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Everything posted by y

  1. thank you soooo i was just trying the event and its respond .... this is not a real script .... i'm still learning thanks for the good advice ..... the concept is clear now
  2. thanks it works now ... whene using the onbeforeunload event but only with FF ...... i need it to work with other browsers too what to do ?
  3. :-\ sorry .Josh and yes i've tried nogray's way window.onunload = goodbye; no msg appeared at all what to do ?
  4. @Grumpy Old Man yes i get the "Thank you for visiting. come back soon!" msg when the page first loads @Advanced Member thanks , finaly i got the idea ..... i didn't know the defference between goodbye; and goodbye(); but calling the function it self didn't work .... no msg appears when unloading the page at all ...! any suggitions ? please help
  5. hello i'v got a problem with th onunload event testing script it must fires only with the window onunload but it fires with load either .... why ? there's somthing wrong i don't know what it is ... please help here is th html code <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function hello(){alert("welcome to my page");} </script> <script type="application/javascript" src="script.js"></script> </head> <body onload="hello()" > </body> </html> and here's the script code window.onunload = goodbye(); function goodbye(){ alert("Thank you for visiting.come back soon!"); } //window.addEventListener('unload',goodbye(),false); i've tried the inline calling with body tag , the window.onunload calling and the lestiner calling nothing works right please help coz i'm a new thnx
  6. thank you very much you realy explained it marvellously
  7. hi i made a procedure to add into two tables at once but i tried to trace it's errors to rollback and it not working as i supposed here is the procedure with the error handler create procedure sp_multi_insert (in p_name varchar(50),in p_address varchar(100),in p_telephone varchar(20),in p_notes varchar(100), out p_return_code tinyint unsigned) begin declare exit handler for sqlexception begin set p_return_code=1; rollback; end; declare exit handler for sqlwarning begin set p_return_code=2; rollback; end; declare exit handler for not found begin set p_return_code=3; rollback; end; start transaction; insert into emp(name) values(p_name); insert into emp_det(id,address,telephone,notes) values(last_insert_id(),p_address,p_telephone,p_notes); commit; set p_return_code=0; end but every time i tried to call the procedure even if i passed wrong params or null the return code comes back with 0 call sp_multi_insert('','','','',@x); select @x; no values returns form sqlwarning handler or sqlexceptions why ??? what's wrong with the procedure statment or the calling ??? or who to trace the bug and rollback ????
  8. sorry i posted the topic here by mistake please move to mysql
  9. hello please... I'd like to know what's the difference between these two procedure statements : one with a transaction : begin start transaction; insert into emp(name) values(p_name); insert into emp_details(id,address,phone) values(last_insert_id(),p_address,p_phone); commit; end and the other is without the transaction : begin insert into emp(name) values(p_name); insert into emp_details(id,address,phone) values(last_insert_id(),p_address,p_phone); end which one is better ???? and why ??? plz explain it simply coz i'm a beginner
  10. y

    stored procedure erro ?

    thnx sorry i really was calling another procedure by mistake
  11. hello falks please i've done this procedure to insert into two related tables create procedure sp_new_empdet -> (in p_name varchar(50),in p_address varchar(100),in p_phone varchar(20)) -> begin -> insert into emp(name) values(p_name); -> insert into emp_details(id,address,phone) values(last_insert_id(),p_address,p_phone); -> end; -> $$ the procedure created successfuly, but when i call it to add row like this call sp_new_emp('y1','y1address','y1123'); -> $$ ERROR 1318 (42000): Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE db1.sp_new_emp; expected 1, got 3 please help me to correct the error in code thnx
  12. y

    Mysql versions

    hi duds plz i need to know which version of mysql and phpmyadmin supports stored procedures and plz i need to know as well from which tab i can make one sorry but plzkeep it simple coz i'm a biggner thnx
  13. hello duds please i need to know what's a trigger ? how to use it in mysql ? and why ? note : I'm a beginner please explain it simply thnx
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