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malcom p

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  1. I have 2 questions: Question 1: I have a spinner function and I have one slight problem with it. If a user types in 00000009 or 00021 in the spinner for example, if the user clicks away from the spinner, it will still display 00000009 or 00021 in the spinner. What I want is that if something like this happens, then what I want is that when the user clicks away, I want the spinner to display it as 9 or 21 rather than 00000009 or 00021. I don't know how to do this though. Does anyone know how to overcome this: Question 2: If I used backspace to remove a number from a spinner and that is left with a blank spinner, what needs to be done so that if I click away from the spinner, the last number in the spinner re-appears in the spinner? My main spinner function: function Spinner(elem,min, max){ this.elem = elem; this.elem.value = min; this.min = min; this.max = max; this.timer; this.speed = 150; //milliseconds between scroll values var selfO = this; this.elem.onkeyup = function(){ var regex = /^[0-9]*$/; if(!regex.test(selfO.elem.value)){ selfO.elem.value = selfO.elem.value.substring(0,selfO.elem.value.length-1); return; } selfO.validateValue(); } this.validateValue = function(){ if(Number(selfO.elem.value) > selfO.max) {selfO.elem.value = selfO.max;} if(Number(selfO.elem.value) < selfO.min) {selfO.elem.value = selfO.min;} } this.stopSpinning = function(){ clearTimeout(selfO.timer); } this.spinValue = function(dir){ selfO.elem.value = Number(selfO.elem.value) + dir; selfO.validateValue(); selfO.timer = setTimeout(function(){selfO.spinValue(dir);},selfO.speed); } }; window.onload=function(){ //create the Spinner objects var SpinnerHours = new Spinner(document.getElementById('txtHours'),0,23); }
  2. My pop up window is not appearing. It is suppose to appear after my validation but even though the validation is working, the pop up window is not appearing. Does anyone have any ideas: function validation() { var isDataValid = true; var textO = document.getElementsByName("textBox1"); var errMsgO = document.getElementById("txtBox1Alert"); if (textO.value == '') { errMsgO.innerHTML = "Text Box is empty"; isDataValid = false; } else { errMsgO.innerHTML = ""; } if(isDataValid) { function openSessionPopup (txt) { window.open(txt, 'window', 'width=500,height=500,scrollbars=yes,status=no'); } } } function myClickHandler(){ if(validation()){ showSessionPopup(); } } In Html Form: <!-- language: lang-html --> <p><input class="questionBtn" type="button" value="Prepare Questions" name="prequestion" onClick="myClickHandler()"/></p>
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