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Everything posted by couttsey

  1. I forgot to mention. I have heard that it can be done using a .txt file which contains the actual business data. Is this true? If anyone can help with some basic examples that would be a big help. Thank you scootstah and Kicken
  2. Hi to everyone , I have used PHP for some basic things in my previous website design but am now venturing into another website for which I have a more complex use for PHP. I plan on making business directory for my local area. People will click on the area of their choice followed by the business type that they require. Then on the results page, they will have a list of all the business types in that particular area. What I would like to be able to do is rather than have the results displayed on the page like this : A Plumber xxxxx xxxxxx Tel: xxxxx xxxxxx Web: xxxxx xxxxxx E-Mail: xxxxx xxxxxx Best Plumber xxxxx xxxxxx Tel: xxxxx xxxxxx Web: xxxxx xxxxxx E-Mail: xxxxx xxxxxx Top Plumber xxxxx xxxxxx Tel: xxxxx xxxxxx Web: xxxxx xxxxxx E-Mail: xxxxx xxxxxx I would like it so that the same businesses are displayed on the page but either: 1) In a random order each time someone loads the page or 2) In a random order changed every hour The aim is so the businesses all have a shot at appearing nearer the top and aren't penalised for the 1st letter of their company name. Any help on this would be much appreciated, Thank You
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