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Everything posted by readyToGo

  1. Fair enough. One way or another you have been a big help to me and I'm sure a lot of others that find this thread. One more piece to the puzzle for me. The biggest thing for me is to ensure the files are secure so even if I am not building my first few the 'right' or 'best' way, at least I won't be comprimising the client's info but I'm trying to get it more right each time. Forums and posters like you are a god sent for people like me working on their own trying to figure this stuff out. A couple more projects and I might actually make a little money in the end cause I'm sure not right now with the time I invest. lol Thanks again for all your help!
  2. Wow - ok first - Thank You for all your time! I follow what you are saying. I have to do some work to understand all the syntax but I get it. This really changes the way I approach the whole application though. Yikes. This is pretty new to me. I have been working on my own time for about a year now to learn php and how to integrate a database and the proper ways to avoid injections etc but I am still coding direct href links for most of my content calls. Meaning, user wants to go to a contact page the link they click on is coded href="contact.php", that is a template page that calls content includes that build the page. I haven't called content the way you are suggesting yet. I get what you are doing but only in a high level way. I haven't wrapped my brain around it yet. Coding is not my strength but has turned into a need that I can't ignore. lol. I have saved out your examples incase I lose this post some day because this is where I want to be and will be working to get there. I was really hoping for something that could be simply coded within href links (easier for my head to manage). I guess this is why I couldn't find anything in my search that did it for me. I was reading somewhere you can make a change in the php.ini file that allows you to make absolute links starting from outside the root but I didn't get that working. I should suck it up and do it right the first time I guess. Thanks again for your help. I'm getting called away now but I'll get to work later today and see I can make this work!
  3. Hi All, I googled this and there is endless results. I went through a lot of them but couldn't get this working properly. How do I link from within my web site root to files outside the root? It works for me using relative links i.e. ../../phpfiles/includes but that is going to get messy and I can't get a way of doing absolute links to work. If someone could lay that out so a newbie can get it clearly I would really appreciate it! Also - I understand why I should put all of my php files outside the web root but is this a guaranteed way to secure these files other than someone hacking my ftp access? I've looked at a few site hierarchy examples - Am I right that the only pages within the web site root should be template pages with calls to required files (outside the root), session checks, and content includes and all other includes that have php executable code should be outside the root? I really appreciate the advice and insight. Thank you!
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