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Everything posted by ben_ford

  1. Hi there, I am using the jQuery, Ajax PHP code which is given at http://roshanbh.com.np/2008/04/ajax-login-validation-php-jquery.html The form I am using, which is in index.html, is: <form method="post" action="" name="login" id="login_form"> <div class="field_row"> <div class="label_container"> <label>Email</label> </div> <div class="field_container"> <input type="text" placeholder="login with your email address..." name="email_address" id="email_address" value="" class="large" /> </div> <div class="clear"><span class="nodisp"> </span></div> </div> <div class="field_row"> <div class="label_container"> <label>Password</label> </div> <div class="field_container"> <input type="password" placeholder="...and password" name="password" id="password" value="" class="large" /> </div> <div class="clear"><span class="nodisp"> </span></div> </div> <div class="final_row"> <input type="image" src="images/login_blue.gif" id="user_login_button" name="user_login_button" value="login" id="submit" class="submit_button" /> <div class="final_row_text_container" > <a href="/login/forgot_password" style="color: #008ee8;" class="small_text">Forgot your Password?</a> <br /> <span id="msgbox" style="display:none"></span> </div> </div> <div class="clear"><span class="nodisp"> </span></div> </form> The Javascript, which is situated in the head of index.html. is: <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#login_form").submit(function() { //remove all the class add the messagebox classes and start fading $("#msgbox").removeClass().addClass('messagebox').text('Validating....').fadeIn(1000); //check the email address exists or not from ajax $.post("login_ajax.php",{ email_address:$('#email_address').val(),password:$('#password').val(),rand:Math.random() } ,function(data) { if(data=='yes') //if correct login detail { $("#msgbox").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() //start fading the messagebox { //add message and change the class of the box and start fading $(this).html('Logging in.....').addClass('messageboxok').fadeTo(900,1, function() { //redirect to secure page document.location='secure.php'; }); }); } else { $("#msgbox").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() //start fading the messagebox { //add message and change the class of the box and start fading $(this).html('Your login details are incorrect.').addClass('messageboxerror').fadeTo(900,1); }); } }); return false; //not to post the form physically }); //now call the ajax also focus move from $("#password").blur(function() { $("#login_form").trigger('submit'); }); }); </script> And the PHP, in login_ajax.php, is: <?php session_start(); $host = "localhost"; $user = "bford"; $pass = "bford"; $db = "bford"; $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if (!link) { die('<strong>Error(s) occured:</strong> Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $db_selected = mysql_select_db($db, $link); if (!db_selected) { die ('<strong>Error(s) occured:</strong> Cant use bford: ' . mysql_error()); } //get the posted values $email_address=$_GET['emailaddress']; $pass=$_GET['password']; //now validating the username and password $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE email_address='".$email_address."'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); //if username exists if(mysql_num_rows($result)>0) { //compare the password if($row["password"],$pass)==1 { echo "yes"; //now set the session from here if needed $_SESSION["user_name"]=$userID; } else echo "no"; } else echo "no"; //Invalid Login ?> I have been working on this for days now, changing around the form names, database table names, php variables, allsorts! I still cannot get it functioning properly. When I input a correct email_address and password combination, the 'Your login details are incorrect.' message still appears. Help would be much appreciated. Ben.
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