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Everything posted by LostDude25

  1. Sorry, I didn't as for you to create a plug and play situation. I just wanted to know where in my script I needed to put it and how my variables would fit into your code. If that sounded like I wanted you to write my code, I apologize, that is not what I wanted. I am going to include a copy of both files I am using for this. I sanitized them of any info that we don't want the whole world seeing. Just something about me, I write myself little notes in the script to explain what I am doing where I am doing it, so you will see a lot of //..... After I get the script done, I tidy it up so it isn't so long. I had to upload the .xml file as a .txt file because of the rules of the forum, but it could easily be changed back to a .xml file when downloaded. It is saved on my computer as a .xml. So if you could look at them and let me know if I have your code in the correct spot. Thanks phxml.php <?php $rowcounter = 99; $connectionstring = odbc_connect("database", "username", "password"); //Query database for Names and numbers $Query = "select pyemp#, pyfnam, pysnam from IESFILE.PYMAST where pystat = 'A' order by pyemp#"; $queryexe = odbc_do($connectionstring, $Query); while(odbc_fetch_row($queryexe)) { $pyemp = trim(odbc_result($queryexe, 1)); $pyfnam = trim(odbc_result($queryexe, 2)); $pysnam = trim(odbc_result($queryexe, 3)); $Query1 = "select drmisc from IESFILE.DRIVERS where drcode = '$pyemp'"; $queryexe1 = odbc_do($connectionstring, $Query1); while(odbc_fetch_row($queryexe1)) { $drmisc = trim(odbc_result($queryexe1,1)); $misc = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",$drmisc); //put in 'if' statement saying 'if $misc starts with 402 or 712, do nothing, if anything else, add a '1' except if it already starts with a '1' if (preg_match('/^1/', $misc)){ }elseif (preg_match('/^402/', $misc)){ }elseif (preg_match('/^712/', $misc)){ }else{ $misc = "1".$misc; } } $rowcounter = $rowcounter + 1; $rc = $rowcounter + 200; $fullname = $pyfnam." ".$pysnam; //File to be seached and edited... $fileurl = 'data2.xml'; //Search file for this line of code... //$search = "<item row=\"".$rowcounter."\">\n\t<c0>".$rowcounter."</c0>\n<c1>*".$rc."</c1>\n<c2 />\n<c3 />"; //Long version...Too Much Info //$search = $rc."</c1>"; //This one works, but doesn't get rid of the <c2 /> or <c3 /> $search = $rc."</c1> \n <c2 /> \n <c3 />"; //Create Data line to be entered into file... //$data = "<item row=\"".$rowcounter."\">\n\t<c0>".$rowcounter."</c0>\n\t<c1>*".$rc."</c1>\n\t<c2>9".$misc."</c2>\n\t<c3>".$fullname."</c3>"; //too much info $data = $rc."</c1> \n <c2>9".$misc."</c2> \n <c3>".$fullname."</c3> "; //This opens file and searches the file and changes the searched info to the data created... $file_contents = file_get_contents($fileurl); $fh = fopen($fileurl, "w"); $file_contents = str_replace($search,$data,$file_contents); fwrite($fh, $file_contents); //added xyph code $data2 = array( 'name' => $fullname, 'number' => $misc ); //$xml is data2.xml $xml = <<<HEREDOC $file_contents HEREDOC; foreach( $data2 as $key => $row ) { if( ($pos = strpos( $xml, '<item row="'.$row.'">' )) === FALSE ) continue; $c2 = strpos( $xml, '<c2 />', $pos ); $c3 = strpos( $xml, '<c3 />', $pos ); $xml = substr( $xml, 0, $c2 ) . '<c2>'.$row['number'].'</c2>' .substr( $xml, $c2 + 6, $c3 - $c2 - 6 ) . '<c3>'.$row['name'].'</c3>' . substr( $xml, $c3 + 6 ); } unset($misc); //unset variable so it doesn't use the previous employee's number again... $misc = " no number"; // Any number will do here, ***will have to go into the database and add everyone phone number. fclose($fh); } echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars( $xml ) . '</pre>'; odbc_close($connectionstring); echo "done!"; //Things that need to happen to make this work. //Run when anyone is hired or fired/quits //Number for the person is put in the Driver Master's Misc Line, if local, just 402, if long distance in NE with 402, add the 1. //if driver's # is local, just put in 402 EXAMPLE Omaha 402-733-2200 DONE! //if driver's # is long distance in the 402 area code, add "1" EXAMPLE Lincoln 1-402-733-2200 DONE! //This applies to 712 also DONE! //if driver lives anywhere else, no need to add the '1', program will add it for you. DONE! //take info and place it into xml file //make if statement to update file after xml is already used and needs to be updated ?> [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. I see what you are doing, but I think I am missing something. How do I incorporate that into the existing code. This is all in a loop that creates new information for every time, The John and Jane Smith was just an example. I guess I am not understanding what to incorporate at the <<<HEREDOC thing. I am thinking this is my .xml file but it errors every time I enter that. Also with the code you provided, what variables go into where? I thought I provided enough information to fill this in.
  3. I am trying to change the data in a .xml document. I am pulling contact infomation from a database and adding it to my phone system's speed dial list. I got everything else to work except this... My code looks like: $fileurl = 'data2.xml'; $rc = (starts with 300 and adds 1 with every loop) $misc = (11 digit phone number with no spaces (ex 14025551212)) $fullname = (first and last name of customer) $search = $rc."</c1> \n <c2 /> \n <c3 />"; $data = $rc."</c1> \n <c2>9".$misc."</c2> \n <c3>".$fullname."</c3> "; $file_contents = file_get_contents($fileurl); $fh = fopen($fileurl, "w"); $file_contents = str_replace($search,$data,$file_contents); fwrite($fh, $file_contents); fclose($fh); The Data in the data2.xml file looks like this: - <item row="100"> <c0>100</c0> <c1>*300</c1> <c2 /> <c3 /> </item> - <item row="101"> <c0>101</c0> <c1>*301</c1> <c2 /> <c3 /> </item> ...ect with rows going up to 999 And I need it changed to look like this: - <item row="100"> <c0>100</c0> <c1>*300</c1> <c2>14025551212</c2> <c3>John Smith</c3> </item> - <item row="101"> <c0>101</c0> <c1>*301</c1> <c2>14025552121</c2> <c3>Jane Smith</c3> </item> ...ect with rows going up to 999 I am looking at replacing what I searched for ($search) and change it to the data I get from my database ($data). It seems like when I search for <c2 /> it errors like there is something stopping it. The problem is the format of the data.xml file, but I can not change it. If I leave off the <c2 /> and <c3 /> the code works fine but looks like this: - <item row="100"> <c0>100</c0> <c1>*300</c1> <c2>14025551212</c2> <c3>John Smith</c3> <c2 /> <c3 /> </item> I got to get rid of the <c2 /> and <c3 /> and replace it with my data. Also eventually I will have less contacts and need to revert the data back to the original format. I have tried everything I know and no success. Anyone got any ideas that would work? I am thinking its something simple that I am overlooking. Thanks!
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