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Everything posted by hoangthi

  1. I am not sure, I'll check it out. I am using Mysql in Xampp
  2. Hello friends I got a problem with Mysql. I want to link ONE UID in table Account to MANY UID in table Chat I set UID as foreign key in table Chat and then, references to account (UID) I tried to use Navicat to make a relationship but not succeed What I want is UID in table Chat MUST be one of the UID in table Account This is images: UID in this table is NOT one of UID in table Account Longing for your helps!
  3. Hello. I am new at AJAX, today, I made a small script, that will post a data and return that data. It works very well in my Localhost: but after I had uploaded to my hosting, It didn't work anymore. I don't understand what happened. here is my code: file ajax_post : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>The 2nd ajax</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <script> function loadXML(){ var httpXML; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) httpXML= new XMLHttpRequest(); else httpXML=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); httpXML.onreadystatechange=function(){ /* readyState: 0: request not initialized 1: server connection established 2: request received 3: processing request 4: request fished and response is readyState status: 200: "ok"; 404: page not found */ if (httpXML.readyState==4 && httpXML.status==200){ document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML= httpXML.responseText; } } httpXML.open("POST","test.php",true); httpXML.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httpXML.send("input="+document.getElementById('form1').value); } </script> <body> <input type="text" value ="Type something" name ="input" id="form1"/> <button type="submit" onclick ="loadXML()"> Click here</button> <div id="myDiv"> The information appears here. </div> </body> </head> file test.php: <?php echo "you have inputted:".$_POST['input']; ?> Please help me to resolve this!
  4. Oh right, I can use function: explode
  5. I have a sentence: $s = 'this,is,a,my example !'; So I want to get this: $s2[0] = this $s2[1] = is $s2[2] = a $s2[3] = my $s2[4] = my example ! I tried to use a for loop to strlen ($s) but not successful So thanks for helping
  6. Hello friends I have some secret informations need to be saved in Mysql Database and I need to show them in some cases. So how should I encode and decode them safely ? I think I can use Md5 to encode the password and noone can see the password anymore. But here, I need to show in browser the information which encoded. So who can help me ? Thanks in advance!
  7. of course I viewed the source, Nothing... I will try again!
  8. I tried this but the response is still nothing
  9. Oh I used Requinix 's example: $curl = curl_init("https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrans.asp"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "xmlfile.xml"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); echo $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); xmlfile.xml: <w3s.request> <reqn>123</reqn> <wmid>abc</wmid> <sign>123</sign> <trans> <tranid>123</tranid> <pursesrc>123</pursesrc> <pursedest>123</pursedest> <amount>12</amount> <period>123</period> <pcode>123</pcode> <desc>123</desc> <wminvid>123</wminvid> <onlyauthabc></onlyauth> </trans> </w3s.request>
  10. The service says that: Requests should be sent to: https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrans.asp Method: POST and it is Request format: <w3s.request> <reqn></reqn> <wmid></wmid> <sign></sign> <trans> <tranid></tranid> <pursesrc></pursesrc> <pursedest></pursedest> <amount></amount> <period></period> <pcode></pcode> <desc></desc> <wminvid></wminvid> <onlyauth></onlyauth> </trans> </w3s.request> so, How can I do
  11. This is the page, there is a blank area in the right, so my question is, how to add something (table, image...) in to that, Please help me!
  12. This is my style tag: div.scroll { width:405px; height:550px; } If the content is > 550px, the div area will show a Scroll. So, I want this, If the content is < 550px, ex: 200 px, the div height will be automatically decrease down to 200 px. Thanks
  13. I have a form that only accepts the string: Axxxxxxx (x is a number) EX: A1234567, A3145321 So, How can I check if the input is valid ? If user input: A1234567: True B1234567: False AA123121: False A11 31231: False Please help me!
  14. I am using Php to show a table from mySql database. The table has too many rows, it 's about 100 + I only want to show 20 rows each page, and there are 5 pages. I think I can use break function to to that but I don't know how to split to 5 pages. Example 1 something 2 something 3 something 4 something .. . 20 something <page1><page2><page3> _____________________________ 21 something 22 something 23 something 24 something .. . 40 something <page1><page2><page3> Hope you understand my problem and help me!
  15. Yes, Thanks, I did it Now I have 361764 seconds, How to convert it to aa days xx hours yy minutes zz second ?
  16. Please help me this: $time = '03-10-2013 00:29:00'; echo strtotime($time); and the result is : 1380785340 = Thu, 03 Oct 2013 07:29:00 GMT, Not 03-10-2013 00:29:00 I don't understand why.
  17. I get this from the table of database: 21-10-2013 14:30:00 Now, I want to + 5 days, 1 hour, It should be: 26-10-2013 15:30:00 How can I do that ? Please help me! Thanks
  18. I have a variable get by php from table in database: $time, 06-10-2013 13:24:32 I wan't to echo in browser a $time decreased automtically, 13:24:32, 13:24:31, 13:24:30 ... and when the time is time out, 00:00:00, the code will do some PHP functions. Hope you understand and help me Thanks in advanced.
  19. Hello friends. I have a problem and need your help. I have 2 png images (100 x 300 ), I want a submit button from that 1ST image, when I move my mouse to that button, the button will be changed to 2nd image and when I click the button, the button will be sunk... Hope you understand what I want to say. You know, My English is so bad.. Thanks
  20. Oh yes, Thank you jazzman1, The problem has been resolved, I found a header() in spend file.
  21. Thanks, bombcutting.php is history table, but bombcutting.php?action=defuse is that code (#7), so I use exit () to show only defuse page, not history table
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