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Everything posted by Tikasas

  1. you can try it out again, till anyone else brakes it to busy to upload chat done with html special chars.
  2. hmm, hi there again, got some problems fixing my chat. now i get the old messages (all of them) by taking all the content from my chating box, and i refresh some php file for getting the new messages, i add the new messages to an invisible div. and then theres a function if Oldmessages==Newmessages do nothing, else update chat with new messages .. the question is , how do i get the last message timestamp from it? i think everything should be made diffrently, give me a hint.. thanks
  3. how do you think what would be the minimum server requirements for this kind of chat for like up to 1000-2000 users? hmm, that would save a lot of bites. How do i check if theres a new timestamp value in the database? i asume that every message should have a timestamp then? or how the timestamps checks the new content? or i didn't understand you correctly? well that would be the least i can do for security, i think somehow it should be able to secure the chat box even more . damn, someone already did break my chat. Thanks for your response.
  4. naaah i dont want you to test my project(sorry if i cant expres myself right. Sorry for my english), i just don't know how to make everything work right. every 1 second it checks if my old content is equal to database content and it shows the new data only when old data is not equal the new one. You said "ONLY get new content instead of all the content" so is it doing it right? P.S. i asked you not to use any tags in my chat
  5. Hello everyone, im new here. so to begin with i wanted to ask you about my realtime chat script im creating. You can check it out here http://madnet.us.lt/chat.php. Please! i repeat PLEASE, dont use any tags or sumtin in input fields, the chat is still unsafe! It only works in some versions of Opera, Mozila(best) and i think it should work on Chrome, but god no ,dont use IE This is my first project i created so dont judge me if the code sounds stupid to you:D I made this using php/html/jquery and css . My first problem is that i used timeout function for chat div refresh, i dont think its the best way to get data from mysql, couse if like 500 or more people will get refreshes every 1 second, i think the server would crash, maybe you could get me through this with an alternative. Another problem is as i mentioned before that this chat is not capable with all explorers people use today. Third problem is that i cant figure it out how to make the public and clan buttons work (i only manage to get one of them work, if i make another one work then they conflict(nevermind you will see in the code)). I got a lot of more questions about security and stuff. but for now i would like to get the answers how to fix these things. Now il share you the code. I will accept all you advices so be free to say anything you think would be better for my real time chat. Im attaching the chat files.You will find the mysql tables in the zip Many thanks! [attachment deleted by admin]
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