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Everything posted by digital_plunder

  1. Hello everyone..i want to run php code on my ipad...how can i install xampp server on ipad? any idea?
  2. i think if the name is "book" then there maybe pdf files,so m asking..okay..if those are images...then how can i zom in and zoom out like google books...
  3. Yes u r right bro..but i wany to open pdf in browser and want to zoom in and zoom out like google books....
  4. Hello there,i want to put and view pdf files in php..please help me..how can i do...i want to view pdf file,and want to zoom in and zoom out when pdf file open.....
  5. then can anyone give me proper code for fetch all the fields from mysql...with image..?
  6. I m trying to fetch a image from mysql (blob) with header..here is my coding..."<?php include("db.php"); $query=mysql_query("select * from table where id='3' "); $row=mysql_fetch_array($query); $r=$row['image']; header("content-type:image"); echo $r; ?>" i want to fetch another fields from the database....but when i try to echo another fields...the page shows error or it does not echo other fields of database....please help me...how can i resolve it...i want to fetch other fields from database,like'username'password'firstname'lastname and image...thanks in advance...
  7. i m trying to fetch a image from mysql (blob) with header..here is my coding..."<?php include("db.php"); $query=mysql_query("select * from table where id='3' "); $row=mysql_fetch_array($query); $r=$row['image']; header("content-type:image"); echo $r; ?>" i want to fetch another fields from the database....but when i try to echo another fields...the page shows error or it does not echo other fields of database....please help me...how can i resolve it...i want to fetch other fields from database,like'username'password'firstname'lastname and image...thanks in advance...
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