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Everything posted by EVENT_HORIZON

  1. I understand it needs to be submitted but I thought that you could just add POST to the dropdown, is this not correct?
  2. I'm just attempting to learn how PHP handles things and I can't quite wrap my head around how to apply Selected to the final Option and show the Traits for the Character based on the Selected Option. I understand this might need POST, if it does, I would appreciate a bit of help on how I would set this up as POST since I didn't think a drop down required a submit button. $character= array (array(Name=>"Barry","Class"=>"Fighter",Level=>1,Str=>10,Dex=>10,"Int"=>10),array(Name=>"Lindehar","Class"=>"Ranger",Level=>1,Str=>10,Dex=>10,"Int"=>10),array(Name=>"Verelden","Class"=>"Mage",Level=>1,Str=>10,Dex=>10,"Int"=>10)); print "Select a Character:<br /><select>"; foreach($character as $array_num) { foreach($array_num as $char_trait=>$trait_value) { if($char_trait==Name) { $selected_value=""; $generated_chars="<option selected=".$selected_value." value='".$char_trait."'>".$char_trait.": ".$trait_value."</option>"; print $generated_chars; if($selected_value=/".$char_trait.": Barry"/") { foreach($char_trait=="Barry") { print "<h4>".$char_trait.": ".$trait_value."</h4>"; } } } } } print "</select><p />";
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