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  1. okay so for my final project for my php class we have to build a video management system. I've got video upload, viewing, and user registration working, and the videos display themselves in my playlist using this code posted below. What I want to do is add a hyperlink above the code that when clicked by the user can sort the videos by a column in my mysql database and then display them in the format shown below (sort by views, or data posted, or alphabetically by title) <div id="videoList"> <?php require_once('config.php'); $con = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE, $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video_list"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<div title=\"<b>title: </b>" . $row['title'] . "<br />"; echo "<b>user: </b>" . $row['username'] . "\">"; echo "<p title=\"description\"><span class=\""title\">" . $row['title'] . "</span><br/>"; echo "<br/>" . $row['info'] . "<br/>"; echo "<br/><a href=\"users/" . $row['username'] . "\" target=\""_blank\">visit my page</a></p>"; echo "<ul title=\"preview\"><li title=\"video/preview/" . $row['ogv_preview'] . "\">video/ogg</li>"; echo "<li title=\"video/preview/" . $row['mp4_preview'] . "\">video/mp4</li></ul>"; echo "<ul title=\"main\"><li title=\"video/main/" . $row['ogv_filename'] . "\">video/ogg</li>"; echo "<li title=\"main/preview/" . $row['mp4_filename'] . "\">video/mp4</li></ul>"; echo "<ul title=\"thumb\"><li title=\"video/thumb/" . $row['thumb'] . "\"></li></ul>"; echo "<ul title=\"poster\"><li title=\"video/poster/" . $row['poster'] . "\"></li></ul></div>"; } mysql_close($con); ?> </div> this generates a piece of html code that looks like this. 1 block of code for each video in the mysql database. i just need to be able to sort this code, can anyone help me out?? THANKS! <div title="<b>title: </b>funny video<br /> <b>user: ijmcg</b>"> <p title="description"> <span class=""title">funny video</span><br/><br/>blah blah blah blah<br/><br/> <a href="users/ijmcg" target=""_blank">visit my page</a> </p><ul title="preview"> <li title="video/preview/01.ogv">video/ogg</li> <li title="video/preview/01.mp4">video/mp4</li></ul> <ul title="main"><li title="video/main/01.ogv">video/ogg</li> <li title="main/preview/01.mp4">video/mp4</li></ul> <ul title="thumb"><li title="video/thumb/01.jpg"></li></ul> <ul title="poster"><li title="video/poster/01.jpg"></li></ul> </div>
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