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  1. hello again, i'm less than a beginner with PHP,but i take it as a challenge to understand this code. someone already told me he can help me with this code if i pay him 100USD ,but i like i said its a challenge. i started to read more and more about PHP and now i understand the code more. now i have one simple(i hope) Q - this code - function file_codes_check( $code ) { $lines = file( $GLOBALS['file_codes'] ); if ( is_array( $lines ) ) { foreach ( $lines as $line ) { list($cc, $day) = split( '=', $line ); if ( strcmp( $cc, $code ) == 0 ) { return trim( $day ); } } } return 0; } in which format should i put the lines in the file ? and i fail to understand the "$cc" many thanx
  2. tanks for reply. this is the full PHP if it helps - include "conf.php"; $GLOBALS['file_codes'] = "/var/users/proxy.codes"; $GLOBALS['file_act'] = "/var/users/proxy.act"; $GLOBALS['file_user'] = "/var/users/user.xml"; $GLOBALS['file_cccam'] = "/var/etc/CCcam.cfg"; $GLOBALS['USER_AG'] = "MY_AGENT"; function plugin_src( $user, $pass, $msg, $code, $enddate=0 ) { echo "grep -v \"#L\" /var/tuxbox/plugins/active_code.cfg > /tmp/actv.cfg"; echo "\necho \"#LastName={$user}\" >> /tmp/actv.cfg"; echo "\nmv /tmp/actv.cfg /var/tuxbox/plugins/active_code.cfg"; echo "\ngrep -v \"#C\" /var/tuxbox/plugins/active_code.cfg > /tmp/actv.cfg"; echo "\necho \"#Code={$code}\" >> /tmp/actv.cfg"; echo "\nmv /tmp/actv.cfg /var/tuxbox/plugins/active_code.cfg"; include "Lines.php"; echo "\necho \"{$msg}\" > /var/tmp/msgS.tmp"; } function plugin_src2( $user, $pass, $msg ) { echo "echo \"{$msg}\" > /var/tmp/msgS.tmp"; include "Lines.php"; } function browser_src( $user=NULL, $pass=NULL, $msg=NULL ) { } if ( $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] == $GLOBALS['USER_AG'] ) { main(); exit; } else { // echo "hello !\n"; main(); exit; } function main() { if ( !$_GET['code'] || empty( $_GET['code'] ) ) { echo "1"; return; } else { $code = trim( $_GET['code'] ); } if ( !is_numeric( $_GET['code'] ) ) { echo "2"; return; } $my_pass = gen_pass(); if ( !isset( $_GET['LastName'] ) || empty( $_GET['LastName'] ) ) { $my_user = "abd" . time(); } else { $my_user = trim( $_GET['LastName'] ); } $days = file_codes_check( $code ); if ( $days > 0 ) { $text_msg = "{$GLOBALS['WELCOME']} votre compte est active avec succes! Expirera a " . date( "Y-m-d", time() + ($days * 24 * 60 * 60) ); $enddate = time() + ($days * 24 * 60 * 60); $str_date = 0; $end_date = 0; if ( $_GET['LastName'] && is_array( $act = file_user_check( "name=\"{$_GET['LastName']}\"" ) ) ) { if ( $act['End'] > time() ) { $str_date = $act['Start']; $end_date = $act['End'] + ($days * 24 * 60 * 60); $text_msg = "Compte est etendue avec {$days} jours! Expirera a " . date( "Y-m-d", $end_date ); $enddate = $end_date; } } file_act_add( $my_user, $my_pass, $code, $days, $str_date, $end_date ); file_codes_del( $code ); if ( $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] == $GLOBALS['USER_AG'] ) plugin_src( $my_user, $my_pass, $text_msg, $code, $enddate ); else browser_src( $my_user, $my_pass, $text_msg ); } else { $code_wrong = 1; if ( $days == 0 ) { $act = file_user_check( "code=\"{$code}\"" ); if ( is_array( $act ) ) { $code_wrong = 0; $my_user = $act['name']; if ( $act['End'] > time() ) { file_act_add( $my_user, $my_pass, $code, $act['days'], $act['Start'], $act['End'] ); if ( $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] == $GLOBALS['USER_AG'] ) { plugin_src( $my_user, $my_pass, "Compte est reactif! Expirera a " . date( "Y-m-d", $act['End'] ), $code, $act['End'] ); } else { browser_src( $my_user, $my_pass, "Compte est reactif! Expirera a " . date( "Y-m-d", $act['End'] ) ); } } else { if ( $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] == $GLOBALS['USER_AG'] && isset( $_GET['update'] ) && $_GET['update'] == "ok" ) { $passwd = $act['password']; plugin_src2( $my_user, $passwd, "Votre compte a ete mise a jour avec succes!" ); } else { echo "3"; } } } } if ( $code_wrong ) { echo "2"; } } } function gen_pass() { $str = md5( uniqid() * time() ); return $str = strtolower( substr( $str, -13 ) ); } function xml2array( $xml ) { $xmlary = array( ); $reels = '/<(\w+)\s*([^\/>]*)\s*(?:\/>|>(.*)<\/\s*\\1\s*>)/s'; $reattrs = '/(\w+)=(?:"|\')([^"\']*)(:?"|\')/'; preg_match_all( $reels, $xml, $elements ); foreach ( $elements[1] as $ie => $xx ) { $xmlary[$ie]["name"] = $elements[1][$ie]; $attributes = trim( $elements[2][$ie] ); if ( $attributes ) { preg_match_all( $reattrs, $attributes, $att ); foreach ( $att[1] as $ia => $xx ) $xmlary[$ie]["attributes"][$att[1][$ia]] = $att[2][$ia]; } $cdend = strpos( $elements[3][$ie], "<" ); if ( $cdend > 0 ) { $xmlary[$ie]["text"] = substr( $elements[3][$ie], 0, $cdend - 1 ); } if ( preg_match( $reels, $elements[3][$ie] ) ) { $xmlary[$ie]["elements"] = xml2array( $elements[3][$ie] ); } else if ( $elements[3][$ie] ) { $xmlary[$ie]["text"] = $elements[3][$ie]; } } return $xmlary; } function file_act_add( $user, $pass, $code, $days, $date_st=0, $date_end=0 ) { $file_handle = fopen( $GLOBALS['file_act'], "a+" ); if ( $file_handle ) { if ( $date_st == 0 ) { $date_st = time(); } $txt_date_st = date( "Y/m/d", $date_st ); if ( $date_end == 0 ) { $date_end = time() + ($days * 24 * 60 * 60); } $txt_date_end = date( "Y/m/d", $date_end ); fwrite( $file_handle, date( "[Y/m/d][H:i:s] " ) ); fwrite( $file_handle, "Username = {$user} Password = {$pass} {$code}={$days} Start: {$txt_date_st} End: {$txt_date_end}\n" ); fclose( $file_handle ); if ( $GLOBALS['ACTION'] == "N" ) { file_user_update( $user, $pass, $code, $days, date( "d-m-Y", $date_st ), date( "d-m-Y", $date_end ) ); } elseif ( $GLOBALS['ACTION'] == "C" ) { file_CCcam_update( $user, $pass, $code, date( "d-m-Y", $date_end ) ); file_user_update( $user, $pass, $code, $days, date( "d-m-Y", $date_st ), date( "d-m-Y", $date_end ) ); } elseif ( $GLOBALS['ACTION'] == "NC" ) { file_user_update( $user, $pass, $code, $days, date( "d-m-Y", $date_st ), date( "d-m-Y", $date_end ) ); file_CCcam_update( $user, $pass, $code, date( "d-m-Y", $date_end ) ); } } } function file_act_check( $code ) { $lines = file( $GLOBALS['file_act'] ); if ( is_array( $lines ) ) { $code = " " . $code . "="; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( strstr( $line, $code ) ) { $pieces = explode( " ", $line ); $days = explode( "=", $pieces[3] ); $date_st = explode( ": ", $pieces[4] ); $date_end = explode( ": ", $pieces[5] ); $days = $days[1]; list($year, $month, $day) = split( '[/.-]', $date_st[1] ); $date_st = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ); list($year, $month, $day) = split( '[/.-]', $date_end[1] ); $date_end = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ); return array( "Days" => "{$days}", "Start" => "{$date_st}", "End" => "{$date_end}" ); } } } return 0; } function file_codes_check( $code ) { $lines = file( $GLOBALS['file_codes'] ); if ( is_array( $lines ) ) { foreach ( $lines as $line ) { list($cc, $day) = split( '=', $line ); if ( strcmp( $cc, $code ) == 0 ) { return trim( $day ); } } } return 0; } function file_codes_del( $code ) { $lines = file( $GLOBALS['file_codes'] ); if ( is_array( $lines ) ) { $file_handle = fopen( $GLOBALS['file_codes'], "w" ); if ( $file_handle ) { $code = $code . "="; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( strstr( $line, $code ) === FALSE ) { fwrite( $file_handle, $line ); } } fclose( $file_handle ); } } } function file_user_write( $data ) { $fp = fopen( $GLOBALS['file_user'], "w" ); if ( $fp ) { foreach ( $data as $value ) { $value = trim( $value ); if ( $value ) { fwrite( $fp, $value . "\n" ); } } fclose( $fp ); } } function file_CCcam_write( $data ) { $fp = fopen( $GLOBALS['file_cccam'], "w" ); if ( $fp ) { foreach ( $data as $value ) { $value - trim( $value ); if ( $value ) { fwrite( $fp, $value . "\n" ); } } fclose( $fp ); } } function file_user_check( $find ) { $lines = file( $GLOBALS['file_user'] ); if ( is_array( $lines ) ) { foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( strstr( $line, $find ) ) { $act = xml2array( $line ); if ( $act[0]['name'] == "user" && is_array( $act[0]['attributes'] ) ) { $act = $act[0]['attributes']; list($day, $month, $year) = split( '[/.-]', $act['startDate'] ); $act['Start'] = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ); list($day, $month, $year) = split( '[/.-]', $act['date'] ); $act['End'] = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ); return $act; } return 0; } } } return 0; } function file_user_update( $user, $pass, $code, $days, $date_st, $date_end ) { $lines = file( $GLOBALS['file_user'] ); $newline = "<user name=\"{$user}\" password=\"{$pass}\" max-connections=\"1\" EcmRate=\"-1\" code=\"{$code}\" days=\"{$days}\" startDate=\"{$date_st}\" expire-date=\"{$date_end}\"/>"; if ( is_array( $lines ) ) { $code_str = "code=\"{$code}\""; if ( $_GET['LastName'] ) { $code_str = "name=\"{$_GET['LastName']}\""; } $i = 0; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( strstr( $line, $code_str ) ) { $lines[$i] = $newline; file_user_write( $lines ); return 1; } $i++; } $frstel = $lines[0]; $lines[0] = $newline; array_unshift( $lines, $frstel ); file_user_write( $lines ); } return 0; } function file_cccam_update( $user, $pass, $code, $date_end ) { $lines = file( $GLOBALS['file_cccam'], FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES ); $newline = "F: {$user} {$pass} 3 0 0 { 0:0:1 } # {$date_end}"; if ( is_array( $lines ) ) { if ( $_GET['LastName'] ) { $code_str = "F: {$_GET['LastName']}"; } else { $code_str="F: $user"; } $i = 0; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( strstr( $line, $code_str )) { $lines[$i] = $newline; file_CCcam_write( $lines ); return 1; } $i++; } $frstel = $lines[0]; $lines[0] = $newline; array_unshift( $lines, $frstel ); file_CCcam_write( $lines ); } return 0; } i have this files - index.php >>> this is the php code above conf.php Lines.php user.xml i know i must create proxy.codes and proxy.act but don't know what to put in this 2 files. again many thanx
  3. hello dont know if i'm in the right forum,but i realy need to know what this code do - function file_act_check( $code ) { $lines = file( $GLOBALS['file_act'] ); if ( is_array( $lines ) ) { $code = " " . $code . "="; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( strstr( $line, $code ) ) { $pieces = explode( " ", $line ); $days = explode( "=", $pieces[3] ); $date_st = explode( ": ", $pieces[4] ); $date_end = explode( ": ", $pieces[5] ); $days = $days[1]; list($year, $month, $day) = split( '[/.-]', $date_st[1] ); $date_st = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ); list($year, $month, $day) = split( '[/.-]', $date_end[1] ); $date_end = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ); return array( "Days" => "{$days}", "Start" => "{$date_st}", "End" => "{$date_end}" ); } } } return 0; } can someone please explain in simple English what it do ? i really need to know if this is not the place for this kind of question i apologize. many thanx
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