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Posts posted by hoangthi

  1. Hello friends


    I got a problem with Mysql.


    I want to link ONE UID in table Account to MANY UID in table Chat

    I set UID as foreign key in table Chat and then, references to account (UID)


    I tried to use Navicat to make a relationship but not succeed


    What I want is UID in table Chat MUST be one of the UID in table Account


    This is images:




    UID in this table is NOT one of UID in table Account 



    Longing for your helps!

  2. Hello. I am new at AJAX, today, I made a small script, that will post a data and return that data.

    It works very well in my Localhost:


    but after I had uploaded to my hosting, It didn't work anymore.



    I don't understand what happened.

    here is my code:

    file ajax_post :



    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>The 2nd ajax</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    function loadXML(){
    var httpXML;
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) httpXML= new XMLHttpRequest();
    else httpXML=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    /* readyState: 0: request not initialized
    1: server connection established
    2: request received
    3: processing request
    4: request fished and response is readyState
    status: 200: "ok";
    404: page not found */

    if (httpXML.readyState==4 && httpXML.status==200){
    document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML= httpXML.responseText;



    <input type="text" value ="Type something" name ="input" id="form1"/>

    <button type="submit" onclick ="loadXML()"> Click here</button>

    <div id="myDiv"> The information appears here. </div>


    file test.php: 

    echo "you have inputted:".$_POST['input'];



    Please help me to resolve this!

  3. I have a sentence:

    $s = 'this,is,a,my example !';


    So I want to get this:

    $s2[0] = this

    $s2[1] = is

    $s2[2] = a

    $s2[3] = my

    $s2[4] = my example !


    I tried to use a for loop to strlen ($s) but not successful

    So thanks for helping

  4. Hello friends

    I have some secret informations need to be saved in Mysql Database and I need to show them in some cases. So how should I encode and decode them safely ?

    I think I can use Md5 to encode the password and noone can see the password anymore. But here, I need to show in browser the information which encoded. So who can help me ?


    Thanks in advance!

  5. I assume you've done something to try to troubleshoot what's wrong, and not just tell us it doesn't work and wait for an answer? What have you tried? Have you checked the HTTP response code, which involves curl_getinfo? Have you checked that you're sending the right XML? Have you done a View Source on the page to see if maybe, just maybe, you were outputting XML and so couldn't see the markup because the browser was pretending it was HTML?

    of course I viewed the source, Nothing... I will try again!

  6. What does your cURL structure look like after adding your XML?

    Oh I used Requinix 's example:


    $curl = curl_init("https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrans.asp");
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "xmlfile.xml");
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    echo $response = curl_exec($curl);


  7. cURL is the easiest. Find a quick primer on it (it's not difficult to use) and pay attention to the CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS setting. Your code should look something like

    $curl = curl_init("https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrans.asp");
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "your xml here");
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $response = curl_exec($curl);


    I did this, but Nothing happended
  8. The service says that:

    Requests should be sent to: https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrans.asp

     Method: POST

    and it is Request format:



    so, How can I do :(
  9. This is my style tag:




    If the content is > 550px, the div area will show a Scroll.

    So, I want this, If the content is < 550px, ex: 200 px, the div height will be automatically decrease  down to 200 px.

  10. I am using Php to show a table from mySql database.

    The table has too many rows, it 's about 100 +

    I only want to show 20 rows each page, and there are 5 pages. I think I can use break function to to that but I don't know how to split to 5 pages.



    1 something

    2 something

    3 something

    4 something



    20 something



    21 something

    22 something

    23 something

    24 something



    40 something




    Hope you understand my problem and help me!

  11. I have a variable get by php from table in database: $time,  06-10-2013 13:24:32

    I wan't to echo in browser a $time decreased automtically, 13:24:32, 13:24:31, 13:24:30 ...

    and when the time is time out, 00:00:00, the code will do some PHP functions.

    Hope you understand and help me

    Thanks in advanced.

  12. Hello friends.
    I have a problem and need your help.
    I have 2 png images (100 x 300 ), 
    I want a submit button from that 1ST image, when I move my mouse to that button, the button will be changed to 2nd image and when I click the button, the button will be sunk... 

    Hope you understand what I want to say. You know, My English is so bad..

  13. Does you hosting allows you to use opening php short tags "<?"  instead of "<?php"? Why are you using exit() on the bottom? It terminates execution of the scrip ???


    bombcutting.php is history table, but bombcutting.php?action=defuse is that code (#7), so I use exit () to show only defuse page, not history table

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