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Everything posted by JudgementDay

  1. Thats strange, the code I pasted here isn't the code. Perhaps this forum software is stripping it. Lets see: <FORM action="result.html" method="post" name="form" onsubmit="return validateForm()"> If you can see the onsubmit, thats what the code is suppose to be.
  2. I am getting a JavaScript warning: It is triggered when I type in a HTML TEXTAREA. This is the relevant code: <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function validateForm() { if (document.forms["form"]["feedback"].value == "") { alert ("Cannot submit because feedback has not been given."); return false; } } </SCRIPT> <FORM action="result.html" method="post" name="form" validateForm()"> <DIV> <DIV class="feedback"><TEXTAREA class="feedback" cols="0" name="feedback" rows="0"></TEXTAREA></DIV> <BR> <BR> <INPUT class="verdana" type="submit" value="SUBMIT"> </DIV> </FORM> Why am I getting a warning about getAttributeNode() when I'm not even using it?
  3. I needed to isset() all of the sessions. Thanks for taking the time to read my thread. Solved.
  4. I am getting syntax error, unexpected T_BOOLEAN_OR, expecting ',' or ')' with this line, and wondering if anyone knows why? if (isset($_SESSION['order']['customerlastname'] || $_SESSION['order']['deliveryservice'] || $_SESSION['order']['paymentmethod'])) { echo ' | <A class="silver" href="/order/" style="text-decoration: none">ORDER</A>'; }
  5. So, could "21.50" be used in a row set to INT or would it need to be in a row set to VARCHAR?
  6. I have a stock install of Postfix from my Ubuntu repository. When I get spam coming consistently from a certain ISP, I block its IP range. I would rather not do this, but technical people under WHOIS don't take action against my complaints. I am wondering if there is a way to configure Postfix to do a MX lookup on the sender during the MTA transaction, to match the sending SMTP's server IP address against the one MX record for the mail thats coming from? Sender (a@example.com) > My Server My Server > MX lookup example.com If MX for example.com contains, accept mail, else reject.
  7. Can decimals be used with the INT data type?
  8. Thats a good point you have made. I could remove them in every combination and see what happens, but I don't have time to wait around for my ISP's DNS to update its cache. Man I wish I was a teenager again.
  9. Thats what I thought also. In that case can line 2 be removed from here (ns1 IN NS
  10. In my zone file, I have: What does "@" indicate?
  11. It seems there is an RFC law that requires it point to a hostname. I can't understand the point in this law. Seems real stupid. Anyhow, I've abided to it. I'm done. Thanks again!
  12. OK!! I think I have an understanding now. I am about to go ahead and save this zone file. Does it look correct? http://i39.tinypic.com/fmt3lk.png
  13. I have just had an interesting thought. I've got this ok: ... well, wouldn't the second line not be necessary? I'm guessing because my domains glue record already points to my IP address? or are chances that most MTA software are not sophisticated enough to put the two together, and I will need an A record regardless for the MX record target?
  14. I can't thank you enough for your help and patience, and I hope what goes around comes around for you. Good day to you!
  15. I see. Thats very fascinating. You have made it so much clearer. I have formulated this solution to stop my problem with mail.mydomain.com showing in a web browser: Should this be ok?
  16. No way.. I have been running a SMTP server for 2 years without any of this, and people have been able to contact me fine.
  17. mail.mydomain.com doesn't actually exist. The only reason I need an MX record is so other SMTP servers can verify me via MX lookup. Would this be sufficient?
  18. Heh, I worry allot. To me, its another entry point. If I removed what I have entered into my zone file, and it replaced it with this: ... would it solve my problem?
  19. Cool. My DNS server has updated its cache with my new zone file. There is something I am not happy about though... when I goto the URL 'mail.mydomain.com', it goes to my webpage 'mydomain.com', when it shouldn't be doing anything. I added this to my zone file when adding the MX. Have I did it right? How can I stop this behavior?
  20. I just added a MX record to my zone file. I queried a MX record for my domain name straight after, but nothing returned. I am guessing the server I use for DNS lookup will be using a cached record, rather than looking up my DNS server real time, and that their cache will be flushed when their server does a periodic lookup on my DNS server, which will probably be within 48 hours, right?
  21. I see. Now I understand data types. Thanks man!
  22. I have a table with a row called id. In this table there are 15 records: id 1, id 2, id 3 etc. I want to select the record with the highest id, which would be 15 I was using this code: SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 ... but it selects 9, and not 15. Then I used this code: SELECT MAX(id) FROM products ... and this also only selects 9. To me, this suggests my table is not setup right for this to work. Does anyone know what could be going on? | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | id | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | |
  23. How can I select from a table based on either A or B? In PHP: if ($row['A'] || $row['B']) {echo "foobar";} In street talk: In MySQL: ?
  24. Hi! var_dump()ing gives me: What do you mean by the problem is that your condition is not returning true?
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