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Everything posted by zero477

  1. Hello, I am not findinf any results in the following query. Can someone explain me what i am doing wrong? $searchpostsofforum= vB::$db->query_read(" SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE threadid= (SELECT threadid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum WHERE forumid='$id_foro' ) ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 10") or die(mysql_error()); while ($posts = vB::$db->fetch_array($searchpostsofforum)) { } print_r($posts);
  2. Hello to all .. It has been some time since I am not around here ... $results = vB::$db->query_read(" SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE lalala='$lalalala' "); echo print_r ($results); /* When I preint_r the results I see this: mysqli_result Object ( [current_field] => 0 [field_count] => 16 [lengths] => [num_rows] => 1 [type] => 0 ) What is that???? Then I amtrying to get the results with: */ while($infocaca = mysqli_fetch_array($results)); { $wanttoseethis=$infocaca['columnname']; } /* When I echo $wanttoseethis I cannot see anything
  3. Excelent thead thank you for your help.
  4. Hello everyone, I am trying to do a loop to send emails with phpMailer. I get this error message: Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in Someone knows how to fix it??? Greetings, Eddie
  5. Hello, I know that is not an SQL command. I was trying to export it using phpMyAdmin.... I do not understand your signature... you mean doing this? // Here I put stuff of PHP I have solved the problem already. When I exported the DB from phpmyadmin, it exported it with some informational commands at the beginning that had to be erased.
  6. Hello everyone, My old server version is:5.0.91-log My new MySQL client version: 5.0.77 I am trying to export my database from the old version to the new one. But when I import it I receive this error message: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Successfully backed up database: mresenas1' at line 1 or What is the best way to export and import big databases in MySQL?
  7. I am sorry, I am still not able to fix this problem. I have 1000 rows with products divided into 10 categories (one column called categories). This products are displayed in 10 different stores with a specific url. I have to something if a category exists within each store. For example: San Antonio Store has X category of products with a promotion. or Houston Store has X category of products. Houston Store has Y category of products. How do I do this?
  8. Hello everyone, I have a question with the use of the functon in_array... I have a list of categories in my table and I want to know if a specific category exists so I am doing this: $categoriasexistentes= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM LugaresTuristicos WHERE DestinoPeg='$LinkDestino' GROUP BY Clasificacion ") or die(mysql_error()); $array = mysql_fetch_array($categoriasexistentes); print_r($array); WHAT IS DISPLAYED BY print_r (there should be much more categories) IS THIS: Array ( [0] => Bar [Clasificacion] => Bar ) If I ad this all categories are displayed: while($categoria = mysql_fetch_array($categoriasexistentes)) { $todas=$categoria['Clasificacion']; ?> <?php echo"{$todas} - "; ?> <?php }; ?>
  9. Hello everyone I want to know why are these functions discouraged because I have a problem ***************** http://mx.php.net/manual/en/function.spliti.php Warning This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged. ***************** I have a long list of standard features of some products (90 features 1800 products) which I am integrating in a CMS. I have to elaborate a CREATE, READ and MODIFY section for the products and I was thinking of using check boxes and if statements with 90 columns in my DB for each feature. (I hope there is an easier way to do this) Before I typed in all the features in one column and splited it with the previous functions mentioned, but it doesn't work for the modify section of the CMS. I am trying to learn a method in which I can easily integrate this 90 standard features in the CMS. Does anyone has a good idea?
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