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Everything posted by rastaman46

  1. Thanks for your time im ill take over here Thanks for your time
  2. Thanks works but haw do im add extra info in here GROUP_CONCAT(t2.chosen_team SEPARATOR ', ') im still want to display member id and bett size next to name ???
  3. First table Table 2 here what im trying to do
  4. Hey and thanks for replay its most look my target but only get one result? Im got more then one name in it
  5. Hey again well im trying to call 2 tables from sql "t1" content name "t2" got all records im matching them up by ID but result im get its row me in single rows Same name comes up few times diferent info same name but i need if name is same and have few recods im like to display like this "Name"-->first-->second-->and so on not like "Name" --> first "Name" --> second "Name" -->and so on did im was clear???
  6. Love u man Big thanks
  7. source im taking it from is shoutcast DNSA server XML file var_bump return this string(13) "" string(12) ""
  8. Im tryd use explode like this $hmm = $listeners['LISTENERS']['HOSTNAME']; $ip = explode(" " ,$hmm); echo $ip; output = array array
  9. Yes its array foreach ($returnStats['listener'] as $listener) { $listeners['LISTENERS'] = array( 'HOSTNAME' => (string) $listener->HOSTNAME, 'USERAGENT' => (string) $listener->USERAGENT, 'CONNECTTIME' => (string) $listener->CONNECTTIME, 'POINTER' => (string) $listener->POINTER, 'UID' => (string) $listener->UID, ); echo $listeners['LISTENERS']['HOSTNAME']; }
  10. I need get users from sql by matching ip up where userip In ('','') Like this output im get im can do this
  11. Hello im here again im just strugling to add comma between Ip adresses im get result in array like this "" but i need "," Im tryd implode but no succes
  12. Thanks man
  13. Im noob on arrays so please help people here is output im get Array ( [fieldType] => input [config] => Array ( [setting] => 10 [setting1] => 20 ) ) how to im get value in PHP variable im tryd "$config['setting']" but get me nothing [fieldType] => input [config] call me field do works but not rest Please just guid me up im beginning in this world!!!
  14. got this code but struggling to get php side working dont know how php have to look like please help or advise me thanks!!! $('#create_shout').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $message = $.TSUE.urlEncode(tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent()); if($message === '') { $.TSUE.alert(TSUEPhrases['message_required_fields_error']); return false; } buildQuery = 'action=create_shout&message='+$message+'&securitytoken='+TSUESettings['stKey']; $.ajax( { url:TSUESettings['website_url']+'/ajax/shoutpost_ajax.php', data: buildQuery, success: function(serverResponse) { if(!$.TSUE.findresponsecode(serverResponse)) { $.TSUE.alert(TSUEPhrases['message_posted']); $.TSUE.jumpInternal('?p=shoutpost&pid=502'); return false; } else { $.TSUE.dialog(serverResponse); } } }) }); and php function create_shout(){ $date = TIMENOW; $memberid = $TSUE['TSUE_Member']->info['memberid']; $message = addslashes($_POST['message']); $add = $TSUE['TSUE_Database']->query("INSERT INTO `rasta_shout_post`(`sid`, `date`, `memberid`, `message`) VALUES ('','$date','$memberid','$message')"); }
  15. Thanks for replay after $$scphp = preg_replace("\<{$loop[$y]}\>/.*", "", $pageed); but get error "Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in"
  16. Hello again and sorry for my noob questions but just cant get it working once im use your example its just stop working
  17. thanks again now got problem with this one :'( $$scphp = ereg_replace("</$loop[$y]>.*", "", $pageed);
  18. thanks for replay but if im use your exemple im get Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Unknown modifier 'g' in
  19. Hello got some problems with it if im change to "preg_replace its just stop working my php version is 5.3.10 Please help $loop = array("AVERAGETIME", "CURRENTLISTENERS", "PEAKLISTENERS", "MAXLISTENERS", "SERVERGENRE", "SERVERURL", "SERVERTITLE", "SONGTITLE", "SONGURL", "IRC", "ICQ", "AIM", "WEBHITS", "STREAMHITS", "LISTEN", "STREAMSTATUS", "BITRATE", "CONTENT"); $y=0; while($loop[$y]!=''){ $pageed = ereg_replace(".*<$loop[$y]>", "", $page); $scphp = strtolower($loop[$y]); $$scphp = ereg_replace("</$loop[$y]>.*", "", $pageed); // uncomment the next line to see all variables //echo'$'.$scphp.' = '.$$scphp.'<br>'; $y++; }
  20. Bump sorted thanks for help anyway
  21. The green shows up for all not submitted but imn have just placed bet just for one of them but rest still comes with message (Im not bet them yet) Maybe im ruining sql wrong?? here full code <?php /* This page coded by rastaman46 special for www.tsue-themes.net */ //Required for Active Members / Last 24 Active Members Plugins define('SCRIPTNAME', 'betting.php'); //Load templates for this page to avoid extra usage of SQL queries. $LoadTemplatelist = array('betting'); //Init require('./library/init/init.php'); //Set Page Title $Page_Title = get_phrase('betting'); //Create & Add Breadcrumb AddBreadcrumb(array ( get_phrase('navigation_home') => $TSUE['TSUE_Settings']->settings['global_settings']['website_url'].'/?p=home&pid=1', get_phrase('betting') => $TSUE['TSUE_Settings']->settings['global_settings']['website_url'].'/?p=betting&pid='.PAGEID )); $ratio = number_format($TSUE['TSUE_Member']->info["uploaded"] / $TSUE['TSUE_Member']->info["downloaded"], 2); // here all begins $memberid = ''; $statymai =''; $forma = ''; $statom = $TSUE['TSUE_Database']->query("SELECT count(*), b.betid, a.betid, a.memberid, a.chosen_team FROM rasta_betters a, rasta_betting b WHERE memberid = ".$TSUE['TSUE_Member']->info["memberid"]." AND b.betid = a.betid "); $arr = mysqli_fetch_array($statom); $bets = $TSUE['TSUE_Database']->query("SELECT betid, bet_name, user_id, team1, team2, start, finish, image1, image2 FROM rasta_betting "); while ($row = $TSUE['TSUE_Database']->fetch_assoc($bets)) { $betting_rezults = ''; $betting_form = ''; $betid = $row['betid']; $finish = $row['finish']; $laikas = TIMENOW; $komanda = $row['team1']; $komanda2 = $row['team2']; $bet_name = $row['bet_name']; $userid = $row['user_id']; $image1 = $row['image1']; $image2 = $row['image2']; $forma = ''; if($ratio < 1) { $forma = '<div class="error" id="show_error">Your ratio is to low to place Bet</div>'; } elseif ($laikas > $finish) { $forma = '<div class="error" id="show_error">This bet Hase been ended</div>'; } elseif ($laikas > $finish) { $team1 = $row['team1']; $team2 = $row['team2']; $komanda = ''; $komanda = $team1; $komanda2 = ''; $komanda2 = $team2; } elseif ($arr[0] > 0) { $forma = '<div class="success">You have placed bet here</div>'; } else{ $team1 = $row['team1']; $team2 = $row['team2']; $pisk = '<input type="checkbox" name="komanda" value="'.$team1.'" />'; $pisk2 = '<input type="checkbox" name="komanda" value="'.$team2.'" />'; $komanda = ''; $komanda = $team1.$pisk; $komanda2 = ''; $komanda2 = $team2.$pisk2; $forma = 'This bet end on:'. date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$row['finish']).''; eval("\$betting_form = \"".$TSUE['TSUE_Template']->LoadTemplate('betting_form')."\";"); $forma .= $betting_form; } eval("\$betting_rezults = \"".$TSUE['TSUE_Template']->LoadTemplate('betting_rezults')."\";"); $statymai .= $betting_rezults; } if (isset($_POST['placebet'])) { $statymo_dydis = ''; $statymo_dydis = 1073741824; $suma = $_POST['suma']; $statoma = $suma * $statymo_dydis; $vartotojas = $TSUE['TSUE_Member']->info["memberid"]; $komanda = $_POST['komanda']; $betid =$_POST['betid']; $kada = TIMENOW; $irasom = $TSUE['TSUE_Database']->query("INSERT INTO `rasta_betters`(betterid, betid, memberid, chosen_team, bett, added) VALUES ('','$betid','$vartotojas','$komanda','$statoma','$kada')"); $test =''; $test = '<div class="information" id="show_information">Bet hase been placed.</div>'; $naujinam = $TSUE['TSUE_Database']->query("update tsue_member_profile set uploaded=uploaded-'$statoma' where memberid=".$TSUE['TSUE_Member']->info["memberid"].""); } //Get Page Template eval("\$betting = \"".$TSUE['TSUE_Template']->LoadTemplate('betting')."\";"); //Print HTML Output PrintOutput($betting, $Page_Title); ?>
  22. Thanks for reply im want to do when user have submitted bet its stops displaying submit form way im got now is once im submit bet all other bets comes with message but im want display message just for submitted one bcoz its record user id in sql i can post full code if need to
  23. Hello needed for permissions well dont know even how to ask . im building simple betting and im want to add message if user has submitted bet but problem im got is once user submit all other bets comes with message how to make it work separate for every single row Here is my code $statom = $TSUE['TSUE_Database']->query("SELECT count(*), b.betid, a.betid, a.memberid, a.chosen_team FROM rasta_betters a, rasta_betting b WHERE memberid = ".$TSUE['TSUE_Member']->info["memberid"]." AND b.betid = a.betid "); $arr = mysqli_fetch_array($statom); if ($arr[0] > 0) { $forma = '<div class="success">You have placed bet here</div>'; } else{ $team1 = $row['team1']; $team2 = $row['team2']; $pisk = '<input type="checkbox" name="komanda" value="'.$team1.'" />'; $pisk2 = '<input type="checkbox" name="komanda" value="'.$team2.'" />'; $komanda = ''; $komanda = $team1.$pisk; $komanda2 = ''; $komanda2 = $team2.$pisk2; $forma = 'This bet end on:'. date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$row['finish']).''; eval("\$betting_form = \"".$TSUE['TSUE_Template']->LoadTemplate('betting_form')."\";"); $forma .= $betting_form; } $TSUE['TSUE_Member']->info["memberid"] that is actual user id gets id auto
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