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Everything posted by andy6867

  1. Hi there guys... this is driving me crazy and is sure its a simple fix. Its to do with Firefox and IE and the use of tables. http://www.jezmusic.net/web/recent.php In Firefox it works great... in IE it messes up the menus in the header. I would love to copy whats done in the playing.php page and use the Styles page but has no idea where to even start... if someone wants to take this on I don't mind offering something for your troubles. If you are interested in helping me get this finished please contact me andy-fox@comcast.net <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-color: #EAEFF4; } --> </style> <?php include('../config/config.php'); include('../display/display.header.php'); echo "<table width='80%' border='10' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"; echo " <tr bgcolor='#6699CC'>"; echo " <td colspan='3' bgcolor='#6699CC'>"; echo " <p align='center'>"; echo " <font size='3' face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' color='#FFFFFF'>"; echo " <b>Recently Added Songs</b>"; echo " </font>"; echo " </td>"; echo " </tr>"; $select = $db->select() ->distinct(true) ->from('songlist', array('album', 'artist', 'date_added', 'picture', 'albumyear', 'cnt' => 'Count(*)')) ->where('songtype = ?', 'S') ->group(array('picture', 'album')) ->having('cnt > 1') ->order('date_added DESC') ->limit(10,0); $count = 1; $rows = $db->fetchAll($select); foreach($rows as $row) { $count++; if(($count % 2)== 0) { if($count == 2) echo "<tr bgcolor='#f0ffff'>"; echo " <td>"; echo " <img align=left src='../web/pictures/" . rawurlencode($row["PICTURE"]) ."', width='100' height='100'>"; echo " <p align='left'>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=teal size=1><b>ALBUM: </b><a href='../web/playlist.php?name=Playlist&?letter=". $letter . "&artist=" . rawurlencode($row["ARTIST"]) . "&album=" . rawurlencode($row["ALBUM"]) . "'>" . $row["ALBUM"] . "</a><font><br>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=teal size=1><b>ARTIST: <i><a href='../web/playlist.php?name=Playlist&?letter=". $letter . "&artist=" . rawurlencode($row["ARTIST"]) . "'>" . $row["ARTIST"] . "</a></i></font><br>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=teal size=1><b>RELEASED: </b></font><font face=Verdana color=red size=1><b>".$row["ALBUMYEAR"]."</b></font><font face=Verdana color=teal size=1><b> ADDED: </b></font><font face=Verdana color=red size=1><b>".substr($row["DATE_ADDED"],5,2)."/".substr($row["DATE_ADDED"],8,2)." </b></font>"; echo " </p>"; echo " </td>"; } else { echo " <td>"; echo " <img align=left src='../web/pictures/" . rawurlencode($row["PICTURE"]) ."', width='100' height='100'>"; echo " <p align='left'>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=teal size=1><b>ALBUM: </b><a href='../web/playlist.php?name=Playlist&?letter=". $letter . "&artist=" . rawurlencode($row["ARTIST"]) . "&album=" . rawurlencode($row["ALBUM"]) . "'>" . $row["ALBUM"] . "</a><font><br>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=teal size=1><b>ARTIST: <i><a href='../web/playlist.php?name=Playlist&?letter=". $letter . "&artist=" . rawurlencode($row["ARTIST"]) . "'>" . $row["ARTIST"] . "</a></i></font><br>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=teal size=1><b>RELEASED: </b></font><font face=Verdana color=red size=1><b>".$row["ALBUMYEAR"]."</b></font><font face=Verdana color=teal size=1><b> ADDED: </b></font><font face=Verdana color=red size=1><b>".substr($row["DATE_ADDED"],5,2)."/".substr($row["DATE_ADDED"],8,2)." </b></font>"; echo " </p>"; echo " </td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; ?>
  2. Found it.... there was a ";" after the DISTINCT True line
  3. <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-color: #EAEFF4; } --> </style><?php include("config.php"); include("header.php"); echo "<table border='0' style='border:2px solid #AFB1B1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'>"; echo " <tr bgcolor='#747272'>"; echo " <td colspan='2' background='images/dbluecell.gif'>"; echo " <p align='center'>"; echo " <font face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica' size='2' color='#FFFFFF'>"; echo " <b>Recently Added Albums</b>"; echo " </font>"; echo " </td>"; echo " </tr>"; $select = $db->select() ->distinct(true); ->from('songlist', array('album', 'artist', 'date_added', 'picture', 'albumyear', 'cnt' => 'Count(*)')) ->where('songtype = ?', 'S') ->group(array('picture', 'album')) ->having('cnt > 1') ->order('date_added DESC') ->limit(20,0); $count = 1; $rows = $db->fetchAll($select); foreach($rows as $row) { $count++; if(($count % 2)== 0) { echo "<tr align='center'>"; echo " <td>"; echo " <img align=left src='../pictures/" . rawurlencode($row["picture"]) ."', width='200' height='200'>"; echo " <p align='left'>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>ALBUM: </b><a href='./playlist.php?name=Playlist&?letter=". $letter . "&artist=" . rawurlencode($row["artist"]) . "&album=" . rawurlencode($row["album"]) . "'>" . $row["album"] . "</a><font><br>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>ARTIST: <i><a href='./playlist.php?name=Playlist&?letter=". $letter . "&artist=" . rawurlencode($row["artist"]) . "'>" . $row["artist"] . "</a></i></font><br>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>RELEASED: </b></font><font face=Verdana color=red size=1><b>".$row["albumyear"]."</b></font><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b> ADDED: </b></font><font face=Verdana color=red size=1><b>".substr($row["date_added"],5,2)."/".substr($row["date_added"],8,2)." </b></font>"; echo " </p>"; echo " </td>"; } else { echo " <td>"; echo " <img align=left src='../pictures/" . rawurlencode($row["picture"]) ."', width='200' height='200'>"; echo " <p align='left'>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>ALBUM: </b><a href='./playlist.php?name=Playlist&?letter=". $letter . "&artist=" . rawurlencode($row["artist"]) . "&album=" . rawurlencode($row["album"]) . "'>" . $row["album"] . "</a><font><br>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>ARTIST: <i><a href='./playlist.php?name=Playlist&?letter=". $letter . "&artist=" . rawurlencode($row["artist"]) . "'>" . $row["artist"] . "</a></i></font><br>"; echo " <font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>RELEASED: </b></font><font face=Verdana color=red size=1><b>".$row["albumyear"]."</b></font><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b> ADDED: </b></font><font face=Verdana color=red size=1><b>".substr($row["date_added"],5,2)."/".substr($row["date_added"],8,2)." </b></font>"; echo " </p>"; echo " </td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; ?>
  4. ->from('songlist', array('album', 'artist', 'date_added', 'picture', 'albumyear', 'cnt' => 'Count(*)')) Any ideas why I am getting the Parse Error? Thanks
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