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  1. Hi, I have a trouble figuring out how to properly convert a list of product data from XML into CSV format. My source is a XML file containing a list of products with attributes like color, size, material etc. with the following structure: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <store> <products> <product> <name>T-Shirt</name> <price>19.00</price> <attributes> <attribute> <name>Color</name> <options> <option> <name>White</name> <price>0.00</price> </option> <option> <name>Black</name> <price>0.00</price> </option> <option> <name>Blue</name> <price>0.00</price> </option> </options> </attribute> <attribute> <name>Size</name> <options> <option> <name>XS</name> <price>-5.00</price> </option> <option> <name>S</name> <price>-5.00</price> </option> <option> <name>M</name> <price>0.00</price> </option> <option> <name>L</name> <price>0.00</price> </option> <option> <name>XL</name> <price>5.00</price> </option> </options> </attribute> </attributes> </product> <product> <name>Sweatshirt</name> <price>49.00</price> <attributes> <attribute> <name>Color</name> <options> <option> <name>White</name> <price>0.00</price> </option> <option> <name>Black</name> <price>0.00</price> </option> </options> </attribute> <attribute> <name>Size</name> <options> <option> <name>XS</name> <price>-10.00</price> </option> <option> <name>M</name> <price>0.00</price> </option> <option> <name>XL</name> <price>10.00</price> </option> </options> </attribute> <attribute> <name>Material</name> <options> <option> <name>Cotton</name> <price>10.00</price> </option> <option> <name>Polyester</name> <price>0.00</price> </option> </options> </attribute> </attributes> </product> <product> <name>Earrings</name> <price>29.00</price> </product> </products> </store> Each product has a number of elements like name, price etc. but also a random number of attributes (like color, size, material etc.) that also have a random number of options. Each option can affect the price of the product, so ordering a XS sized t-shirt can be cheaper than ordering a XL sized t-shirt. I would like to end up with a CSV representing one attribute combination on each line. In my example that would result in 3 colors x 5 sizes = 15 lines for the T-Shirt , 2 colors x 3 sizes x 2 materials = 12 lines for the Sweatshirt and 1 line for the Earrings without any attributes: name,price,color,size,material T-Shirt,14.00,White,XS, T-Shirt,14.00,Black,XS, T-Shirt,14.00,Blue,XS, T-Shirt,14.00,White,S, T-Shirt,14.00,Black,S, T-Shirt,14.00,Blue,S, T-Shirt,19.00,White,M, T-Shirt,19.00,Black,M, T-Shirt,19.00,Blue,M, T-Shirt,19.00,White,L, T-Shirt,19.00,Black,L, T-Shirt,19.00,Blue,L, T-Shirt,24.00,White,XL, T-Shirt,24.00,Black,XL, T-Shirt,24.00,Blue,XL, Sweatshirt,49.00,White,XS,Cotton Sweatshirt,49.00,Black,XS,Cotton Sweatshirt,59.00,White,M,Cotton Sweatshirt,69.00,Black,M,Cotton Sweatshirt,69.00,White,XL,Cotton Sweatshirt,69.00,Black,XL,Cotton Sweatshirt,39.00,White,XS,Polyester Sweatshirt,39.00,Black,XS,Polyester Sweatshirt,49.00,White,M,Polyester Sweatshirt,49.00,Black,M,Polyester Sweatshirt,59.00,White,XL,Polyester Sweatshirt,59.00,Black,XL,Polyester Earrings,29.00,,, I already managed to generate the CSV Output for simple products like the Earrings and products with just one attribute, but am struggling to come up with a way to generate all possible product attribute combinations for products with more than one attribute. My miserable attempts at this so far have produced following code: <?php mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $source = "example.xml"; $handle = fopen($source, "r"); $fp = fopen('export.csv', 'w'); $xml = simplexml_load_file($source); // Generate list of attributes (for csv header etc.) $header_attributes = array(); foreach ($xml->products->product as $product) { if(isset($product->attributes)) { foreach($product->attributes->attribute as $attribute) { array_push($header_attributes, $attribute->name); } } } $header_attributes = array_unique($header_attributes); $csvheader = array( 'name','price' // these exist for all products, could also include weight, image, description, special price etc... ); $static_csvheadercount = count($csvheader); foreach($header_attributes as $attribute) { array_push($csvheader, $attribute); // add variable number of attribute fields to csv header } fputcsv($fp, $csvheader); foreach ($xml->products->product as $product) { // loop through each product if(isset($product->attributes)) $simple = 0; else $simple = 1; if($simple == 1) { // if product is a simple product with no attributes $output=array(); array_push($output,(string)$product->name); array_push($output,(string)$product->price); for($i = $static_csvheadercount + $attribute_position; $i < count($csvheader); $i++) { array_push($output, ''); } fputcsv($fp, $output); } else { // is a configurable product with attributes $json = json_encode($product->attributes); $attributes = json_decode($json, TRUE); $attributes_number = count($product->attributes->attribute); if($attributes_number > 1) { // if product has more than 1 attributes so we have to generate each attribute combination // // I'm trying to figure out what should happen here // } else { // if product has only one attribute $attributename = (string)$product->attributes->attribute->name; $attribute_position = array_search($attributename, $header_attributes); $options_number = count($product->attributes->options->option); $pos = 1; foreach($attributes['attribute']['options']['option'] as $option) { $output=array(); array_push($output,(string)$product->name); array_push($output,(string)$product->price); for($i = $static_csvheadercount - 1; $i < ($static_csvheadercount + $attribute_position); $i++) { array_push($output, ''); } $output[$static_csvheadercount + $attribute_position] = $option['name']; for($i = $static_csvheadercount + $attribute_position; $i < count($csvheader) - 1 ; $i++) { array_push($output, ''); } fputcsv($fp, $output); $pos++; } $output=array(); array_push($output,(string)$product->name); array_push($output,(string)$product->price); for($i = $static_csvheadercount; $i < count($csvheader); $i++) { array_push($output, ''); } fputcsv($fp, $output); } } } ?> I've been stuck at this problem for hours unable to figure out a solution. Can someone give a few tips or pointer how to achieve the output for products with multiple attributes?
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