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Everything posted by m1k3yb0y

  1. Why are you responding to this post when you don't have a solution? And do you even know of any menu builders that would work flawlessly on IE9? I thought so.
  2. I am redoing my button menu on my website because the one I had on there does not work on Internet Explorer 9. For my new menu, I used purecssmenu's online thing to make my menu and now it will show up on Internet Explorer 9 which is good! However, when I hover over my portfolio link, it won't bring down my submenu. I've tested this with Firefox and Chrome and they all work great! After looking everywhere for a solution, it came to the point where I needed some assisstance from y'all. First off, here is what the full CSS code looks like below. Weirdly, it is a HTML file....... <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <title>Generated by Pure CSS Menu.com : Free CSS Drop Down Menu Generator</title> <meta name="description" content="Online CSS Menu Maker. Create No-Javascript, 100% CSS Dropdown Menu in seconds! Horizontal css menu & Vertical css menu." /> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <!-- Start PureCSSMenu.com STYLE --> <style> #pcm{display:none;} ul.pureCssMenu ul{display:none} ul.pureCssMenu li:hover>ul{display:block} ul.pureCssMenu ul{position: absolute;left:-1px;top:98%;} ul.pureCssMenu ul ul{position: absolute;left:98%;top:-2px;} ul.pureCssMenu,ul.pureCssMenu ul { margin:0px; list-style:none; padding:0px 3px 3px 0px; background-color:#414141; background-repeat:repeat; border-color:#CECECE; border-width:4px; border-style:ridge; } ul.pureCssMenu table {border-collapse:collapse}ul.pureCssMenu { display:block; zoom:1; position:absolute; left: 500; top: 80; } * HTML ul.pureCssMenu {position:absolute} ul.pureCssMenu ul{ width:117.60000000000001px; } ul.pureCssMenu li{ display:block; margin:3px 0px 0px 3px; font-size:0px; } ul.pureCssMenu a:active, ul.pureCssMenu a:focus { outline-style:none; } ul.pureCssMenu a, ul.pureCssMenu li.dis a:hover, ul.pureCssMenu li.sep a:hover { display:block; vertical-align:middle; background-color:#414141; border-width:1px; border-color:#414141; border-style:solid; text-align:left; text-decoration:none; padding:4px; _padding-left:0; font:bold italic 15px Georgia; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline; cursor:pointer; } ul.pureCssMenu span{ overflow:hidden; } ul.pureCssMenu li { float:left; } ul.pureCssMenu ul li { float:none; } ul.pureCssMenu ul a { text-align:left; white-space:nowrap; } ul.pureCssMenu li.sep{ text-align:left; padding:0px; line-height:0; height:100%; } ul.pureCssMenu li.sep span{ float:none; padding-right:0; width:3; height:100%; display:inline-block; background-color:#CECECE; background-image:none;} ul.pureCssMenu ul li.sep span{ width:100%; height:3; } ul.pureCssMenu li:hover{ position:relative; } ul.pureCssMenu li:hover>a{ background-color:#A3A3A3; border-color:#FFFFFF; border-style:solid; font:bold italic 15px Georgia; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline; } ul.pureCssMenu li a:hover{ position:relative; background-color:#A3A3A3; border-color:#FFFFFF; border-style:solid; font:bold italic 15px Georgia; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline; } ul.pureCssMenu li.dis a { color: #AAAAAA !important; } ul.pureCssMenu img {border: none;float:left;_float:none;margin-right:4px;width:24px; height:24px; } ul.pureCssMenu ul img {width:16px; height:16px; } ul.pureCssMenu img.over{display:none} ul.pureCssMenu li.dis a:hover img.over{display:none !important} ul.pureCssMenu li.dis a:hover img.def {display:inline !important} ul.pureCssMenu li:hover > a img.def {display:none} ul.pureCssMenu li:hover > a img.over {display:inline} ul.pureCssMenu a:hover img.over,ul.pureCssMenu a:hover ul img.def,ul.pureCssMenu a:hover a:hover img.over{display:inline} ul.pureCssMenu a:hover img.def,ul.pureCssMenu a:hover ul img.over,ul.pureCssMenu a:hover a:hover img.def{display:none} ul.pureCssMenu a:hover ul{display:block} ul.pureCssMenu span{ display:block; background-image:url(./images/arrow_sub5.gif); background-position:right center; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-right:14px;} ul.pureCssMenu ul span,ul.pureCssMenu a:hover table span{background-image:url(./images/arrow_sub2.gif)} ul.pureCssMenu ul li:hover > a span{ background-image:url(./www/purecssmenu-com/images/arrow_sub5.gif);} ul.pureCssMenu table a:hover span{background-image:url(./www/purecssmenu-com/images/arrow_sub5.gif)} </style> <!-- End PureCSSMenu.com STYLE --> <!-- Start PureCSSMenu.com MENU --> <ul class="pureCssMenu pureCssMenum"> <li class="pureCssMenui"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="http://www.mikeytatelive.com/" target="_blank">Home</a></li> <li class="pureCssMenui"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="#"><span>Portfolio</span><![if gt IE 6]></a><![endif]><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]--> <ul class="pureCssMenum"> <li class="pureCssMenui"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="http://www.mikeytatelive.com/joomla.php" target="_blank">Joomla</a></li> <li class="pureCssMenui"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="http://www.mikeytatelive.com/wordpress.php" target="_blank">Wordpress</a></li> <li class="pureCssMenui"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="http://www.mikeytatelive.com/phpskills.php" target="_blank">php skills</a></li> <li class="pureCssMenui"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="http://www.mikeytatelive.com/hosting.php" target="_blank">Hosting</a></li> </ul> <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]--></li> <li class="pureCssMenui"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="http://www.mikeytatelive.com/about.php" target="_blank">About Me</a></li> <li class="pureCssMenui"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="http://www.mikeytatelive.com/contact.php" target="_blank">Contact Me</a></li> </ul> <a id="pcm" href="http://www.purecssmenu.com/">CSS Drop Down Menu by PureCSSMenu.com</a> <!-- End PureCSSMenu.com MENU --> <!-- (c) 2009, PureCSSMenu.com --> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> </body> </html>
  3. sorry for lack of response, but I am such a noob at php. I forgot the opening tag like what Maq said. Anyway, after a few minor adjustments, it works now. Thanks guys!
  4. <title>Contact Mikey Tate - MikeyTateLive.com</title> <html> <body bgcolor="333333" text="FFFFFF"> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="pictureWrapper"> <p align="center"> <font size="55">Mikey&#8217;s World </font> </p><br/><br/><br/> </div> <div id="maincontent"> <h2>Not quite ready yet!</h2> <p> $field_name = $_POST['cf_name']; $field_email = $_POST['cf_email']; $field_message = $_POST['cf_message']; $mail_to = 'tate.mikey@gmail.com'; $subject = 'New Message from ' . $field_name; $body_message = 'The following person, '.$field_name."has sent you a message via your contact form on MikeyTateLive.com. \n"; $body_message .= 'The message reads: '"\n".$field_message."\n"; $body_message .= 'Here is the sender&#8217;s email address in case if you would like to reply to him/her: '.$field_message; $headers = "From: $cf_email\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: $cf_email\r\n"; $mail_status = mail($mail_to, $subject, $body_message, $headers); if ($mail_status) { ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // Print a message alert('Your message has been sent. Thank you! I will contact you soon.'); // Redirect to some page of the site. You can also specify full URL, e.g. http://template-help.com window.location = 'http://www.mikeytatelive.com/'; </script> <?php } //this is where the error comes from else { ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // Print a message alert('I am sorry. Your message could not be sent. Please try again.'); // Redirect to some page of the site. You can also specify full URL, e.g. http://template-help.com window.location = 'http://www.mikeytatelive.com/'; </script> <?php }?> </p> </div> <div id="footer"> <p align="Center">©<?php echo date('Y');?> MikeyTateLive Productions Inc.<br/> <?php echo date('D, F d, Y - h:i:sa');?><br/> Timezone is UTC-1 Greenwich Time</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>
  5. yep it does syntax highlighting for all sorts of coding things like php for instance. however, it doesn't do brace matching.
  6. Hey guys! Since my previous post, I got me some new and better hosting for my website. Now I am getting my simple contact form set up on it....and...well, when I submit my contact info, I get a 500 Internal Server error which my browser think it is so it shows its own version of the error. I looked at my error log and this is what it came up with: "PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /var/www/contact0.php on line 662, referer: http://www.mikeytatelive.com/contactform.php" Anybody know how to fix that problem? Thanks in advance!
  7. Alrighty guys, now that my weekend is over, I went and tried out your suggestions. First off DevilsAdvocate, my hosting does not allow access to the php.ini file as well as that function due to security. And the adjustments you made to my code, it worked great! I saw my uploaded file at my destination! However, I attempted to see if it would upload to my uploads folder that I have in the same folder as my uploaded file. Well....no luck thanks to this: Warning: move_uploaded_file(/www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/Uploads/pho_gallery_MX5_ext1.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/processfiles.php on line 4 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/phpEmKcaP' to '/www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/Uploads/pho_gallery_MX5_ext1.jpg' in /www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/processfiles.php on line 4 Is there a reason for that? Proteu, how do you CHMOD the directory?
  8. Thanks for the responses guys! I'll try them out in a few days. But for now, time to enjoy an awesome weekend!
  9. I have been spending the majority of this week figuring out why my files are not showing up at my upload location that I set up in my newly created simple upload form. It just seems like php doesn't like me at all. :'( Here is what my code looks like below. <?php if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['thefile']['name'], $upload_file)) $destination = "/www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/"; $upload_file = $destination . basename($_FILES['thefile']['name']);{ echo "Your file has been uploaded successfully!"; }/* else { echo "Your file did not upload successfully. Check to make sure your file meets the requirements and then try again."; print_r($_FILES);}*/?> I have the orange marked areas commented out due to the unexpected T_ELSE error thing. What do I do to get my files to show up at my upload location when I use my upload form? Thanks!
  10. uhhhhh.....does anyone know how to get rid of that array text that shows up on my page and disappears when the error message shows up?!
  11. Thanks man!! It worked! But the array text is actually showing up on the page now. It'll go away after the error message shows up. But how do I permanently get rid of it? AND I gotta buy the extra mail thing that my free hosting thing has. :'(
  12. $missing is in my processmail.inc.php file. Here's what the file looks like: <?php foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $temp = is_array($value) ? $value : trim($value); if (isset($temp) && in_array($key, $required)) { $missing[] = $key; } elseif (in_array($key, $expected)) { ${$key} = $temp; ?>
  13. As some of y'all may not know, I am new to this php coding stuff so if anything does not work the way I want it to, it goes to the forum. And this is the case when just after I solved a problem with my first contact form, I run into another problem again. My latest problem involves the form error thing that tells you that you did not enter any required fields. After I added a error message thing to my contact page and tested it, it doesn't show up. Oh and here's the code: <?php if ($missing || $errors) { ?> <div id="maincontent"> <p class="warning">You did not enter the required information. Please try again.</p></div> Here is what makes up my contact form. <?php $errors = array(); $missing = array(); if (isset($_POST['send'])) { $to = 'tate.mikey@gmail.com'; $subject = 'New Feedback Received on MikeyTateLive Productions website'; $expected = array('name', 'email', 'comments'); $required = array('name', 'comments'); require ('/www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/processmail.inc.php'); } ?> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="maincontent"> <p>*=required</p> </div> </div> <form id="feedback" method="get" action=""> <p> <label for="name">*Name:</label></br> <input name="name" id="name" type="text" class="formbox"> </p> <p> <label for="email">Email:</label></br> <input name="email" id="email" type="text" class="formbox"> </p> <p> <label for="comments">*Comments:</label></br> <textarea name="comments" id="comments" cols="60" rows="8"></textarea> </p> <p> <input name="send" id="send" type="submit" value="Send" </p> </form>
  14. Damn! I don't know why I put $ before isset! But it works now. Thanks!
  15. Very well. First off, I didn't try to echo $errors or $missing. Should I add a echo before them? Btw, here is line 11. It is where the actual error now comes from. <?php if ($isset($_POST['send'])) ?> Also, I made some minor adjustments to lines 9 and 10..... <?php $errors = array(); $missing = array(); ?>
  16. Hey guys! I know there are a lot of topics about this, but mine is a bit different. I am creating my first contact form with php and I ran across this error after twinking with the php file: Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/Contact2.php on line 11 Here is what my code looks like currently: <html> <body> <?php include '/www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/header.inc.php';?> <?php include '/www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/menu.inc.php';?> <?php if ($missing || $errors) { ?> <p class="warning">You did not enter the required information. Please try again.</p> <?php }; ?> <?php ($errors); ($missing); if ($isset($_POST['send'])) { $to = 'tate.mikey@gmail.com'; $subject = 'New Feedback Received on MikeyTateLive Productions website'; } $expected = array('name', 'email', 'comments'); $required = array('name', 'comments'); ?> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="maincontent"> <h2>I am here when you need me!</h2> <p>Enter the information below and click send. Hope to hear back from you soon. =)</p> <p>*=required</p> </div> </div> <form id="feedback" method="get" action=""> <p> <label for="name">*Name:</label></br> <input name="name" id="name" type="text" class="formbox"> </p> <p> <label for="email">Email:</label></br> <input name="email" id="email" type="text" class="formbox"> </p> <p> <label for="comments">*Comments:</label></br> <textarea name="comments" id="comments" cols="60" rows="8"></textarea> </p> <p> <input name="send" id="send" type="submit" value="Send" </p> </form> <?php include '/www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/footer.inc.php';?> <?php include '/www/zymichost.com/m/t/l/mtlproductions/htdocs/processmail.inc.php';?> </body> </html> I originally had lines 9 and 10 set up like this except for the php opening and closing tags, lol: <?php $errors(); $missing(); ?> But as you can see on my full code at lines 9 and 10, I made a minor change to it and now the error comes from line 11 instead of 9 and 10. And now I could use some help with this.....
  17. Hey guys. I am in the process of learning how to code websites using php. However, its been takin' me quite a while than I thought so I'd like to get some quick knowledge by attending a class in the DC area, preferrably Reston, Virginia because it is the area I live in. Can I get some suggestions from y'all? The Learning Tree, who has a location at Reston Town Center, located North of where I reside, has a class there, but unfortunately it is in the later part of June and I'd rather not wait that long for the class to take place because I am 20 and I am not a licensed driver yet!! And I'm still livin' with my dad and I should be livin' in MY OWN PLACE BY NOW!! Anyway with that said, please give me some suggestions for some php classes I can attend in the DC area this month. Thanks guys!
  18. Hey admins, if I put this in the wrong forum, can you please move this to the right one? Thanks! Hey guys! I am trying to display a random image on my testing site. My image files are located in the following: F:/xampp/htdocs/xampp/justtryinoutsomephp/Images The reason I put in the "F" instead of "C" is because I am actually using the USB Lite version of xampp. Anyway, my images are not displaying because of this new so called "New Xampp Security Concept." I've been doing lots of researching and experimenting for a few days and it came to the point where I just said screw it and post this to the forum. On the error 403 page, it said: "Access forbidden! New XAMPP security concept: Access to the requested object is only available from the local network. This setting can be configured in the file 'httpd-xampp.conf'. If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster." That's what I've been doing is tinkling with the "httpd-xampp.conf" file. On one of the forums, it said that you have to restart the xampp server in order for the changes to take effect. I actually went the simple and easy way and just turned off the server using the xampp off file and turned it back on using the xampp on file as well. Didn't work.....:-\ So what I am wondering now is is there a way to restart the xampp server without using the xampp off and xampp on files or what adjustments do I need to make in the config file? Thanks for your help and advice guys! Here's my config in case if anybody reqests it. # # New XAMPP security concept # # Close XAMPP security section here <LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampp|security|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))"> Order deny,allow Allow from all Allow from ::1 ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var </LocationMatch> # Close XAMPP sites here <LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampp|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))"> Order deny,allow Allow from all Allow from ::1 ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var </LocationMatch> [\code]
  19. Sorry I forgot to post the code. >.< Here it is: <html> <body> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/xampp/splash.php'; ?> <?php include('header.inc.php'); ?> <br><br> <h2>This is the body of the main page</h2> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/xampp/manuals.php'; ?> </body> </html> Where do I place the url link at on the code?
  20. The image below tells you what I was talking about. Here's the code that shows what the image shows.... [attachment deleted by admin]
  21. Thanks man! It worked! Now it is not detecting the splash image file. What do I use path wise?
  22. Hey guys! I am using xampp 1.7.7 usb edition for my php server and I am trying to include a php file that's different from where I have all my php files at. I have them in: \xampp\htdocs\xampp\RecipeSite. Is there a certain path I should use instead of <?php include('/xampp/splash.php'); ?> to allow for xampp to pick up my file? I appreciate your solutions guys.
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