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Everything posted by emery

  1. Ok, thank you, this is what i have but it does not work ... <?php RANDOMIZE TIMER $N = "6804564035410064404403402418540676879840602880370546710354657057035406870564064340640810564097523824"; $A = "20120731"; N = INTVAL(rand(10, 91); ECHO N; $B = SUBSTR(N$, N, ; $C = ""; for ($a=1; $a<=8; $a++) { X = INTVAL(SUBSTR($A, A, 1)) + INTVAL(SUBSTR(B$, A, 1)); IF (X > 9) { X = X - 10; } $C = $C . X; } $C = N . $C; echo $c; ?>
  2. Ok, i have gotten this far, but how do i do the loop for next? <?php RANDOMIZE TIMER $N = "6804564035410064404403402418540676879840602880370546710354657057035406870564064340640810564097523824"; $A = "20120731"; N = INTVAL(rand(10, 91); ECHO N; $B = SUBSTR(N$, N, ; $C = ""; FOR A = 1 TO 8 X = INTVAL(SUBSTR($A, A, 1)) + INTVAL(SUBSTR(B$, A, 1)); IF (X > 9) { X = X - 10; } $C = $C . X; NEXT $C = N . $C; echo $c; ?>
  3. Could you please help :'(
  4. <?php RANDOMIZE TIMER $N = "6804564035410064404403402418540676879840602880370546710354657057035406870564064340640810564097523824"; $A = "20120731"; N = INT(RND(9) * 81 + 10); ECHO N; $B = MID$(N$, N, ; $C = ""; FOR A = 1 TO 8 X = VAL(MID$(A$, A, 1)) + VAL(MID$(B$, A, 1)) IF (X > 9) { X = X - 10; } $C = $C . LTRIM$(STR$(X)) NEXT $C = LTRIM$(STR$(N)) . $C; echo $c; ?> That is what i have now, but i don't know how to change the rest
  5. It just kinda felt like being there .... bad poker face.jpg
  6. Noo, it's for my software, i have the code in quick basic, but i need the code in php, which i don't know much of proof: COLOR 15, 1: CLS 'ENCRYPT A$ -> C$ RANDOMIZE TIMER N$ = "6804564035410064404403402418540676879840602880370546710354657057035406870564064340640810564097523824" A$ = "20120731" N = INT(RND(9) * 81 + 10) PRINT N B$ = MID$(N$, N, C$ = "" FOR A = 1 TO 8 X = VAL(MID$(A$, A, 1)) + VAL(MID$(B$, A, 1)) IF X > 9 THEN X = X - 10 C$ = C$ + LTRIM$(STR$(X)) NEXT C$ = LTRIM$(STR$(N)) + C$ PRINT C$ 'DECRYPT C$ -> A$ RANDOMIZE TIMER N$ = "6804564035410064404403402418540676879840602880370546710354657057035406870564064340640810564097523824" N = VAL(LEFT$(C$, 2)) C$ = RIGHT$(C$, B$ = MID$(N$, N, A$ = "" FOR A = 1 TO 8 X = VAL(MID$(C$, A, 1)) - VAL(MID$(B$, A, 1)) IF X < 0 THEN X = X + 10 A$ = A$ + LTRIM$(STR$(X)) NEXT PRINT A$
  7. I nee an encryption code for php that will do this, if someone could write it i would be more then happy! This is how to decode it, if you can figure out ow to encode it that would be awsome longstring = "6804564035410064404403402418540676879840602880370546710354657057035406870564064340640810564097523824" To decode you peal off the first two digits from C$ and use that to relocate the position of the first digit in the long string. Then take it and the next 7 digits to make B$. Falsely subtract C$ minus B$ and you get the date back in A$.
  8. Could anyone please transform this code to normal mysql instead of mysqli, i am not familure with mysqli and it does not work on my server <?php // Helper method to get a string description for an HTTP status code // From http://www.gen-x-design.com/archives/create-a-rest-api-with-php/ function getStatusCodeMessage($status) { // these could be stored in a .ini file and loaded // via parse_ini_file()... however, this will suffice // for an example $codes = Array( 100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 306 => '(Unused)', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Timeout', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Long', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported' ); return (isset($codes[$status])) ? $codes[$status] : ''; } // Helper method to send a HTTP response code/message function sendResponse($status = 200, $body = '', $content_type = 'text/html') { $status_header = 'HTTP/1.1 ' . $status . ' ' . getStatusCodeMessage($status); header($status_header); header('Content-type: ' . $content_type); echo $body; } function redeem() { // Check for required parameters if (isset($_POST["rw_app_id"]) && isset($_POST["code"]) && isset($_POST["device_id"])) { // Put parameters into local variables $rw_app_id = $_POST["rw_app_id"]; $code = $_POST["code"]; $device_id = $_POST["device_id"]; // Look up code in database $user_id = 0; $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT id, unlock_code, uses_remaining FROM rw_promo_code WHERE rw_app_id=? AND code=?'); $stmt->bind_param("is", $rw_app_id, $code); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($id, $unlock_code, $uses_remaining); while ($stmt->fetch()) { break; } $stmt->close(); // Bail if code doesn't exist if ($id <= 0) { sendResponse(400, 'Invalid code'); return false; } // Bail if code already used if ($uses_remaining <= 0) { sendResponse(403, 'Code already used'); return false; } // Check to see if this device already redeemed $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT id FROM rw_promo_code_redeemed WHERE device_id=? AND rw_promo_code_id=?'); $stmt->bind_param("si", $device_id, $id); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($redeemed_id); while ($stmt->fetch()) { break; } $stmt->close(); // Bail if code already redeemed if ($redeemed_id > 0) { sendResponse(403, 'Code already used'); return false; } // Add tracking of redemption $stmt = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO rw_promo_code_redeemed (rw_promo_code_id, device_id) VALUES (?, ?)"); $stmt->bind_param("is", $id, $device_id); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); // Decrement use of code $this->db->query("UPDATE rw_promo_code SET uses_remaining=uses_remaining-1 WHERE id=$id"); $this->db->commit(); // Return unlock code, encoded with JSON $result = array( "unlock_code" => $unlock_code, ); sendResponse(200, json_encode($result)); return true; } sendResponse(400, 'Invalid request'); return false; } // This is the first thing that gets called when this page is loaded // Creates a new instance of the RedeemAPI class and calls the redeem method $api = new RedeemAPI; $api->redeem(); ?>
  9. emery


    Please remove this, or atleast all code or words regarding "Dhpos Self Checkout" Regards, Emery
  10. Thanks, i have done this but my hosting has gone down for about 24hours :'(
  11. The site is at http://snowblazers.tk snow = { count: 60, delay: 10, flutter: 0.2, wind: 1.0, w1: 1, minSpeed: 0.3, maxSpeed: 4, cv: null, flakes: [], toggle: function() { if(window.snowtimer) snow.stop(); else snow.start(); }, resize: function() { snow.cv.width = innerWidth; snow.cv.height = innerHeight; snow.gt = snow.ct.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,snow.cv.height); snow.gt.addColorStop(0.0, '#6666ff'); snow.gt.addColorStop(1.0, '#ffffff'); snow.ct.fillStyle = snow.gt; }, start: function() { snow.cv = document.createElement('canvas'); snow.cv.width = snow.cv.height = 10; // set initial size snow.cv.id = 'backgroundSnowCanvas'; document.body.appendChild(snow.cv); snow.createFlake(); snow.ct = snow.cv.getContext('2d'), snow.cv.style.position = 'absolute'; snow.cv.style.top = 0; snow.cv.style.left = 0; snow.cv.style.zIndex = -1; snow.resize(); var c = snow.count; snow.flakes = []; do { snow.flakes.push(new snow.flake()); } while(--c); snow.ct.fillRect(0,0,snow.cv.width,snow.cv.height); window.snowtimer = window.setInterval(snow.draw, snow.delay); window.addEventListener('resize',snow.resize); }, stop: function() { window.clearInterval(window.snowtimer); var c = document.getElementById('backgroundSnowCanvas'); c.parentNode.removeChild(c); window.snowtimer=snow=null; }, draw: function() { var ct = snow.ct, f = snow.flakes, c = snow.count; ct.fillRect(0,0,snow.cv.width,snow.cv.height); do { if(f[--c].draw(ct) && ++fdone) { }; } while(c); snow.wind += Math.cos(snow.w1++ / 180.0); }, flake: function() { this.draw = function(ct) { ct.drawImage(snow.flakeImage,this.x + snow.wind,this.y,this.sz,this.sz); this.animate(); }; this.animate = function() { this.y += this.speed; this.x += this.flutter * Math.cos(snow.flutter * snow.flutter * this.y); if(this.y > innerHeight) this.init(1); }; this.init = function(f) { this.speed = snow.minSpeed + (Math.random() * (snow.maxSpeed - snow.minSpeed)); this.sz = ~~(Math.random() * 40) + 20; this.flutter = ~~(Math.random() * snow.flutter * (60-this.sz)); this.x = (Math.random() * (innerWidth + this.sz)) - this.sz; this.y = f ? -this.sz : Math.random() * innerHeight; }; this.init(); }, createFlake: function() { snow.flakeImage = document.createElement('canvas'); snow.flakeImage.width = snow.flakeImage.height = 40; var c = snow.flakeImage.getContext('2d'); c.fillStyle = '#fff'; c.translate(20,20); c.beginPath(); c.rect(-5,-20,10,40); c.rotate(Math.PI / 3.0); c.rect(-5,-20,10,40); c.rotate(Math.PI / 3.0); c.rect(-5,-20,10,40); c.closePath(); c.fill(); }, };
  12. What ??? What do I attach it to? And I will post the .js file when I can (10hrs) approx
  13. I have this code It doesn't work in IE but works in chrome/FF <script src="snow.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ window.onload = function() { try { snow.count = 30; // number of flakes snow.delay = 20; // timer interval snow.minSpeed = 2; // minimum movement/time slice snow.maxSpeed = 5; // maximum movement/time slice snow.start(); } catch(e) { // no snow } }; //]]> </script>
  14. emery

    File help

    If the $RAND ='s 287685 the file ='s 2876850 When it is supposed to look something like this 287685 "Name"
  15. emery

    File help

    ok, but why does it add another "0" to the end of my RaND number when its in the file, ECHO $RAND doesn't print the extra 0
  16. emery

    File help

    Ok, that worked, but now when it creates the file it puts an extra 0 at the end of the RAND number and it doesn't print $NAME on it
  17. emery

    File help

    Nope , just the way I learned, you can teach me the other way if you wish
  18. emery

    File help

    yea, that is the fle
  19. I have this code it is supposed to make a file with the random number and name inside it, but instead it makes a file with just the random number and the extention isn't there ".num" <?php $loca = $_POST['loca']; $name = $_POST['name']; if ( $loca == "" ) { echo "Error - Contact emery.cairns@gmail.com or STOP HACKING"; die; } else { if ( $name == "" ) { echo "Error - Contact emery.cairns@gmail.com or STOP HACKING"; die; } else { } } $rand = rand(100000, 999999); $myFile = $rand + ".num"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("Error with regerstration - please contact emery.cairns@gmail.com or try again"); $stringData = $rand + "\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); $stringData = $name + "\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); echo "Hello "; echo $name ; echo " ... Your account number is "; echo $rand; $string = "\n\r Please write this number down, \n\r you may only get 1 from the webpage"; echo nl2br($string); setcookie("dsc", $rand, time()+9999999999999999999); ?>
  20. Well, i need it to go to a diffrent folder compleatly, like the code is in /public_html/register and the files need to go in /public_html/test
  21. oh, i mean that the value of A$ will change from BOB i need to place public_html\test before it
  22. emery


    I am getting this error <html> <body> <pre> <?php $Fname = $_POST["Fname"]; $Lname = $_POST["Lname"]; $mail = $_POST["mail"]; if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>"> First Name:<input type="text" size="12" maxlength="12" name="Fname"><br /> Last Name:<input type="text" size="12" maxlength="36" name="Lname"><br /> Email:<input type="text" size="12" maxlength="36" name="mail"><br /> This must be a valid email! <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit"> </form> <? } else { if (isset($_COOKIE["dsc"])) { echo "Whoops! You already got a serial number!" } else { $myFile = $Fname; $myFile .= ".vl"; $myFile = $loca .= myFile$; if (file_exists($myFile)) { echo "We seem to have another serial key with that name already made! Please email emery.cairns@gmail.com if you think this is an error"; } else { $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("Whoops! I had an error, please contact my owner at emery.cairns@gmail.com, code: file unwriteable"); $stringData = getSerial(); fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); echo "Hello, ".$Fname." ".$Lname.".<br />"; echo "Thanks for registering with us, the email with your serial key and name will show up in your inbox shortly!.<br />"; echo "Please make sure it does not end up in your junk mail!"; $expire=time()+60*60*24*60; setcookie("dsc", "Serial given within 60 days", $expire); $to = $mail; $serial = getSerial(); $subject = "Dhpos Self Checkout"; $message = "Hello!, your serial number for D.S.C is {$serial} and your name is {$Fname} Thanks for downloading DSC, we hope you enjoy the program. You recived this message because you requested a serial number from http://dhposselfcheckout.tk, if you did not, please disregard this message."; $from = "emery.cairns@gmail.com"; $headers = "From:" . $from; if ( $to == "emery.cairns@gmail.com" ) { echo "mail stop"; } else { mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); } } } } ?> <br /> </pre> </body> </html>
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