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Everything posted by ram_sanjay76

  1. i have downloaded a basic php site from "http://www.basiclogin.com/" when i deploy it i get a lot of errors... can you help me out???
  2. did u test the code ive sent u?? im using php 5.3.5v im getting the following errors 1)wrong username and password 2)and it says session_is_registered deprecated???
  3. hi,my name is sanjay,thanks for your reply. really i havent made my step yet! see the attatchment... create the following database:"test" table:"login_table" in that table there are two columns username,password.. i would b so grateful to you if u guide and pull me out of this situation... 17575_.txt
  4. hey guys!, im finding it difficult to do my miniproj on "alumni websit" can you help me out? features: 1)first page is the login/register page where we can login as a admin or a member 1.1)logged in as a member we should have features like sending messages to other members we should be able to post in open forum see in the second step when we post in the forum, the admin will hav to approve whether to post it or not(basing on the adult content) 1.2)logged in as a admin he should be able to remove users,approve messages
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