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Everything posted by DeCarlo

  1. i dont understand.what you say
  2. can you explain or sample about 4 and 6...
  3. how about 4 and 6 ?.. big problem for 6.
  4. Example if Website:phpfreaks.com exists i got Echo NO!.thats good.. Example if i enter new website like google.jp it gives me same Echo NO!!!..thats wrong. how can i fix it? that
  5. Hi community,i creating a simple website and description i analyzed my code about 3days...2hours a day. if i get the point in my head.then its say Website url is in use..but not..ok maybe i give the code below. so if you can explain whats wrong.thanks <?php include_once ('connect.php'); $url= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['url']); $desc=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['desc']); if ($id == "krauti") { if (empty($_POST['url']) && empty($_POST['desc'])) { die('<br><center>Both Empty!.<center/><br/>'); } if (empty($_POST['url'])) { die('<br><center>URL Empty!.<center/>'); } if (empty($_POST['desc'])) { die('<br><center>desc empty fill it!.<center/>'); } $url = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( strip_tags($_POST['url'] ) ) ); $aprasymas = htmlspecialchars( trim($_POST['desc'] ) ); $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM linkai WHERE url = '$url' AND 'desc' = '$desc'"); if( mysql_num_rows( $query ) == 1 ) { "INSERT INTO linkai ". "(id, url, desc) ". "VALUES('','$_POST[url]','$_POST[desc]')"; echo "Yes!."; } else if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0 ){ echo "No!!"; } } ?>
  6. Ok or maybe i can do with wildcard user gets 2nd domain like james.qwerty.com,and then users register gots template he can edit template Texts and something more. i see in future that user can turn and turn off some advances. Thanks for the replays.
  7. thanks for the reply, i want allow users to choose the template. and he can edit text or change imgs.
  8. and how it should look like? <?php include_once('include/database.php'); include_once('process.php'); mkdir("/v1.5/".$_GET['reguname']."/", 0700); file_get_contents('index.txt'); ?> like this? just without get superglobal
  9. i wanna say when member is registered the function creates files example template file,folders ant etc.Is this ok?
  10. um yes,member register and creates files example template? how to improve this?.
  11. Hello Coddy Guys,im trying to do simple website creator Maybe i don't have Disease Centres probably do not have the imagination to do or something else. I wan't to do. when member is registered and he got template that chosed in registration. how to create new folder with users template. Maybe you got it. Thanks.
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