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Everything posted by Th3Boss

  1. Ok got this all working. Thanks a lot everyone who helped.
  2. Yeah that fixed the errors. echo $query looks like this: INSERT INTO Table2 (`ID`,`Name`) VALUES ('50', 'Name1'), ('50', 'Name2'), ('50', 'Name3') Though it doesnt insert it into the table. It does insert the 50 into Table1 though from. $query = "INSERT INTO table1 (ID) VALUES (NULL)";
  3. Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in on line 60 $textLines = array_filter('trim', $textLines); Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given on line 62 $textLines = array_filter('mysql_real_escape_string', $textLines); Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 71 foreach($textLines as $line) And should field1 be a new column for the parent record or should that be the auto increment ID from table 1? Like: //Create parent record in table 1 $query = "INSERT INTO table1 (ID) VALUES (NULL)"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $table1ID = mysql_insert_id();
  4. oh I just noticed I have that wrong. The ID needs to be the same as the ID from another table that is auto increment, the structure is this. It inserts the ID row # for Table 1 as auto increment and then inserts the ID from Table 1 into Table 2 with the data from the textarea. From Textarea: Info1 Info2 Info3 Info4 Info5 Table 1: ID 1 2 3 4 Into Table2: ID | Name 4 | Info1 4 | Info2 4 | Info3 4 | Info4 4 | Info5
  5. What do you mean normalize the data? the structure I want is this From Textarea: Info1 Info2 Info3 Info4 Info5 Into Table: ID | Name 1 | Info1 1 | Info2 1 | Info3 1 | Info4 1 | Info5
  6. Well I replied to an old thread but as it is old it doesnt seem to be getting any activity as it is marked answered. The thread is: http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/228584-insert-different-lines-from-textarea-to-different-mysql-rows/ This doesnt work. I have tried it so many different ways. I have a textarea that has data like Info1 Info2 Info3 Info4 Info5 I have a table that has an auto increment ID and a Name column and I want each line from the textarea in its own row inserted in the Name column. The only reply to the thread says to try: $lines = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', explode("\n", $_POST['textarea'])); $values = "VALUES ('" . implode("'), ('", $lines) . "')"; $query = "INSERT INTO table_name (column_name) $values"; Which didnt work. Ive tried a bunch of different things and cant get this to work. Here is my last attempt of trying to get the above to work: $lines = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', explode("\n", $_POST['TextArea'])); $values = implode("'), ('", $lines); $query = "INSERT INTO Table (`ID`,`Name`) VALUES (NULL, '$values')";
  7. This doesnt work. I have tried it so many different ways. I have a textarea that has data like Info1 Info2 Info3 Info4 Info5 I have a table that has an auto increment ID and a Name column and I want each line from the textarea in its own row inserted in the Name column. I tried like posted above and so many other ways. Here is my last attempt. $lines = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', explode("\n", $_POST['TextArea'])); $values = implode("'), ('", $lines); $query = "INSERT INTO Table (`ID`,`Name`) VALUES (NULL, '$values')";
  8. after lots or searching and reading I finally figured it out. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10371502/storing-multiple-rows-from-mysql-in-separate-variables
  9. Can you do an example of how I can do this with arrays?
  10. Right now in the query it selects all of that data i need from the database and now I need to set all of that data as the correct variables.
  11. Pretty sure im doing this completely wrong. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if($row['slot'] == 'high') { $i=1; while($i<= { $name[$i] .= $row['name']."" ; $typeID[$i] .= $row['typeID']."" ; $i++; } } else { } } There will always be 0 to 8 items that are 'high' in the database $row['slot']. I want all of the 'name' and 'typeID' to be as: $name1 $typeID1 $name2 $typeID2 $name3 $typeID3 and so on up to how ever many there is, but no more than 8 How do I do something like this? (Sorry if that is a terrible explanation)
  12. I keep getting #1054 - Unknown column 'drone' in 'field list' but dont see whats wrong with it. Anyone see whats wrong? http://pastebin.com/qzuMJC4s
  13. This is the error I keep getting and I cant figure out where the error is. http://pastebin.com/LxKBF7CG Anyone see what is wrong with it?
  14. worked with "\n" It left a \ visible the other way. Thanks!
  15. Im trying to get it to place a line break after each output function generateTemplate() { output = '$' + templateName + ';' + "<br>"; output += '$ship=' + fit.shipName + ';' + "<br>"; output += '$shipTypeID=' + fit.shipTypeID + ';' + "<br>"; output += '$fitName=' + fit.name + ';' + "<br>"; output += '$fitID=' + fit.fitID + ';' + "<br>"; } output is displayed in a textarea How do I do this?
  16. Figured it out finally.
  17. On click of class="Info" it uses $DataTypeID for data-typeid from page 1 and does showItemInfo using that data form data-typeid as typeID.
  18. Never used javascript before so trying to figure this out. Page 1: <?php $DataTypeID="599"; include("Page2.php"); ?> Page 2: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('.Fitting .Info').on('click', showItemInfo); }); function showItemInfo() { var typeID = $(this).attr('data-typeid'); CCPEVE.showInfo(typeID); } </script> </head> <body> <div class="Fitting"> <div class="Info" data-typeid == <?$DataTypeID?> title="View">INFO</div> </div> </body> Pretty sure this is wrong data-typeid == <?$DataTypeID?> How do I get this to work?
  19. That worked though they were switched around. Works as wanted like this: <?PHP if($high2name == 'open') { $output = '<div class="module high open"> <img src="Icon_hi_slot.png" width="46" height="46"> </div>'; } else if(strlen(trim($high2name))) { $output = '<div class="module high" data-typeid=$high2typeID data-name=$high2name> <img src="http://image.website.com/Type/'. $high2typeID .'_64.png"> </div>'; } else { $output = '<div class="module high inactive"> </div>'; } echo $output; ?> Thanks
  20. Would it be best to use the if statements or switch in this situation?
  21. ok and it seems this does the same thing but as an if statement <?php if ($high1name == "open") { ?> <div class="module high open"> <img src="Icon_hi_slot.png" width="46" height="46"> </div> <?php } elseif ($high1name == "") { ?> <div class="module high inactive" > </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="module high" data-typeid=$high1typeID data-name=$high1name> <img src="http://image.website.com/Type/<?php print($high1typeID);?>_64.png"> </div> <? } ?>
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