of the seelcted monster $monsterOutput = ''; //If a monster was selected get the data if($selectedMonster) { $id = mysql_real_escape_string($selectedMonster); $query = "SELECT * FROM monsters WHERE id = {$id}"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { $monsterOutput = "Monster not found."; } else { $monster = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); //Create output to display the monster data $monsterOutput .= "<table border='0'>"; $monsterOutput .= " <tr>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Name:</font><th><td><font color=#FFFFFF>{$monster['name']}</font></td>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Hit Points:</font><th><td><font color=#FFFFFF>{$monster['h_points']}</font></td>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Attack:</font><th><td><font color=#FFFFFF>{$monster['attack']}</font></td>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Stamina:</font><th><td><font color=#FFFFFF>{$monster['stamina']}</font></td>\n"; $monsterOutput .= " </tr>"; $monsterOutput .= "</table>"; } } //Run query to get list of ALL monster names/IDs to build select list $query = "SELECT id, name FROM monsters ORDER by name"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); //Process results into options list $monsterOptions = ''; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $selected = ($row['id']===$selectedMonster) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $monsterOptions .= "<option value=\"{$row['id']}\"{$selected}>{$row['name']}<option>"; } ?> <form name="menuform" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td>Monster Database</td> </tr> <tr> <td><center><font color=#FFFFFF>Select a monster from the list: </font></center></td> <td> <select name="monster"> <?php echo $monsterOptions; ?> </select> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> <?php echo $monsterOutput; ?> </body> break; It gives me some errors, for example: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\xampp\htdocs\www\infrastructure\content\innerContentSwitch.php on line 1378 This is the line which causes the error: <form name="menuform" method="post"> I don't know how to explain it better, but if you need more information, just ask..
  7. Yey! thanks, it works now It's perfect! I owe you one
  8. Oh it was my mistake when I changed my login credentials before posting it here, I have it right in the code
  9. No. That is simply declaring the variable that the code later uses to populate with the HTML "output" code for displaying the monster data (if one was selected). Are you getting any errors? You state "it doesnt give me any information about the selected monster..." so I assume that the select list is getting populated (you did leave the code to dynamically populate the select list, right?). There is error handling in case the selected id is not int he database (i.e. the message "Monster not found." should display). Are you getting that message? Are you getting the display table but no data, what? More info please. Yeah it populates the select list itself, I didn't touch the code, I just added these lines to the top of the code: mysql_connect('localhost', 'abc123, 'abc123'); mysql_select_db('monster'); When I select one and click submit, the url will change to like: test.php?monster=66 But it doesn't display anything, not even the "Monster not found" message nor the table..
  10. Thank you for your help! I created the db "monster" and a table "monsters", heres the structure I wrote for it: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `monsters` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` char(25) NOT NULL, `h_points` int(10) NOT NULL, `attack` int(10) NOT NULL, `stamina` int(10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Theres no errors but it doesnt give me any information about the selected monster... Oh wait, should I insert something here? //Variable to hold the output of the seelcted monster $monsterOutput = '';
  11. Update I changed my mind a bit, and made this: Theres now a few options to choose from, and I got them to work so they will forward you to the home page How I can get it to create a new table under and show information about the selected monster? Heres my code so far.. (Yeah it looks terrible ) <td><center>Select a monster from the list: </center></td> <td> <form name='menuform'> <select name='menu2' onChange='top.location.href = this.form.menu2.options[this.form.menu2.selectedIndex].value; return false;'> <option value='/index.html' selected>King Black Dragon</option> <option value='/index.html'>Black Dragon</option> <option value='/index.html'>Black Demon</option> <option value='/index.html'>Guard</option> </select> </form></td>
  12. I did not mean tha I don't want to use Database for this, I ment that I don't want to create an epic sized html table Can you help me with the SQL queries etc, I don't know much about those things I ment that I don't want to create an epic sized html table
  13. I'm creating a website for an old game and I want an "library" wheres every monster and info about them. I just don't want to write everything into tables, because it would not look good. I have been trying to code something like this: I just don't know to get it working, but my idea is that when somebody types in (for example) "Dragon" it would show info of a monster named "Dragon". I don't know what is the best way to implent this, but I hope you guys can help Sorry for my english What I've googled, the "switch" function is a good option imo, but how I can use it for this purpose?
  14. Yea I was thinking that also, I'm using phpmyadmin case "npc_drops": //if (!$post && isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA)) // $post = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; echo "<form method='post'><div class='table'><div class='header'><img src='infrastructure/content/images/Monster Database.png'></div></br></br><div class='content'> <input type='hidden' name='query' value='npc' /> <table style='width:75%;margin:auto;'> <tr> <td style='width:50%;'><font color=#000000>Type in monster name</font></br></br></td> <td style='width:50%;'><input type='text' maxlength='30' size='25' value='" . (isset($_POST['npc']) && !isset($_POST['clearit']) ? $_POST['npc'] : 1) . "' name='npc' /></br></br></td> <td><input type='submit' name='npc' value='Search' /></br></br></td> </tr> </form> ";
  15. I'm trying to add a simple feature to my website. I don't know much about php (nor the other languages), so I need a bit "spoon feeding" I want it to work like this: I type a name into a search box and hit enter or click "search". It searches an matching .txt document from a specific folder and displays the contains. Also, it would be good if it wasnt case-sensitive and if theres a typo in the name it would suggest some options.. At the moment I have some copy pasted code which I have heavily edited without knowing exactly what to do.. You can see it here: http://pastebin.com/MhJTLbUU If you need more information about the website or the structure etc, just ask and I will reply Thanks for you time! - Mike
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