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Everything posted by LincolnC

  1. I wrote way too late at night by form I meant text box. Is there a way to only grab certain data even if it's all submitted? For example name, address and phone are submitted and I just want name and phone number
  2. Yes, how on earth would you set it to grab that specific data?
  3. I'm *attempting* to write a script that will take a paste of data from a user and when it's submitted it will drop certain parts of the data into databases and be available for recall later. I have the MySQL sorta out I think but I can't test until I get this part done. Basically people will paste a copied paste (CTRL A, CTRL C and go to my form and just hit CTRL V). It will contain a bunch of data I want to drop in the database but in different areas, like the following example the items in bold are the items I want to grab. First Name: Lincoln Last Name: Coe Address: 1234 Easy St, Perfectville, PV 00000 Telephone: 0000000000
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