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Everything posted by oyster12

  1. I don't kown why. but you have a obvius error here: onmouseover='MM_swapImage('movieThumb','','http://cantankerousme.net/images/gallery/".$thumb."',1)'> a uncorrect useage parsing of qutoe you can try this: echo "<a href='...' "."MM_swqpImage('movieThumb','http://cantankerousme.net/images/gallery/' ".$thumb.",1)>";
  2. I am a PHPer in China, I hope make new friends and learn new knowledge.
  3. as i think, convert the file type into suitable type is the best way to do it. else, you can get the HTML content by a little php code, and then insert to the database
  4. yeah, i get it , thanks KingPhilip
  5. i am studying sql optimize, so i need table for about 10000 rows anybody can help me?
  6. id is primary key in artist, so you just find one record try this: GROUP BY images.artist
  7. if you write a little string to a file in a for loop, you will handle a file for 1000 or more times, I think it will take more memory than just append it to the end of iteration.
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