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Posts posted by SharkBait

  1. Hi,

    I've been looking and I have not any tutorials about making a script for generating those authorization/access codes with the GD.

    I've found places that give people scripts to do it, but I am more interesting in following some sorta tutorial about how this works.


  2. Hi,

    I've been looking around and I can not seem to find a simple enough example of what I want to do with javascript and drop down menus.

    With my first <select> I generate the menu from a PHP array (string and string)

    depending on what item the user clicks on I want it to populate a corrisponding <select> with another array that is set using PHP

    I could probally do this with $_GET after selecting the first option, but I would rather have it load the 2nd <select> without reloading the page. There are other form elements that I dont want the user to have to re-enter :)

    Why does this seems harder than I thought it would?

    Would I use the OnChange option for the <select> then pass the value of the selectedindex? I am thing unsure how would I go about having javascrip update the 2nd <select> by populating it with one of the indexes from a multidimention array based on the first <select>

    Hopefully that makes sense.

  3. I only really use PHP for websites.

    At work I've created a data entry site for entering our QC and test information for the product we manufacture. We also use PHP in the R & D department for keeping track of things. I guess pretty much all I use PHP is for dynamic stuff and accessing MySQL Databases

  4. Alright last Random Thought for the day :P

    What do you use and how do you use it. In regards to Web Development and Testing?

    My development is on a Winbox (due to the fact I also work with Visual Studio) and for editing I use Crimson (because I havent found another text editor I like).

    As for how its set up, I have a linux box running my test Webserver with Samba set up. The samba share is mapped on my Winbox and I have full write privileges to it so editing files on my linux box is easier.

    The Linux box is private on my work's network, so when I consult collegues or marketing, they just have to point their favourate browser to my webserver. I dont care for security on the test webserver. Working on my web stuff seems easier and more efficient now.

    Yes I understand I could run Apache and PHP and MySQL all on my Winbox (I used to) but this now frees up a bit of my resources for when I use Photoshop or VisualStudio or whatever else I may be doing. And it's more fun to play with my Linux box than it is with my Winbox in regards to Apache and such. I've never really been a fan of using windows as a server ;)

    So does anyone else do something like this? If not, what do you use/do?

  5. Take a look over at www.webhostingtalk.com. They have numerous posts about various providers and the pros/cons between them.

    It also is a forum for Webhosts to talk about stuff and various other topics too.

    At work we use Rackspace.com, based in Texas. But we pay $350/month for 100GB, 7 IP addresses and our own server.

    Though we have never had the server go down, even during hurricane or tornado season. Its been 2 years so far. Their Fanatical Service plan is awsome, but you pay kinda high for that as well. So its not good unless you have the money to spend.
  6. Anyone else find it a pain sometimes when programming and the differences between English English and American English?

    Not that its really much of a pain but I am used to spelling it COLOUR and not COLOR. But when programming, be it HTML, VB.NET or whatever I'm always having to remember to use COLOR ;)

    Just useless banter I suppose :)
  7. So when they first sign up:



    So I could do:


    [!--PHP-Head--][div class=\'phptop\']PHP[/div][div class=\'phpmain\'][!--PHP-EHead--]


    $salt = \"MyWierdStrangePassPhrase\";

    $user_pass = md5(md5($_POST[\'password\']), md5($salt));




    Then store that into MySQL.


    How do I go about validating the value in the database?

  8. Alright, I am looking for pro/cons of using MD5 or Password to do encryption for passwords stored in a MySQL Database.


    Obviously MD5 is better. Is it easy to work with? How do you encypt and de-crypt a string for a password?


    With password its like: INSERT INTO blah (usr_pass) VALUES(PASSWORD('{$blah}'))


    is it the same for MD5?


    If the site is internal (not accessable from the outside world) is it safe to use password over MD5? If its public, how hard is it to break the Password encryption as opposed to MD5?



  9. [!--sql--][div class=\'sqltop\']SQL[/div][div class=\'sqlmain\'][!--sql1--][span style=\'color:blue;font-weight:bold\']SELECT[/span] * FROM blah WHERE ID IN (15, 16, 82, 143, 283) [!--sql2--][/div][!--sql3--]



    Oh that is simple, I thought it was something like that, guess when I tested it I was typing something in wrong.





  10. Alright I have one particular table and it has over 10,000 entries in it.


    The primary index is an auto-incrementing number, that coinsides with a Serial Number of a product.


    When we delete an item from the database, we have not re-indexed because the serial numbers of the products in the field would not match up with those in the database.


    Since we do not re-index, or repair/optimize etc, is this slowing down queries etc?

    What would be adviced to do? Add in a new field as use that as the index, and then when an item is deleted, it will only reindex based on that field?


  11. Am I the only one using Crimson Editor??


    It does nice colour syntaxing and works with other languages too. Though I guess if any of those above programs would show me my code in action without having to have php installed on my windows box, and could debug it that be cool. Kinda like the VB.NET suite that I use at work.




    So what recomendations are there for straight php editors?? (prefereablly freeware cause I have very little money)

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