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  1. not working because all posts use the same thumb.tried hard to found out what's happening but can't. !just realized the thumb is still the same 1 image for all posts, but the cache folder (phpimageresize) contains all resized images.thanks for any help. sry for the bump. <div class="thumb"> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"> <?php $settings = array("w"=>100,"h"=>100,"crop"=>true); $values = get_post_custom_values("thumbs"); ?> <img src="<?php echo resize($values[0], $settings); ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" /> </a> </div>
  2. working thank you! but it returns the same thumbnail for all posts
  3. it returns the image url from the custom field named "thumbs" source: /** * Retrieve values for a custom post field. * * The parameters must not be considered optional. All of the post meta fields * will be retrieved and only the meta field key values returned. * * @since 1.2.0 * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_post_custom_values * * @param string $key Meta field key. * @param int $post_id Post ID * @return array Meta field values. */ function get_post_custom_values( $key = '', $post_id = 0 ) { if ( !$key ) return null; $custom = get_post_custom($post_id); return isset($custom[$key]) ? $custom[$key] : null; } the other function is phpimageresize source: <?php /* function by Wes Edling .. http://joedesigns.com feel free to use this in any project, i just ask for a credit in the source code. a link back to my site would be nice too. */ function resize($imagePath,$opts=null){ # start configuration $cacheFolder = 'cache/'; # path to your cache folder, must be writeable by web server $remoteFolder = $cacheFolder.'remote/'; # path to the folder you wish to download remote images into $quality = 90; # image quality to use for ImageMagick (0 - 100) $cache_http_minutes = 20; # cache downloaded http images 20 minutes $path_to_convert = 'convert'; # this could be something like /usr/bin/convert or /opt/local/share/bin/convert ## you shouldn't need to configure anything else beyond this point $purl = parse_url($imagePath); $finfo = pathinfo($imagePath); $ext = $finfo['extension']; # check for remote image.. if(isset($purl['scheme']) && $purl['scheme'] == 'http'): # grab the image, and cache it so we have something to work with.. list($filename) = explode('?',$finfo['basename']); $local_filepath = $remoteFolder.$filename; $download_image = true; if(file_exists($local_filepath)): if(filemtime($local_filepath) < strtotime('+'.$cache_http_minutes.' minutes')): $download_image = false; endif; endif; if($download_image == true): $img = file_get_contents($imagePath); file_put_contents($local_filepath,$img); endif; $imagePath = $local_filepath; endif; if(file_exists($imagePath) == false): $imagePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$imagePath; if(file_exists($imagePath) == false): return 'image not found'; endif; endif; if(isset($opts['w'])): $w = $opts['w']; endif; if(isset($opts['h'])): $h = $opts['h']; endif; $filename = md5_file($imagePath); if(!empty($w) and !empty($h)): $newPath = $cacheFolder.$filename.'_w'.$w.'_h'.$h.(isset($opts['crop']) && $opts['crop'] == true ? "_cp" : "").(isset($opts['scale']) && $opts['scale'] == true ? "_sc" : "").'.'.$ext; elseif(!empty($w)): $newPath = $cacheFolder.$filename.'_w'.$w.'.'.$ext; elseif(!empty($h)): $newPath = $cacheFolder.$filename.'_h'.$h.'.'.$ext; else: return false; endif; $create = true; if(file_exists($newPath) == true): $create = false; $origFileTime = date("YmdHis",filemtime($imagePath)); $newFileTime = date("YmdHis",filemtime($newPath)); if($newFileTime < $origFileTime): $create = true; endif; endif; if($create == true): if(!empty($w) and !empty($h)): list($width,$height) = getimagesize($imagePath); $resize = $w; if($width > $height): $resize = $w; if(isset($opts['crop']) && $opts['crop'] == true): $resize = "x".$h; endif; else: $resize = "x".$h; if(isset($opts['crop']) && $opts['crop'] == true): $resize = $w; endif; endif; if(isset($opts['scale']) && $opts['scale'] == true): $cmd = $path_to_convert." ".$imagePath." -resize ".$resize." -quality ".$quality." ".$newPath; else: $cmd = $path_to_convert." ".$imagePath." -resize ".$resize." -size ".$w."x".$h." xc:".(isset($opts['canvas-color'])?$opts['canvas-color']:"transparent")." +swap -gravity center -composite -quality ".$quality." ".$newPath; endif; else: $cmd = $path_to_convert." ".$imagePath." -thumbnail ".(!empty($h) ? 'x':'').$w."".(isset($opts['maxOnly']) && $opts['maxOnly'] == true ? "\>" : "")." -quality ".$quality." ".$newPath; endif; $c = exec($cmd); endif; # return cache file path return str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',$newPath); } ?>
  4. thanks! allmost work i made a little changes, take the alt attribute to the right place: <img src="<?php $values = get_post_custom_values("thumbs"); echo $values[0]; echo $settings; ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" /></a> and the output is now: <img src="http://anydomain.com/anyimage.jpgArray" alt="alt" /></a> the only problem now is the word Array is appear after the .jpg extension. edit: the thumb code is this: <div class="thumb"> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"> <?php $settings = array("w"=>100,"h"=>100,"crop"=>true); ?> <img src="<?php $values = get_post_custom_values("thumbs"); echo $values[0]; echo $settings; ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" /></a> </div>
  5. Hello phpfreaks! i'm moln4r from hungary and registered here because i stucked with a php function in my wp template and want to ask you some help. I want to use phpimageresize to cache/resize and display my external thumbnails. this sounds easy even for a noob like me, i tested on the server in a standalone php file and it works fine, but when i tried to put the code inside my template loop i found this: <img src="<?php $values = get_post_custom_values("thumbs"); echo $values[0]; ?>" width="128" height="96" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" /></a> ok wp getting the image from a custom field, and here we are... I can't mix the two code without syntax error. but i'm a noob so please somebody help me. this code call the phpimageresize function: <img src="<?=resize("http://anysite.com/anyimage.jpg" ,$settings)?>" /> and this is my default thumbnail: <img src="<?php $values = get_post_custom_values("thumbs"); echo $values[0]; ?>" width="128" height="96" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" /></a> so it must be something like this, but my knowledge ends here: <img src="<?=resize("<?php $values = get_post_custom_values("thumbs"); echo $values[0]; ?>" ,$settings)?>" /> please help me how can I make this work. Thanks
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