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  1. Thanks, a bunch. I actually managed to get it working (not really the way I wanted , but it works) last night, using paging from one of the previous posts. None the less, I will try this as well, since it may to prove to be more like what I wanted it to be.
  2. Well, paging is ok, but doesnt help much, since I need to order, reorder things by title, and select only one, two or all three kinds of stories. idkindtitle[/td] 1BA story 2TB story 3TC story 4BB story 5AE story 6TF story 7TG story 8BD story[td] If i order by title, IDs tend to get mixed up (1,2,3,8,5,4,6,7), so i cannot say "Select * from ... where ID > #-current ID limit 1" ... for 1,2,3 and 8 it will do ok, but after 8 it will search for 9, instead of 5. In case I select only one kind, then i get holes in IDs (2,3,6,7) and to go back, i need to go "Select * from ... where ID > #-2 limit 1" again for 2 and 3 it will do, but for 6 it will not, since 6-2 is 4, and 4 is not in the list at all. You see my trouble...
  3. Hi all, I have a fairly simple problem, but i cannot get to it. I have a page, that displays one (1) record at the time, and I want to have forward and back buttons (links) at the top and bottom of the page. Can anyone help me with that??? Here is a part of my code. <form method="get"> <table border="0" width="90%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" align="center"> <tr><td align="center"> Select first letter or kind of the story: <input type="hidden" name="link" value="stories.php"> <input type="hidden" name="Pripadnost" value="3"> <select name="letter" onchange="this.form.submit()"> <?PHP $letter = trim($_REQUEST["letter"]); ?> <option value="Sve" <?PHP echo $letter == "All" ? " selected " : "" ; ?>>All</option> <?PHP include_once ("/includes/databaseMySQL.php"); mysql_set_charset('utf8'); $SQL = "Select distinct ucase(left(title,1)) as sl FROM tblStoryes order by sl"; $rs_data = mysql_query($SQL) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_data)) { ?> <option value="<?PHP echo $row_data["sl"]; ?>"<?PHP echo $letter == $row_data["sl"] ? " selected " : "" ; echo ">".$row_data["sl"] ;?></option> <?PHP // ****************** Listed all the first letters of the titles into a drop box. *********************** // } ?> </select> Bosnian <input type="checkbox" name="Bosnian " <?PHP echo isset($_REQUEST["Bosnian "]) ? "checked=checked" : "" ;?> onclick="this.form.submit()" /> Turkish <input type="checkbox" name="Turkish " <?PHP echo isset($_REQUEST["Turkish "]) ? "checked=checked" : "" ;?> onclick="this.form.submit()" /> Arabian <input type="checkbox" name="Arabian " <?PHP echo isset($_REQUEST["Arabian "]) ? "checked=checked" : "" ;?> onclick="this.form.submit()" /> </td></tr> </table> <table border="0" width="90%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" align="center"> <?PHP $id = -1; $rs_data = mysql_query("Select max(id) as maxid from tblStories WHERE aktivno = True") or die(mysql_error()); $row_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_data); $maxid = (int) $row_data["maxid"]; // ****************** Found the largest ID from the table. *********************** // $SQL = "SELECT * FROM tblStories WHERE aktivno = True "; if ( strlen($letter) < 3 && strlen($letter) > 0 ) { $SQL = $SQL . " and ucase(left(`title`, 1)) = '" . $Letter . "'"; } $lang = 0; $lang = $lang + isset($_REQUEST["Bosnian"]) * 4; $lang = $lang + isset($_REQUEST["Turkish"] ) * 2; $lang = $lang + isset($_REQUEST["Arabian"] ); switch ($lang) { case 6: // bos i tur $SQL = $SQL . " and ( Bosanski = 1 or Turski = 1 ) "; break; case 5: // bos i ar $SQL = $SQL . " and ( Bosanski = 1 or Arapski = 1) "; break; case 4: // bos $SQL = $SQL . " and Bosanski = 1 "; break; case 3: // tur i ar $SQL = $SQL . " and ( Turski = 1 or Arapski =1) "; break; case 2: // tur $SQL = $SQL . " and Turski = 1 "; break; case 1: // ar $SQL = $SQL . " and Arapski =1 "; break; } if (trim($_REQUEST["DBid"]) <> "" or $_REQUEST["DBid"] > 0) $SQL = $SQL . " and id > " . trim($_REQUEST["DBid"]) ; $SQL = $SQL . " LIMIT 1"; //order by naslov $rs_data = mysql_query($SQL) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<!--" . $SQL . " : Jezik je:" . $lang . "-->"; while ($row_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_data)) { $id = (int) $row_data["ID"]; ?> <tr> <td align="center" colspan=3> <h3><?PHP echo $row_data["Title"];?> </h3> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=20%> </td> <td align="justify" width=60%> <?PHP echo $row_data["tekst"]; // tekst = text, but not keyword ?> </td> <td width=20%> </td> </tr> <?PHP } ?> </table> <p> <?PHP // ****************************** HEEEEELLLLPPPPPP ******************************* // ?> <table border="0" width="90%" cellpadding="1" align="center"> <tr> <td align="center"><a href="?DBid=1<?PHP foreach($_REQUEST as $arr => $elem){ if ( $arr != "DBid") echo "&" . $arr . "=" . $elem; } ?>"> <<</a></td> <td align="center"><a href="?DBid=<?PHP echo $_REQUEST["id"]; foreach($_REQUEST as $arr => $elem){ if ( $arr != "DBid") echo "&" . $arr . "=" . $elem; } ?>" ><</a></td> <?PHP if ( $maxid <= $id ) { ?> <td align="center">></td> <td align="center">>></td> <?PHP } else {?> <td align="center"><a href="?DBid=<?PHP echo $id ; foreach($_REQUEST as $arr => $elem){ if ($arr != "DBid") echo "&" . $arr . "=" . $elem; } ?>">></a></td> <?PHP if ( ($id + 9) < $maxid ) { ?> <td align="center"><a href="?DBid=<?PHP echo $id+10 ; foreach($_REQUEST as $arr => $elem){ if ($arr != "DBid") echo "&" . $arr . "=" . $elem; } ?>">>></a></td> <?PHP } else {?> <td align="center">>></td> <?PHP }?> <?PHP }?> </tr> </table> </form>
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