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  1. <?php if (eregi("MSIE",getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) || eregi("Internet Explorer",getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))) { Header("Location: http://mysite.com/ie_reject.html"); exit; } ?> How would i make users who are using Safari get redirected like in this example would i use this <?php if (eregi("SAFARI",getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) || eregi("Safari",getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))) { Header("Location: http://mysite.com/safari_reject.html"); exit; } ?> If so how would i add these together in one statement to stop both accessing my site and get redirected
  2. How would i make this display on a HTMl Page or PHP page.
  3. I was given this code for a Download Countdown timer, similar to Rapidshares and Megaupload //implements Implements: [Options,Events], //options options: { element: 'countdown', start: 10, finish: 0, startFont: '36px', finishFont: '12px', onComplete: $empty, duration: 1000 }, //initialization initialize: function(options) { //set options this.setOptions(options); }, //get things started start: function() { this.anim(); }, //animate! anim: function() { this.options.element.set('text',this.options.start--); var fx = new Fx.Tween(this.options.element,{ duration: this.options.duration, link: 'ignore', onComplete: function() { if(this.options.start >= this.options.finish) { this.anim(); } else { this.fireEvent('complete'); } }.bind(this) }).start('font-size',this.options.startFont,this.options.finishFont); } }); /* usage */ window.addEvent('domready',function() { var cd = new CountDown({ element: $('countdown'), start: 12, finish: 0, onComplete: function() { this.options.element.set('text','Done! Your special code is: <!--?php echo rand(1000,5000); ?-->').setStyle('color','#090'); } }).start(); }); but i haven't the faintest idea on what to do with it. Does it go into PHP, Html or Javascript. I know a lot about HTML a little PHP. but i don't have a clue when it comes to Javascript codes and adding them to pages. Please Help
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