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Everything posted by kiddynomite

  1. Hi all! I have been given a task to parse a SOAP service and database it. The *vendor* has given me an example of working code in VB.NET - and that's it. That's all the documentation there is. I have been trying to convert it to a working version in PHP but I have had absolutely no luck. I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Below is the VB.NET example I was given. Private Sub GetData() ‘ Proxy is an arbitrary name I used to point to the Web Reference URL. ‘ You may call it something else in your code. Dim soapHeader As Proxy.UserCredentials = New Proxy.UserCredentials soapHeader.Email = "YourEmailAddress@Domain.com" soapHeader.Password = "password" Dim ws As Proxy.Service = New Proxy.Service ws.UserCredentialsValue = soapHeader Dim forDate As DateTime = "1/1/2011" Dim result As String = ws.GetIncidentData(forDate) End Sub Here is the PHP service code I created: <?php try{ $options = array( // Stuff for development. 'trace' => true, 'exceptions' => true, 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE, 'login' => 'email@address.com', 'password' => 'secret', ); $client = new SoapClient($wsdl_url, $options); $auth = new UserCredentials($e, $p); $authvalues=new SoapVar($auth,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT); $header=new SoapHeader($wsdl_url, "UserCredentials", $authvalues, false, $wsdl_url); $client->__setSoapHeaders($header); $x = $client->__soapCall("GetIncidentData", array("forDate"=>"1/1/2011"), null, $header, $return_headers); var_dump($header); }catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } ?> And here is the 'UserCredentials ' class code: <?php class UserCredentials { // private $email; // private $password; public function __construct($email,$password) { $this->Email=$email; $this->Password=$password; } } ?> This returns "object(stdClass)#6 (1) { ["GetIncidentDataResult"]=> string(23) "Missing User Credential" } " Thanks so much for any help. It will be greatly appreciated.
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